Freelance Traveller Index (2019 Edition)


Version 0.35: Issues 91-123

by Shannon Appelcline


History: 2009-Present

Freelance Traveller is not only the longest-running fanzine ever published for Traveller, but it's also likely the longest-running fansite for Traveller, and for that matter the longest-running Traveller entity of any type.

Editor Jeff Zeitlin wrote in Freelance Traveller #0 (November 2009) that his Freelance Traveller website had already been around for 15 years by that point, which would date it to late 1994 or early 1995. At that time, GDW, the original publisher of Traveller, was still in existence and Traveller: The New Era (1993) was still in print as the (mere) third iteration of the Traveller game. It was a different time.

In the beginning, Freelancer Traveller was merely a website, not a fanzine. But it was a website that ran articles from a variety of writers. It actively sought them out, asking for permission to reprint from sources such as the Traveller Mailing List and even from some fanzines of the final era of print 'zines, such as Dark Star II (1996).

The website and its collection of articles ran on a variety of hosted URLs, most of them lost to the mists of time. However around 1998 it settled on the biggest Traveller website of the era, Downport, alongside other Traveller websites such as History of the Imperium Working Group, the Eaglestone Collection, Andrew Moffatt-Vallance's vehicles and weapons, Stuart Ferris' World Builder Deluxe / Heaven & Earth software, and Lewis Roberts' BARD Pages. (Many more would follow.) Around the same time, writers began to proactively submit articles to Freelance Traveller, so that Zeitlin didn't have to track them down on his own. In December 2001 Freelance Traveller finally acquired its own URL:, which it was using by early 2002.

As the '90s passed into the '00s, the Long Night fell on Traveller. GDW's pseudo-successor Imperium Games went out of business and with it, publication of the Traveller game system came to an end (though the universe of Charted Space continued using other RPG systems such as GURPS, Hero, and d20). Traveller's rich universe of fanzines died out as well, with HIWG-focused fanzines such as AAB Proceedings (1989-1999), Starburst (1991?-1999), and The Meshan Saga (1995-1999) being the last to fall. Freelance Traveller, with its regularly updated web-based articles and news, was the closest thing to a fanzine between the death of the final HIWG 'zines in 1999 and the rise of Stellar Reaches (2005-2018?) as the first of many digital PDF 'zines half-a-decade later.

In 2008, the Long Night came to an end with the publication of the first edition of a new Traveller RPG from Mongoose Publishing. Combined with the ease of digital publication, more PDF Traveller fanzines began to arise: Frontier Report (2009), ever so briefly in April 2009, then Freelance Traveller "Magazine" that November. It was just an experiment when Zeitlin published that brief zeroth isue, but the result was overwhelming positive. As a result, it was followed by a more comprehensive Freelance Traveller #1 (2010) the next January. People responded positively to the regular collections of content, and so a new fanzine was born!

Freelance Traveller mainly consisted of new content, but over the years it has also reprinted considerable material from other sources. The pre-magazine web site has always been a source of Freelance Traveller material, but Zeitlin has also drawn from other websites (such as this historian's material written for RPGnet) and in more recent years other magazines such as Cepheus Journal (2020-Present) and even the Spanish-language Vuelo Raso (2021-Present). Everything written for the magazine also continues to be placed on the web site in neatly categorized topics.

Originally monthly, Freelance Traveller shifted to a bimonthly schedule in 2016, but doubled the size of the issues to make up for it.

As of this writing, Freelance Traveller as a PDF magazine has added on another 13 years to the original 15 years of Freelancer Traveller as an article-based website. Its 114 issues utterly eclipse every other fanzine or magazine ever produced for Traveller. If one were to count GDW's science-fiction magazine Challenge (1986-1995) as a Traveller magazine, it'd be the closest contender at 77 issues, including the previous run of Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (1979-1985). However, just counting pure Traveller 'zines, the closest are the 44 issues of Terra Traveller Times (1987-1995), the 42 issues of AAB Proceedings (1989-1999), the 36 issues of Starburst (1991?-1999), and the 33 issues of Tiffany Star (1988-1992). Moving away from the HIWG discussion 'zines to fanzines more focused on polished articles, the closest is Stellar Reaches (2005-2018?) at 27 issues, just a quarter of Freelance Traveller's run.

Freelancer Traveller's longevity is likely largely thanks to the fact that it's been the product of many, many writers over the years, whereas many fanzines have been largely thanks to single authors. But remaining an editor (and regular contributor) to such an endeavor for such a long period is itself pheneomenal.

Theme Issues

92. Featured: Sherlock Holmes
94. Featured: Squeedles
95. Theme Issue: Vargr
97. Theme Issue: The Compassion Corps
100. Special Supplement 3: Traveller 1700
102. Theme Issue: Starships
107. Theme Issue: Hivers
113. Theme Issue: Psionics
119. Theme Issue: Free Traders

There was no issue 90 (November/December 2018). See the "From the Editor" for the issue for the reasons.

Obtaining the Magazines

Freelance Traveller is freely obtainable from the site.

About the Categories

Most articles in Freelance Traveller are divided into several categories. These include.

This index doesn't repeat these categories mainly because they'd be really repetitive. However it does refer to a number of articles as "AARs", which are "After Action Reports".

About the Contents

This is only a partial index. It currently covers the 2019-2024 issues of Freelance Traveller. It will expand backward over time.

This index is built using the ANSI A (US Letter) format. Numbering for the A4 issue might be slightly different for early issues, which were reformatted. They should be identical for recent issues.

The content is also available on the website in identical form (albeit sometimes with addition corrections that didn't make it into the magazine).

About the Game Systems

Many articles in Freelance Traveller were written for Mongoose Traveller 1e (2008), Mongoose Traveller 2e (2016), the Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022 (2021), or Cepheus Engine (2016). These four game systems are all very close variants of Mongoose's 2008 work, so trying to categorize among them is largely meaningless. If an article contains Mongoose-related game mechanics and it didn't originate in the Cepheus Journal and isn't clearly intended for just a single version of the game system, it's classified as "Mong/Cepheus"

Some articles were specifically written for older versions of the game, most commonly classic Traveller but occasionally MegaTraveller. These rules editions are specifically mentioned in the index where obvious and also flagged in reviews of older publications.

If an entry has no system entry, it is system-independent, as has always been common in Traveller fanzines.

This index also focuses on articles in either the Charted Space (OTU) setting or that are generic. Obviously ATU content appears in the first appendix.

This index is © Copyright 2022-2024 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution.

🧰 Accessories

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Computer Programs
Traveller by the Byte: Vilani Speech Synthesis with SSML Jeff Zeitlin 95 34-42
Gaming with Diabetes: A Guide to Low-Carb Snacking Jeff Zeitlin 91 18-21
Gaming with Diabetes II: Keeping Control At Cons Joshua Levy 93 54-55
The Prop Room: Crochet Instructions for Squeedles Jane Polwin 94 43
Cardboard Figures Ewan Quibell 104 15-19

🎞️ Adventures: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Mini-Game
Chamax Escape Golden Age Mong/Cepheus Greg Caires & Tom Price 123 3-7
A Solo Traveller-Themed Game Potato Jeff Zeitlin 115 59
Aliens, Misc, Minor, Lacerto
Lizard on Board1 Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Gazika Márquez 120 45-50
Aliens, Misc, Uplifts
Almost Alien2 Cepheus Jo Jaquinta 115 13-17
Aliens, Aslan
The Rubinian Honour Gambit Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Benedikt Schwarz 111 5-23
Aliens, Humaniti, Solomani
Lathanum Hunt Jim Vassilakos 94 49-51
Aliens, Vargr
Sex and the Single Vargr Golden Age Joe Webb 95 27-30
Careers, Noble
Unfit Richard Aiken 92 44-45
The Plague Robbery Jefrey Schwarz 101 9-16
Unfixed Bill Cameron 94 18-22
Clash of Cultures Garry Ward 45 16-19
Delivery, Escort
Mtihani Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 91 6-9
The Asklepios Recovery3 Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 60 11-16
The Asklepios Recovery (reprint) Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 97 43-48
Environment, Plains
In Loco Parentis Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 112 50-53
Environment, Space
Snowfall Joe Webb 96 33-38
The Sons of Rudurgu Traveller 1e Michael Brown 44 5-9
The Sons of Rudurgu (reprint) Traveller 1e Michael Brown 101 41-46
The Asklepios Recovery3 Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 60 11-16
The Asklepios Recovery (reprint) Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 97 43-48
Medevac!4 Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 118 3-11
The Seeds of a War Gone Cold Thomas Barclay 103 25-27
A Jolly (Roger) Good Time Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Rick Morey 31 15-21
Clash of Cultures Garry Ward 45 16-19
Clash of Cultures (reprint) Garry Ward 123 53-56
A Jolly (Roger) Good Time (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Rick Morey 122 52-58
The Pendente Schoool for Exceptionally Talented Juveniles5 Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Greg Caires 115 7-13
Thomas's Theorem6 Mong/Cepheus J. Fernando Martín 116 35-41
A Troubled Mind Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Timothy Collinson 113 15-19
Space Stations
Rites of Passage Roger Barr 93 26-28
Lathanum Hunt Jim Vassilakos 94 49-51
Starships, Passengers
Filters and Explosions1 9 Mong/Cepheus Gazika Márquez 122 9-10
Lizard on Board Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Gazika Márquez 120 45-50
Sex and the Single Vargr Golden Age Joe Webb 95 27-30
Starships, Salvage
Helzr's Recovery/Salvage and Repossession Services7 Cepheus Golden Age Graham Bayley 111 46-55
Helzr's Recovery/Salvage and Repossession Services Part 28 Cepheus Golden Age Graham Bayley 114 51-58
The Fury Tank Battle MegaTraveller WWII Eqan Quibell 104 54-55
  1. Translated from VUELO RASO #1 (2021).
  2. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #11 (2022).
  3. Expanded as THE ASKLEPIOS RECOVERY (2019), a "Science Fiction 2D6" supplement from MICHAEL BROWN.
  4. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #12 (2022) with new sections on NPCs and Equipment.
  5. Run as "Traveller: Stranger Things" at TravellerCON/USA 2022. Connected to the articles "Character Generation for Adolescents" and "Alternative Psionics for Traveller", also in FREELANCE TRAVELLER #115 (2023).
  6. Translated from VUELO RASO #6 (2023).
  7. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #1 (2020).
  8. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #4 (2021).
  9. Set on the world of Sombra from "Jump Destination: Sombra" in FREELANCE TRAVELLER #121 (2024).

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Spinward Marches
A Jolly (Roger) Good Time Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Rick Morey 31 15-21
A Jolly (Roger) Good Time (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Rick Morey 122 52-58
A Troubled Mind Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Timothy Collinson 113 15-19
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C]
Rites of Passage [Yorbund: 2303] Roger Barr 93 26-28
Festival [Rethe: 2408] Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Richard Morey 27 8-13
Festival [Rethe: 2408] (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Richard Morey 106 41-47
Spinward Marches, Lanth Subsector [G]
The Tale of the Black Freighter [Abyss Rift]2 Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Alex Greene 109 26-36
Spinward Marches, Sword Worlds [J]
The Missed Interview Mong/Cepheus Rebellion David Johnson 110 45-47
A Zhdantian Trader in the Sacnoth Dominate Mong/Cepheus Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 113 24-26
The Deadly Garden [Tizon: 922] Mong/Cepheus Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 115 38-40
Spinward Marches, Mora Subsector [L]
Banking the Break Michael Viviano 22 11-12
Banking the Break (reprint) Michael Viviano 117 25-26
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It's the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".
  2. Inspired by ANNIC NOVA from JTAS #1 (GDW, 1979)

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sol1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Neworld Sector
Neworld Sector, Oppenheimer Subsector
Spindrift [Spindrift: 2437]2 Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Timothy Collinson 119 13-17
Solomani Rim
Solomani Rim. Sol Subsector [K]
Dismal Luck [Dismal: 2330] Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Peter Arundel 18 3-6
Dismal Luck [Dismal: 2330] (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Peter Arundel 112 10-13

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium Outskirts1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Foreven Sector
The Visitors Alvin Plummer 91 34-42
Foreven Sector, Fessor Subsector [H]
Apinanto Assist [Apinanto: 3014] Golden Age Ewan Quibell 119 22-24
Foreven Sector, Reidan Subsector [L]
The Sylan Extraction [Syl: 2724] Jim Vassilakos 100 57-59
Chamax Escape [Raschev: 3230] Golden Age Mong/Cepheus Greg Caires & Tom Price 123 3-7

⌛️️️ Adventures: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Ages, Collapse (1129-1199)
The Visitors [1134] Alvin Plummer 91 34-42

🗣️ Adventures: Patrons

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Aliens, Ancients
This Old Drone Jim Vassilakos 121 52-53
Aliens, Humaniti, Zhodani
This Old Drone Jim Vassilakos 121 52-53
Careers, Administrator
Ham Sinclair Daniel Phelps 99 56
Careers, Entertainer, Writer
Historical Author Paul Taistrick 99 40-41
Iosif Kliedaries Traveller 1e ATU Ken Pick 92 14-17
Careers, Merchant Prince
Angry Tweeties Jim Vassilakos 121 53-55
Red Zone Louis Wester 102 27-28
Organizations, Classification Societies
Spacecraft Classification Societies as Patron Chris Barlow 104 30-34

🌱️️️ Adventures: Seeds

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Feeding the Crew Frank Miskevich 109 43-51
Jump Theory Joseph Jaquinta 109 21-25
Misc, Factions
Factions as Characters1 Cepheus Paul Elliott 105 24-26
Misc, Sources of Inspiration
The South Seas Island Adventures Kevin Scrivner 103 54-59
Aliens, Humaniti, Zhodani
The 200T False Trader Richard Huxton 116 6-8
Careers, Detective
The Game is Afoot Timothy Collinson 92 51-53
Civil Unrest
Coup Traveller 1e Jeff Zeitlin 97 58-59
Forest for the Trees Benjamin Pew 117 58-59
Corporate, Anti
The Kidnapping of Major L. Fure'du Mong/Cepheus Donald Hahn 98 12-13
Deliver Medicine P-O Bergstedt 121 59
Disaster, Shipboard
Van Go-Go-Go James Huron 118 43
Coup Traveller 1e Jeff Zeitlin 97 58-59
Buying Trouble Jeffrey Schwartz 119 38-40
Collector's Edition Jens Rydholm 101 57-58
Deliver Medicine P-O Bergstedt 121 59
Medevac 2 Timothy Collinson 120 11-16
Pirates of the Spinward Main Mong/Cepheus Neil Lucock 104 22-29
Medevac 2 Timothy Collinson 120 11-16
Starships, Misc
Prototype Joel Callahan 102 59
Starships, Ghost
The 200T False Trader Richard Huxton 116 6-8
Starships, Salvage
The Old Ship Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Jack Mitcham 111 57
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #3 (2020).

💡 Advice

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Cheap & Cheerful Storage for Digest-Sized Traveller Books Timothy Collinson 103 12-15
Construction, Fleets
The Caladbolg System Defense Fleet Traveller 5e Golden Age Art Gorski 105 9-14
Construction, Merc Units
Building Your Mercenary Unit: Teeth to Tail Paul Hillers 118 44-49
Construction, Starships
Naval Doctrine and Tech Level Ken Pick 105 28
Game Masters
Alternate Visions of Traveller Shelby Michlin 91 12-14
Charged Encounters1 Antonio Guarás 117 19-23
A Conflict of Styles Jim Vassilakos 106 58-59
Pacing an Adventure: Some Hints Jeff Zeitlin 99 28
Using AI for Your Cepheus Enging Setting2 P-O Bergstedt 114 43-46
Game Masters, Misc, Confessions of a Newbie Referee3
#36: Closer to God Timothy Collinson 91 43
#37: A Change of Course Timothy Collinson 92 22-23
#38: A Job Ad of Sorts Timothy Collinson 93 15-16
#39: Creations Coming to Life Timothy Collinson 94 44
#40: My Babies Timothy Collinson 95 42
#41: Ebb and Flow Timothy Collinson 96 32-33
#42: Write What You Know Timothy Collinson 97 32
#43: Minimalism Timothy Collinson 98 9-10
#44: Rabbit Holes Timothy Collinson 99 45
#45: Half a Million Words! Timothy Collinson 100 28
#46 Not So Easy Pieces Timothy Collinson 101 49-50
#47: Lockdown Breakdown Timothy Collinson 102 50-51
#48: One Thing Leads to Another Timothy Collinson 103 27-28
#49: Words of Affirmation Timothy Collinson 104 15
#50: Hope Timothy Collinson 105 14-15
#51: Hope Timothy Collinson 106 18
#52: A Break Timothy Collinson 107 27-28
#53: Development Timothy Collinson 108 14-15
#54: Getting Real Timothy Collinson 109 20-21
#55: The End Is In Sight Timothy Collinson 110 22-23
#56: The End Timothy Collinson 111 37
#57: The Beginning Timothy Collinson 112 41-42
#58: Dancing to the Music of the Spheres Timothy Collinson 113 21-22
#59: More Music Timothy Collinson 114 26-27
#60: Another Dimension Timothy Collinson 115 26
#61: Room for More! Timothy Collinson 116 59
#62: Actual Play Timothy Collinson 117 24
#63: A Crowning Event Timothy Collinson 118 20-21
#64: Outrageous Peace Timothy Collinson 119 21
#65: More Medtech Please! Timothy Collinson 119 59
#66: A Caring Community Timothy Collinson 120 20
#67: Biotech Timothy Collinson 120 44-45
#68: "Artistic" Maps Timothy Collinson 121 20
#69: Character Descriptions Timothy Collinson 122 17
#70: More Space-based Horror? Timothy Collinson 123 41-42
  1. Translated from VUELO RASO #6 (2023).
  2. An update of an article originally ran in CEPHEUS JOURNAL #10 (2022).
  3. The "Confessions" columns through #56 discuss running THE TRAVELLER ADVENTURE (GDW, 1983)

🛸 Aliens: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Cats of the Far Future1 Jo Jaquinta 121 22-25
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #14 (2023).

🛸 Aliens: Humaniti

Title System Era Author # Pgs
An Ancient Mystery: Darrian Ruins in the Sacnoth Dominate Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 93 52-54
Vilani, Organizations
The Ziranii: A Vilani Psionics Society Golden Age Jason Kemp 95 30-32
Vilani, Religion
The Brotherhood of the Edge Golden Age Jeffrey Schwartz 98 6-7

🛸 Aliens: Major Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Hivers for Cepheus Engine Cepheus Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 107 3-10
Vargr Iconography Thomas Jones-Low 105 17-20
Vargr, Religion
The Church of the Creator Richard Honeycutt 95 50
Vargr, Sports
Goekh Engravuenda (Battle Bikes) MongTrav 2e James Robinson 92 65

🛸 Aliens: Minor Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Kosrans1 Cepheus Paul Drye 115 3-7
The Lacerto2 Mong/Cepheus Gaizka Márquez 120 3-5
Ratmen in Space: The Rattati Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Joe Adams 111 3-5
Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches
Non-Humans in Sacnoth Dominate Space [Sword Worlds] Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 109 38-42
Imperium, Sol, Neworld Sector
Eroctopi [Spindrift: 2437]3 Cepheus Golden Age Timothy Collinson 109 14-19
Imperium Outskirts, Foreven Sector
The Ulara Mong/Cepheus Golden Age RObert Pearce 121 14-17
Type, Insectoid
The Ulara Mong/Cepheus Golden Age RObert Pearce 121 14-17
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #11 (2022).
  2. Translated from VUELO RASO #1 (2021).
  3. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #7 (2021).

🐾 Animals & Plants

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Flora
Ice Lily Mong/Cepheus Martin Carter 96 53-54
Malgorse Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 120 10-11
Rifle Mugwort Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 98 7-9
Rayel Flytrap Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 121 20-21
Skivashi Benedikt Schwarz 97 39-40
Misc, Less Dangerous Game, Misc
Three Shipborne Sightings of Animals Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 98 14-15
Misc, Less Dangerous Game
Bread Worms Mong/Cepheus Cian Witheren 115 24-25
Chupacabra Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 120 18-19
Collinson's Kirpi All Travellers️ Timothy Collinson 102 40-42
Falgaatu and Falgaat Nahr Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 92 9-13
K'colau Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 98 28
Kellika Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 22-26
Leilax Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 95 18-24
Parasite: The Mercurial Fluke Traveller 1e Tom Bladon 122 25-27
Pikerines Mong/Cepheus A. Bradshaw 119 53-56
Podge Traveller 1e Scott Diamond 37 5-7
Podge (reprint) Traveller 1e Scott Diamond 119 56-58
Revvil [Pinkjackets] Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 98 26-27
The Rhabdomane1 Mong/Cepheus Paul Drye 106 20-21
Rudur Benedikt Schwarz 101 46-47
Saphirean Running Owl Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 100 9-13
Skrafolg Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 93 20-28
Squeedles Various Jane Polwin 94 35-37
The Swagfoxx Jeff Wheeler 107 58-59
Ushamaagian Dryad Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 91 22-26
Yenner Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 96 24-28
Behavior, Carnivore
Chupacabra Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 120 18-19
Garniars2 Mong/Cepheus Graham Bayley 114 59
Kellika Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 22-26
Leilax (pregnant) Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 95 18-24
Mercurial Fox Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Behavior, Carrion-Eater
Pikerines Mong/Cepheus A. Bradshaw 119 53-56
Behavior, Cultivator
Yenner Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 96 24-28
Behavior, Gatherer
Podge Traveller 1e Scott Diamond 37 5-7
Podge (reprint) Traveller 1e Scott Diamond 119 56-58
Behavior, Grazer
Leilax Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 95 18-24
Mercurial Mouse Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Ushamaagian Dryad Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 91 22-26
Behavior, Herbivore
Falgaatu Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 92 9-13
Leilax Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 95 18-24
Mercurial Mouse Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Ushamaagian Dryad Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 91 22-26
Yenner Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 96 24-28
Behavior, Hijacker
Kellika Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 22-26
Skrafolg Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 93 20-28
Behavior, Hunter
Falgat Naahr Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 92 9-13
Squeedles Various Jane Polwin 94 35-37
Behavior, Intermittent
Falgaatu Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 92 9-13
Yenner Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 96 24-28
Behavior, Killer
Kellika Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 22-26
Leilax (pregnant) Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 95 18-24
Behavior, Omnivore
Bread Worms Mong/Cepheus Cian Witheren 115 24-25
Falgat Naahr Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 92 9-13
Podge Traveller 1e Scott Diamond 37 5-7
Podge (reprint) Traveller 1e Scott Diamond 119 56-58
The Rhabdomane1 Cepheus Paul Drye 106 20-21
Squeedles Various Jane Polwin 94 35-37
Behavior, Parasite
Parasite: The Mercurial Fluke Traveller 1e Tom Bladon 122 25-27
Behavior, Pouncer
Chupacabra Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 120 18-19
Garniars2 Cepheus Graham Bayley 114 59
Mercurial Fox Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Behavior, Scavenger
Bread Worms Mong/Cepheus Cian Witheren 115 24-25
Kellika Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 22-26
Mercurial Fox Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Skrafolg Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 93 20-28
Behavior, Trapper
Bezel-De Mong/Cepheus Bill Cameron 4 6-8
Bezel-De (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Bill Cameron 112 54-56
Cats of the Far Future3 Jo Jaquinta 121 22-25
Environment, Aerial
Falgaatu and Falgaat Nahr Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 92 9-13
Pikerines Mong/Cepheus A. Bradshaw 119 53-56
Environment, Desert
The Rhabdomane1 Mong/Cepheus Paul Drye 106 20-21
Environment, Jungle
Bread Worms Mong/Cepheus Cian Witheren 115 24-25
Geographic, Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches
Kellika Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 22-26
Yenner Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 96 24-28
Geographic, Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches, Querion Subsector [E]
Bezel-De Mong/Cepheus Bill Cameron 4 6-8
Bezel-De (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Bill Cameron 112 54-56
Geographic, Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches, Sword Worlds [J]
Skrafolg Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 93 20-28
Geographic, Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches, Mora [L]
Mercurial Fox [Mercury: 2624] Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Mercurial Mouse [Mercury: 2624] Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 27
Parasite: The Mercurial Fluke [Mercury: 2624] Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 122 25-27
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, Solomani Rim
Chupacabra Mong/Cepheus Tom Bladon 120 18-19
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #1 (2021).
  2. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #4 (2021).
  3. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #14 (2023).

📚 Background: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Jottings
#7: Writing Systems Jeff Zeitlin 91 9-11
#8: Language Jeff Zeitlin 92 19-22
#9: Pentalties for Transgression Jeff Zeitlin 93 10-14
#10: Addresses Jeff Zeitlin 97 15-16
#11: Facing the Law Jeff Zeitlin 98 16-19
#12: Writing Systems II Jeff Zeitlin 106 28-29
#13: Calendars II: Naming Dates Jeff Zeitlin 110 47-48
Activities, Tourism
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Tourist Services Benedikt Schwarz 112 19-24
Jottings #13: Calendars II: Naming Dates Jeff Zeitlin 110 47-48
Jottings #14: Insults Jeff Zeitlin 112 40-41
Feeding the Crew Frank Miskevich 109 43-51
Salt and Pepper Squeedle Jane Polwin 94 44-45
Dhe Anders Backman 98 59
Jottings #8: Language Jeff Zeitlin 92 19-22
Jottings #14: Insults Jeff Zeitlin 112 40-41
Jottings #7: Writing Systems Jeff Zeitlin 91 9-11
Jottings #12: Writing Systems II Jeff Zeitlin 106 28-29
A Code of Conduct for Psionics Mong/Cepheus Edward Anderson 59 10-11
A Code of Conduct for Psionics (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Edward Anderson 113 22-23
The Code Duello Jeff Zeitlin 112 24-26
Jottings #11: Facing the Law Jeff Zeitlin 98 16-19
Jottings #9: Pentalties for Transgression Jeff Zeitlin 93 10-14
The Ship's Papers Jeff Zeitlin 107 25-27
Traveling Imperial Magistrates Jim Vassilakos 106 24-28
Organizations, Misc
The Compassion Corps Mong/Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 97 6-8
Deep Space Rescue Corps Traveller 1e Greg Alan Caires 95 9-13
Surgisilena Mong/Cepheus Michael Brown 47 22-25
Surgisilena (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Michael Brown 106 52-54
Organizations, Classification Societies
Classification Societies in Traveller MongTrav 1e Chris Barlow 101 52-57
Spacecraft Classification Societies as Patron Chris Barlow 104 30-34
Spacecraft Classification Society Mong/Cepheus Chris Barlow 102 38-40
Organizations, Government
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Traffic Control Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 99 46-48
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Viceregal Palace Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 107 28-33
Real Power is Local Power Andrew Bernstein 97 51-52
Organizations, Misc
Decorations Scott M. Galliand 92 53-57
Organizations, Military, Navy
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Military Dock Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 103 17-22
Organizations, Nobles
Jottings #10: Addresses Jeff Zeitlin 97 15-16
Alternate Nobility Jeff Zeitlin 106 49-51
Real Power is Local Power Andrew Bernstein 97 51-52
Organizations, Psionic
Squeedles and the Cult of Carsten Golden Age David Bennett 94 38-42
The Ziranii: A Vilani Psionics Society Golden Age Jason Kemp 95 30-32
Organizations, Religion
Squeedles and the Cult of Carsten Golden Age David Bennett 94 38-42
Cats of the Far Future2 Jo Jaquinta 121 22-25
Squeedles Various Jane Polwin 94 35-37
A Code of Conduct for Psionics Mong/Cepheus Edward Anderson 59 10-11
A Code of Conduct for Psionics (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Edward Anderson 113 22-23
The Role of Psionics in the Mixed Client States Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Aubrey Forest 113 44-48
Slice of Life: The Mutant Question: Psionics Mong/Cepheus Mike Cross 64/65 43-45
Slice of Life: The Mutant Question: Psionics (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Mike Cross 113 12-14
Science, Medical
Slice of Life: Clone Technology Mike Cross 100 3-9
Space Travel, Misc
Lagrange Redenzvous Joseph Jaquinta 112 56-58
Space Travel, In-System
Sub-Light Travel Mong/Cepheus Frank Miskevich 111 24-34
Space Travel, Jump
Implications of Jump Detectability Gerry Ward 106 36-41
Jump Theory1 Joseph Jaquinta 109 21-25
Space Travel, Regulations
The Ship's Papers Jeff Zeitlin 107 25-27
Space Travel, Starports
Finding Your Way Around the Starport Benedikt Schwarz 96 41-48
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Bars and Brothels Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 104 43-47
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Live Cargo Storage Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 106 3-9
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Military Dock Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 103 17-22
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: The Scrapyard Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 101 20-28
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Search and Rescue Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 98 38-43
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Shuttle Berth Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 97 9-14
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Tourist Services Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 112 19-24
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Traffic Control Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 99 46-48
Finding Your Way Around the Starport: Viceregal Palace Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 107 28-33
Space Travel, Starports, Organizations
The Imperial Starport Authority Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Chris Barlow 108 49-55
Darbol Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 116 8-9
Goekh Engravuenda (Battle Bikes) MongTrav 2e James Robinson 92 65
Technology, Communications
Planetary Communications Mong/Cepheus David Burden 109 5-13
Technology, Virtual Reality
Virtuality and Its Social Consequences /td> Jim Vassilakos 91 43-50
Trade, Raiding
Commerce Raiding and Convoys (reprint0 Bill Cameron 2 12-24
Commerce Raiding and Convoys (reprint0 Bill Cameron 120 20-34
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #5 (2021).
  2. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #14 (2023).

🌌Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Spinward Marches
Spinward Marches, Regina [C]
Jump Destination: Menorb Golden Age 122 21-23
Spinward Marches, Swords Worlds [J]
An Ancient Mystery: Darrian Ruins in the Sacnoth Dominate Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 93 52-54
Non-Humans in Sacnoth Dominate Space Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 109 38-42
Spinward Marches, Swords Worlds [J], Misc, Organizations, Religion
The Aesirist Cult: Religion in the Sacnoth Dominate Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 101 5-9
What’s in a Name? Aesirist Revisionism in the Sword Worlds Sacnoth Dom. David Johnson 110 3-5
Spinward Marches, Swords Worlds [J], Caladbolg [1329]
The Caladbolg System Defense Fleet Traveller 5e Golden Age Art Gorski 105 9-14
Spinward Marches, Lunion [K]
Jump Destination: Lunion GURPS Traveller Golden Alt. Ingo Siekmann 107 14-23
Spinward Marches, Lunion [K], Persephone [2228]
Jump Destination: Persephone Traveller TNE Ñew Era Alvin Plummer 117 3-8
Spinward Marches, Trin's Veil [P]
Spinward Marches, Trin's Veil [P], Trin [3235]
Jump Destination: Trin Golden Age Alvin Plummer 121 25-27
Spinward Marches, District 268 [N]
Jump Destination: Walston2 3 Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Gaizka Márquez 113 37-43
Spinward Marches, Glisten [O]
Spinward Marches, Glisten [O], Misc, Organizations
The DiGroat Packet Line Golden Age Bill Cameron 93 5-7
Trojan Reach
Trojan Reach, Pax Rulin [C]
Trojan Reach, Pax Rulin [C], Cyan [2102]
Jump Destination: Cyan4 Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Gaizka Márquez 123 8-12
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It's the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".
  2. Translated from VUELO RASO #5 (2022).
  3. Offered as a supplement to MARCHES ADVENTURE 1: HIGH AND DRY (Mongoose, 2016), which takes place on Walston. Martin Dougherty's work on the world actually goes back to SPINWARD MARCHES CLUSTER BOOK 1: THE BOWMAN ARM (Comstar/Avenger, 2005).
  4. Translated from VUELO RASO #6 (2023).

⌛ Background: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Eras, Pre-Spaceflight
Design Notes for Traveller: 1700 Traveller 1e Colonial America Greg Caires 100 46
Traveller: 1700 Traveller 1e Colonial America Greg Caires 100 insert
Eras, Interstellar Wars
Combat Equipment Kit of the Ziru Sirka Infantry Interstellar Wars Michael A. Cessna 117 36-39

🖊️ Campaign Design

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Keeping the Adventure in Merchant Campaigns Various Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 17 14-16
Keeping the Adventure in Merchant Campaigns (reprint) Various Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 119 50-53
Designing Aliens1 Jim Vassilakos 116 27-30
Bases, Research
Beyond Our Ken: Describing Research Bases in Traveller Timothy Collinson 118 30-35
Charged Encounters2 Antonio Guarás 117 19-23
Melnone Auction House3 "Neophenix" 119 3-6
Puzzle Fun Jeff Zeitlin 122 59
Pan-Galactic Empires W.N. Vossbrink 121 41-50
Space Stations
Down and Out in Low Orbit Jo Jaqunita 116 3-6
Agents of Governance [UWP: Government] Cian Witherin 94 26-32
Between Size A and SGG: Super-Earths, Hyceans, and Gas Dwarves Ken Pick 108 9-14
Converting Worlds from Milieu 1100 to Milieu 0 Milieu 0 Bill Prankard 93 3-5
Converting Worlds from Classic Traveller to GURPS Traveller GURPS Traveller S.B. Amundson 98 57-59
Expanded Stellar Radius Table Traveller 1e Ewan Quibell 120 58-60
Law Level and Driving Permits [UWP: Law]5 Gaizka Márquez 122 41-44
Making Hell3 Neil Lucock 108 56-57
The Physical World Richard Honeycutt 121 3-8
Planetology 101 Thad Coons 116 14-26
Tidally-Locked Planets Mark S. McCabe 95 50-52
  1. Previously printed in ALARUMS & EXCURSIONS #362 (2005) and CEPHEUS JOURNAL #11 (2022).
  2. Translated from VUELO RASO #6 (2023).
  3. Translated from VUELO RASO #5 (2022).
  4. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #5 (2021).
  5. Translated from VUELO RASO #8 (2024).

🛠️ Equipment: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Planetary Communications Mong/Cepheus David Burden 109 5-13
Computers, Misc, Hacking
A Mini-Game for Computer Hacking Mong/Cepheus John McLain with Jeff Zeitlin 110 23-26
PersonaCore Expert System Mong/Cepheus Scott Diamond 93 55-56
Sketch Board Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 97 41
GalactiCurls1 Golden Age Gaizka Márquez 119 19-21
Old Cleon's Olives Ken Murphy 91 60-61
Temporal Tonic Wine Alan Hume 95 55-56
TL12+ Smartbed Jeffrey Schwartz 122 58-59
Limb Boosters Benedikt Schwarz 92 23-26
Medic's "Red Bag" Scott Diamond 94 45-46
Wetzler Medical’s Pocket Defibrillator ATU Craig Glesner 93 14-15
Medical, Drugs
Anagathics: Doping the Inevitable MegaTraveller Philip Athan 38 24-30
Anagathics: Doping the Inevitable (reprint0 MegaTraveller Philip Athan 120 52-58
Kwil Jeff Zeitlin 10 32-33
Kwil (reprint) Jeff Zeitlin 121 27-28
Singing Crystals Jeff Zeitlin 92 13-14
Portable Chemical Detector, TL9-11 Sam Swindell 102 57-58
Trade, Cargoes
Ice Lily Mong/Cepheus Martin Carter 96 53-54
Wafer Tech Mong/Cepheus Garnfellow 121 12-13
  1. Translated from VUELO RASO #7 (2023).

🤖 Equipment: Artificial Life

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Robots, Misc, Creation
The Robot Animal Traveller 1e Kevin Scrivner 102 55-56
Robots, Accessories
NHR Low-Function 10 Robot Brain Mon/Cepheus Ewan Quibell 98 14
Robots, Designs
Alka Shiriigi Personal Attendant Robot Benedikt Schwarz 102 20-27
[Stats for] Alka Shiriigi Personal Attendant Robot Mong/Cepheus Ewan Quibell 105 21-23
MenaAG Medical Research Robot Mong/Cepheus Ewan Quibell 122 23-24

⚔️ Equipment: Combat

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Battle Dress User Interface at Higher TLs Jeff Schwartz 95 56-59
Battle Dress UI at Higher TLs (reprint) Jeff Schwartz 112 42-45
Kit, Vilani
Combat Equipment Kit of the Ziru Sirka Infantry Interstellar Wars Michael A. Cessna 117 36-39
Weapons, Melee
Buckling Your Swash: High-Tech Weapons Mong/Cepheus Jo Jaquinta 104 3-14
Weapons, Ranged, Lasers
Advanced Lasers: TL-13 Laser Weapons Various Ken Pick 93 17-20
Laser Smallarms in Classic Traveller1 Traveller 1e Ken Pick 103 44-51
Personal Lasers Traveller 1e Bill Cameron 106 18-19
Weapons, Ranged, Slugthrowers
GeDeCo Scout Carbine Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 96 52-53
GeDeCo Suram Rifle Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 94 14-16
Missing Links: Filling in the Gaps in Slug-Thrower Evolution Various Ken Pick 92 58-64
  1. A revision of "Advanced Lasers" from CHALLENGE #66 (GDW, 1992)

🛰️ Equipment: Infrastructure

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Out of the Wind: Sealed Habitats Timothy Collinson 92 3-8
Colonial Shipyard Starter Kits Mong/Cepheus Cian Witheren 94 51-54

🚀 Equipment: Transport

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Grav Vehicles
Aeron Flyer Sting G/Bike Series Mong/Cepheus Geir Lanesskog 100 44-45
Knight SPR Grav Sled Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 98 55-56
Ground Vehicles, Misc, Operation
Law Level and Driving Permits [UWP: Law]5 Gaizka Márquez 122 41-44
Ground Vehicles, Designs
Eliason Class Snowmobile MegaTraveller Ewan Quibell 93 32
Gamlabil TL5 Ground Car MongTrav 2e Timothy Collinson 123 52
Urban-class Passenger Cars MegaTraveller Ewan Quibell 98 24-26
Wheelchair MegaTraveller Ewan Quibell 98 57
Starships, Misc, Construction
Getting Around in Traveller MongTrav 1e Frank Miskevich 95 42-48
On the Naming of Ships Ken Pick 122 44-49
Starships, Misc, Economics
Building a Ship's Financial Profile Jeff Zeitlin 54/55 3-6
Building a Ship's Financial Profile (reprint) Jeff Zeitlin 119 10-12
Buying Used Starships David Billinghurst 104 50-53
Starships, Accessories
An Exploration of Space Probes Mong/Cepheus Frank Miskevich 117 46-56
Starships, Components
Beyond the Iris Valve1 Joseph Jaquinta 112 13-17
Starship Interiors Gary Garnett 94 7-14
Starships, Components, Hull
Ship Structure and Hull Size Limitations Christopher Thrash 121 37-39
Starships, Components, Jump Drive
The Lyman Drive Jeff Zeitlin 40 23-25
The Lyman Drive (reprint) Jeff Zeitlin 102 4-6
The Lyman Drive in Mongoose Traveller 2e MongTrav 2e 102 11-15
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc
I/S Nasirnak Book Ship MongTraveller 2e Timothy Collinson 97 18-23
Shaar Muzaandi-Class Freighter [M: 1300T] MegaTraveller Jeffrey Wharton 103 36-44
Pasteur-Class Hospital Ship MongTraveller 2e Timothy Collinson 97 23-24
Grampain-Class Heavy Liner Warren Henderson 94 58
Ray-Class Subsidized Liner [M] Jim Kundert 106 21-23
M.V. Emma Reid Merchant Vessel Traveller 1e James Davies 102 42-50
Diplomat-Class Fat Trader [A2: 400T] Joe Adams 108 36
TL9 Junco-class Trader2 Cepheus Jo Jaquinta 117 40-43
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc, Smallcraft
SPA Traffic Control Pinnace [40T] MongTraveller 2e Benedikt Schwarz 99 51-53
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc, Smallcraft, Shuttles
Clara Barton-class Bio-evac Shuttle [50T] Traveller 5e Edward Anderson 97 31
Calamity Jane-class Battlefield Evac Shuttle [50T] Traveller 5e Edward Anderson 97 31
Florence Nightingale-class Hospital Shuttle [30T] Traveller 5e Edward Anderson 97 30
Starships, Designs, Communication, Aslan
Tye'su'ikh Diplomatic Courier/Yacht [400T] Mong/Cepheus Benedikt Schwarz 111 20-23
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Humaniti, Smallcraft
Chort-class Shuttle Neil Lucock 108 58-59
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc
Mapepire Viper-class Interceptor [200T] MongTraveller 2e Geir Lanesskog 100 17-19
Starships, Designs, Pirate, Misc
Surcouf-Class Corsair [P: 440T] MegaTraveller Ewan Quibell 114 26
Starships, Designs, Scout, Misc
Type-S(R) Rescue Vessel MongTraveller 2e Benedikt Schwarz 98 43-45
Osgood-Class Long Range Scout Golden Age Jeffrey Schwartz 118 11-15
Water Vehicles, Misc, Construction
On the Naming of Ships Ken Pick 122 44-49
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #7 (2021).
  2. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #10 (2022) where it appeared as "The Junk".

🧶️ Fiction & Multimedia

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Artwork
Invisible Tattoo in Vilani Lettering Benedikt Schwarz 106 35
Misc, Comic Strips, The Pirates of Drinax1
Episode 1: Get Me to Torpol Golden Age Joe Adams 107 46-57
Episode 2: Working for the Man Golden Age Joe Adams 108 27-34
Episode 3: Hunting Pirates Golden Age Joe Adams 110 27-42
Episode 4: A Meeting at Theev Golden Age Joe Adams 111 38-45
Episode 5: Favors Among Pirates Golden Age Joe Adams 112 27-34
Episode 6: Making Deals with Pirates Golden Age Joe Adams 113 27-34
Episode 7: Snatch & Grab Golden Age Joe Adams 115 27-34
Episode 8: Palindrome Golden Age Joe Adams 117 27-34
Episode 9: Meeting Lady Yemar Golden Age Joe Adams 119 25-36
Episode 9A: Marduk: The Preamble Golden Age Joe Adams 120 37-40
Episode 10: Mayhek on Marduk Golden Age Joe Adams 121 29-36
Episode 10A: Mayhem in the Reach Golden Age Joe Adams 122 33-36
Episode 11: Mothers of Marduk Golden Age Joe Adams 123 29-38
Misc, Comic Strips, The Pirates of Drinax, The Solar Envoy
[Crew of the Solar Envoy] Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 37-41
The Solar Envoy: Diplomat-Class Fat Trader Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 36
Careers, Criminal
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 1 Jo Jaquinta 115 44-49
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 2 Jo Jaquinta 116 10-12
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 3 Jo Jaquinta 117 13-17
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 4 Jo Jaquinta 118 17-21
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 5 Jo Jaquinta 119 6-9
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 6 Jo Jaquinta 120 6-9
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 7 Jo Jaquinta 121 9-11
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 8 Jo Jaquinta 122 11-15
The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso, Chapter 9 Jo Jaquinta 123 12-15
Careers, Merchant
The Blackpatch Job Craig Berry 108 42-48
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter One Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 93 28-31
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Two Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 94 54-57
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Three Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 95 13-16
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Four Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 96 38-40
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Five Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 97 25-28
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Six Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 98 20-24
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Seven Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 99 54-56
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Eight Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 100 13-15
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Nine Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 101 3-5
Smoke Test: Once in a Blue Moon, Chapter Ten Michael Capriola & C.A. Pella 102 17-20
Careers, Scout
The Old Scout: Light in the Darkness Craig Berry 110 58-59
Tales in the Starport Bar: Light Adventure Catherine Berry 91 59-60
Genre, Fantasy
The Orc and the Sorceress Jim Vassilakos 91 53-55
Geographic, Vland, Dagudashaag, Arnakhish
The Blackpatch Job [Line's End: 1710] Craig Berry 108 42-48
Historic, Terran Confederation
Lost Diaries #3: Mission Aborted Terran Confederation Dean S. 103 22-24
Historic, New Era
Power Play New Era Roger Barr 104 56-59
  1. Inspired by THE PIRATES OF DRINAX (MONGOOSE, 2017).

🎤 Interviews, Memoirs & Notes

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Design Notes
What is Cepheus Störtebeker?1 Sword/Cepheus 1400 AD P-O Bergstedt 112 58-59
Interviews, Convention Organizers
Caires, Greg [Virtual Traveller 2020] 103 10-12
Interviews, Designers
Elliott, Paul [Zozer Games]2 117 9-13
Golan-Joel, Omer [Stellagama Publishing] 116 41-43
Miller, Marc [GDW, FFE] 112 58-59
Watts, John [Independence Games]3 114 21-24
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #1 (2021).
  2. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #9 (2021).
  3. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #8 (2021).

⬆️ Meta

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Actual Play, Misc, Character Creation
Above the Crowd Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 110 5-18
Actual Play, Ascent to Anekthor
AAR: Ascent to Anekthor Traveller 1e Timothy Collinson 102 6-10
Actual Play, One Crowded Hour
When Worlds Collide: AAR Holy Rood Games Night Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 123 17-25
Actual Play, Signal 99
AAR: Signal 99 GURPS Traveller Joshua Levy 96 21-23
Contest, Ideas
The Great Traveller Make-Off Timothy Collinson 96 28-31
Convention, Misc
AAR: North Star V Timothy Collinson 114 2-20
Traveller at DunDraCon 2019 Joshua Levy 93 7-10
Convention, TravCon/UK
AAR: TravCon19 Timothy Collinson 93 32-48
AAR: TravCon20 Timothy Collinson 99 5-28
Convention, TravellerCon/USA
AAR: TravellerCON/USA 2018 Jeff Zeitlin 91 3-6
AAR: TravellerCON/USA 2019 Jeff Zeitlin 96 8-12
AAR: TravellerCON/USA 2021 Jeff Zeitlin 108 3-6
AAR: TravellerCON/USA 2022 Jeff Zeitlin 114 37-42
AAR: TravellerCON/USA 2023 Jeff Zeitlin 120 41-44
Convention, Virtual Traveller
Designer's Notes: Virtual Traveller Greg Caires 101 48-49
AAR: Virtual Traveller 2020 Jim Vassilakos 103 3-12
AAR: Virtual Traveller 2020 Timothy Collinson 105 36-59
From the Editor [for #90] Jeff Zeitlin 91 63
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 91 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 92 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 93 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 94 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 95 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 96 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 97 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 98 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 99 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 100 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 101 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 102 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 103 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 104 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 105 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 106 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 107 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 108 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 109 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 110 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 111 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 112 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 113 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 114 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 115 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 116 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 117 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 118 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 119 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 120 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 121 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 122 1
From the Editor Jeff Zeitlin 123 1
100 Issues: Musing in Retrospect Jeff Zeitlin 101 58-59
What In Your Opinion Makes an Alien Race Interesting? JPaul Nauni 98 28

🗣️ NPCs

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Above the Crowd Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 110 5-18
[Crew of the Solar Envoy] Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 37-41
Misc, Motivations
A Chat about NPC Motivations Timothy Collinson 123 42-49
Aliens, Aslan
Kaokhtriyh Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 40-41
Aliens, Hivers
M. Danny Nasaya Mong/Cepheus Paul Anuni 107 12-13
Aliens, Humaniti, Darrian
Zan Gaylin Remem Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 39-40
Aliens, Vargr
Arorrbar-Harroga Traveller 1e Paul Sanders 95 54
Ghoeghoe Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 113 53-56
Ngedh Saekeghadez GURPS Traveller Brian G. Vaughan 118 58-59
Careers, Businessman, Entrepreneur
Bhumibol "Tex" Wu MegaTraveller Golden Age Ken Murphy 91 56-59
Careers, Businessman, Executive
Pembroke Colton Krankheilt T20 Rob Miracle 93 58-59
Careers, Detective
Sherlock Holmes as a Traveller Character Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 92 26-36
Careers, Engineer
Jhonjo Rison Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 38
Careers, Journalist
Bourdreaux Delgado Ken Murphy 106 56-57
Ngedh Saekeghadez GURPS Traveller Brian G. Vaughan 118 58-59
Careers, Merchant Prince
Jana Berson Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 37
Careers, Law, Magistrate
Chief County Magistrate Hal Aphedor Mong/Cepheus Jim Vassilakos 106 27-28
Careers, Mercenary
Black Moon Bandoleros Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Gaizka Márquez 123 56-59
Careers, Military, Navy
Jhonjo Rison Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 38
Careers, Noble
Marquess Jenny Hu Mong/Cepheus Sam Swindell 94 47-48
Baron Rory Furminger Mong/Cepheus Ewan Quibell 98 10-12
Careers, Pilot
Tine Korphylo Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 37-38
Careers, Pirate
Brittina Montaigne Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 91 30-32
Careers, Psion
Ghoeghoe Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 113 53-56
Careers, Religious
Brittina Montaigne Traveller 1e Golden Age Michael Brown 91 30-32
Careers, Scout
Ishmael James Traveller 1e Richard Honeycutt 116 30-34
Careers, Steward
Rice Tyco Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 39
Zan Gaylin Remem Mong/Cepheus Joe Adams 108 39-40
Genre, Literary
Sherlock Holmes as a Traveller Character Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 92 26-36
Geographic, Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches
Gunnar Stukki Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Timothy Collinson 97 50
Geographic, Imperium, Deneb, Spinward Marches, Rhylanor Subsector [H]
Baron Rory Furminger [Porozlo: 2715] Mong/Cepheus Ewan Quibell 98 10-12
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, Old Expanses
Pembroke Colton Krankheilt T20 Rob Miracle 93 58-59
Geographic, Imperium Outskirts, Foreven
Black Moon Bandoleros Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Gaizka Márquez 123 56-59
Organizations, Imperial Compassion Corps
Gunnar Stukki Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Timothy Collinson 97 50
Organizations, Operation Good Word
Brno Kinsmor Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 97 41-42
Starships, Crews
M.V. Emma Reid Merchant Vessel Traveller 1e James Davies 102 42-50
Starships, Passengers
Full Cabins1 Mong/Cepheus Antonio Guarás 119 43-47

📜 Rules

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Background, Alternate
Design Notes for Traveller: 1700 Traveller 1e Colonial America Greg Caires 100 46
Traveller: 1700 Traveller 1e Colonial America Greg Caires 100 insert
Character Creation, Misc
Which Careers Give Which Skills? Various Timothy Collinson 100 50-57
Character Creation, Misc, Quick Gen
Quick Character Generation for Conventions Mong/Cepheus Marc Miller and Jeff Zeitlin 84 34-39
Quick Hiver Character Generation for Conventions Mong/Cepheus Paul Anuni 107 11-12
Character Creation, Aliens
Hivers for Cepheus Engine Cepheus Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 107 3-10
Character Creation, Careers
Artist MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Athlete MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Bounty Hunting Made Easy Mong/Cepheus Mark McCabe 98 45-52
Building Starships Mong/Cepheus Chris Barlow 115 52-58
Citizen Worker MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
The Consulting Detective Mong/Cepheus TImothy Collinson 92 45-48
Construction Worker MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Deep Space Rescue Corps Traveller 1e Greg Alan Caires 95 9-13
Driver1 Mong/Cepheus Gaizka Márquez 112 36-39
Emergency Technician MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Entertainer MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
The Imperial Starport Authority Mong/Cepheus Golden Age Chris Barlow 108 49-55
Paid Companion MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Physician Career Cepheus Deluxe Brett Kruger 122 32
Religious Order MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Scrapper2 Mong/Cepheus Gaizka Márquez 108 22-26
Servant MegaTraveller Ken Murphy 92 37-43
Spacecraft Classification Society Mong/Cepheus Chris Barlow 102 38-40
Surgisilena Mong/Cepheus Michael Brown 47 22-25
Surgisilena (reprint) Mong/Cepheus Michael Brown 106 54-55
Wooden Ship & Iron Men [Wet Navy] Mong/Trav 1e Timothy Collinson 22 33-38
Wooden Ship & Iron Men [Wet Navy] (partial reprint) Mong/Cepheus Timothy Collinson 122 28-31
Wooden Ship & Iron Men [Wet Navy] (partial reprint) Traveller 1e Timothy Collinson 122 24-25
Character Creation, Careers, Advanced
Native Foreigners3 Traveller 1e Michael Brown 105 3-10
Scientists: An Elaborated Career Traveller 1e Neal Oldham 4 15-19
Scientists: An Elaborated Career (reprint) Traveller 1e Neal Oldham 97 53-57
Character Creation, Kids
Character Generation for Adolescents Mong/Cepheus Greg Caires 115 22-24
Characteristics, Motivations
A Chat about NPC Motivations Timothy Collinson 123 42-49
It's in the Cards: Character Motivations Jeff Zeitlin 15 13-15
It's in the Cards: Character Motivations (expanded) Jeff Zeitlin 112 45-48
Characteristics, Intelligence
The World of the NPC-i (Non-Player Character, idiot)4 Jim Vassilakos 107 37-45
Characteristics, Social
Social Standing Jim Vassilakos 107 37-45
Combat, Critical Hits5
Cepheus Lethal Hits Cepheus A.R. Kavli 114 46-48
Socially Unacceptable (or The Case for Leprosy)8 Cepheus Jo Jaquinta 122 17-20
Organizations, Misc
Factions as Characters6 Cepheus Paul Elliott 105 24-26
Alternative Psionics for Traveller Mong/Cepheus Greg Caires & Jeff Zeitlin 115 41-44
Increasing Psionic Power in Traveller Mong/Cepheus Paul Anuni 113 57-59
Low Psionics Mong/Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 113 4-8
Salvage, Prizes and Repairs7 Cepheus Tom Mouat 106 31-34
Multi-SKills, or 'Skills' as Certifications Brian Jones 95 52-53
A Percentile Skill System for Traveller Various Michael Hughes 91 27-30
Skills, Experience
Increasing Psionic Power in Traveller Mong/Cepheus Paul Anuni 113 57-59
Starship Operations
Expanded Stellar Radius Table Traveller 1e Ewan Quibell 120 58-60
The Imperial Starport Authority MongTrav 1e Golden Age Chris Barlow 108 49-55
Porting GURPS Traveller Jump Rules to Mongoose Traveller 2e Mong 2e Alex Goodwin 108 6-9
Starship Operations, Misc, Navigation in Traveller
Part 1: The 100-Diameter Limit Dan Corrin 95 24-26
Part 2: Running vs Standing Jumps Dan Corrin 96 5-8
Part 3: Calculating Jump Vectors Dan Corrin 98 3-5
Part 4: Jump Masking and Interstellar Courses Dan Corrin 99 41-44
Part 5: In-System Navigation Dan Corrin 100 38-44
An Alternate Task System Traveller 4e Matt Stevens 93 57-58
Roll-and-Keep Task Resolution Guy Garnett 35/36 29-31
Roll-and-Keep Task Resolution (reprint) Guy Garnett 117 43-45
Building a Commercial Atlas Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 57 20-22
Building a Commercial Atlas (reprint) Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 119 40-43
Building a Ship's Financial Profile Jeff Zeitlin 54/55 3-6
Building a Ship's Financial Profile (reprint) Jeff Zeitlin 119 10-12
Keeping the Adventure in Merchant Campaigns Various Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 17 14-16
Keeping the Adventure in Merchant Campaigns (reprint) Various Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 119 50-53
  1. Translated from VUELO RASO #4 (2022).
  2. Translated from VUELO RASO #1 (2021).
  3. Expanding on the Barbarian in SUPPLEMENT 4: CITIZENS OF THE IMPERIUM (GDW, 1979)
  4. Expanded from an article in CEPHEUS JOURNAL #12 (2022).
  5. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #8 (2021).
  6. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #3 (2020).
  7. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #2 (2020).
  8. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #12 (2022).

⭐ Reviews: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Accessories
BenzNote Hex Grid Index Cards Timothy Collinson 115 35-37
Misc, Actual Plays
The Boys from the Baltic Star Timothy Collinson 118 36-42
Misc, Fanzines
Darkest Stars #1-2 Traveller 1e Timothy Collinson 102 2-3
Cepheus Journal #1-3 Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 104 34-36
Misc, Self-Published, Michael Brown, Misc, Introduction
The Michael Brown Corpus 2D6 SF Timothy Collinson 91 15-18
Misc, Self-Published, Michael Brown
Afterday 2D6 SF Timothy Collinson 91 50-53
A Gift Brought Most Precious 2D6 SF Timothy Collinson 111 23-24
Minor Loot (or, What's in This Guy's Pockets? 2D6 SF Ewan Quibell 111 56
Voices of the Bygone 2D6 SF Ewan Quibell 117 18
Misc, Self-Published, Felbrigg Herriot
Precinct 12 Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 105 2
Misc, Self-Published, Christian Hollnbuchner
Starship Book IIOO: Cruise Ship Paul Anuni 109 37
Misc, TAS, Samuel Penn
A Travellers' Dozen from Reft and Trojan Reach MongTrav 2e Golden Age Ewaan Quibell 110 56-58
Azukail Games
No Questions Asked Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 114 2
101 Religions Jeff Zeitlin 101 2
Avenger Enterprises
1248 Sourcebook 3: The Spinward States TNE 1248 David Johnson 101 17-20
101 Cargos Jeff Zeitlin 119 17-19
Hellion's Hoard Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 121 40
DB Game Design
Venture Class Frontier Courier MongTrav 1e Paul Anuni 108 41-42
The Travellers' Digest #1-4 / The Early Adventures Traveller 1e Golden Age David Johnson 115 18-22
El Cheapo Products
Danifred Class Light Trader MongTrav 2e Paul Anuni 118 16
Far Future
The Atlas of the Imperium: Second Survey Golden Age Timothy Collinson 96 48-51
Far Future, Misc, CD-Roms
CD-ROM: Apocrypha II — Judges Guild Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 96 2-5
CD-ROM: Apocrypha III — The Lost Supplements Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 97 2-6
CD-ROM: Classic Traveller Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 99 2-4
CD-ROM: GURPS Traveller GURPS Traveller Golden Alt. Thomas Joes-Low 100 2-3
The Legend of the Sky Raiders Traveller 1e Golden Age Ewan Quibell 104 19-22
Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 117 2-3
GDW, Classic Traveller
Adventure 8: Prison Planet Traveller 1e Golden Age Luke Gearing 120 34-36
Alien Module 7: Hivers Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 107 33-37
Alien Realms Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 111 2-3
Double Adventure 3: The Argon Gambit/Death Station Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 121 17-19
Double Adventure 4: Marooned / Marooned Alone Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 123 2-3
Group One
Geptorem Traveller 1e Golden Age Ewan Quibell 103 37-38
Theta Borealis Sector Traveller 1e Golden Age Ewan Quibell 101 51
Independence Games, Anderson and Felix
Anderson and Felix Optional Components Guide Cepheus Clement Sector Steve Attwood 92 18-19
Independence Games, Career Tracks
Career Track 1: Medic MongTraveller 1e Jeff Zeitlin 97 29-30
Independence Games, Clement Sector, Misc
Wondrous Menagerie Cepheus Clement Sector Jeff Zeitlin 117 35-36
Tree of Life Cepheus Clement Sector Jeff Zeitlin 118 2-3
Independence Games, Clement Sector, Adventures
The Slide Cepheus Clement Sector Jeff Zeitlin 108 2-3
Independence Games, Clement Sector, Adventures, Cascadia
Cascadia Adventures 1: Save Our Ship MongTrav 1e Clement Sector Megan Robertson 96 20-21
Cascadia Adventures 2: The Lost GirL MongTrav 1e Clement Sector Megan Robertson 97 17-18
Cascadia Adventures 3: Fled MongTrav 1e Clement Sector Megan Robertson 98 19-20
Independence Games, Plots
21 Plots Second Edition Cepheus Clement Sector Ewan Quibell 113 20-21
21 Plots Too Cepheus Clement Sector Ewan Quibell 114 20-21
21 Plots III Cepheus Clement Sector Ewan Quibell 114 20-21
21 Plots Go Forth Cepheus Clement Sector Ewan Quibell 115 2
Independence Games, Starships
Ships of Clement Sector 4-6: Traders, Scouts, and Small Craft Cepheus Clement Sector "kafka" 94 16-17
Trade Empire-class Commercial Transport Cepheus Clement Sector Paul Hillers 111 34-37
Jon Brazer Enterprises, Foreven Worlds
Creature of Distant Worlds MongTrav 2e Brett Kruger 98 2
Creature of Distant Worlds MongTrav 2e Bryan Sycamore 96 32
Judges Guild
Dra'k'ne Station Traveller 1e Paul Anuni 114 35
Klomster's Workshop
Barreller MongTrav 2e Ewan Quibell 109 20
March Harrier Publishing
The Second Scions' Society MongTrav 2e Jeff Zeitllin 110 43-45
See How They Run MongTrav 2e Jeff Zeitllin 104 2-3
The Zhodani Candidate MongTrav 2e Megan Robertson 99 49-50
Marischal Adventures
Flight of the Stag Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 120 2-3
The Scotian Huntress Campaign Traveller 1e Golden Age Paul Anuni 116 2-3
Mongoose, Misc
This is Free Trader Beowulf Timothy Collinson 123 50-52
Mongoose, MongTrav 1e, Adventures
Adventure 4: Into the Unknown MongTrav 1e Jeff Zeitlin 103 2-3
Campaign 1: Secrets of the Ancients MongTrav 1e "kafka" 91 61-63
Mongoose, MongTrav 1e, Books
Book 4: Psion MongTrav 1e Paul Anuni 113 2-4
Mongoose, MongTrav 1e, Supplements
Supplement 14: Space Stations MongTrav 1e kafka 98 37
Mongoose, MongTrav 2e
Behind the Claw MongTrav 2e Timothy Collinson 101 37-41
Central Supply Catalogue MongTrav 2e Mike Mekler 94 33-35
Element Cruisers MongTrav 2e Jeff Zeitlin 95 2-6
Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society [v4 #1-6] MongTrav 2e Timothy Collinson 99 37-40
Mercenary: A Quick First Look MongTrav 2e Timothy Collinson 112 2-9
Referee's Screen MongTrav 2e Megan Robertson 93 31
Sector Construction Guide MongTrav 2e Jeff Zeitlin 120 17-18
Starter Set MongTrav 2e Jeff Zeitlin 94 2-6
Mongoose, MongTrav 2e, Adventures
Great Rift Adventure 1: Islands in the Rift MongTrav 2e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 91 2-3
Great Rift Adventure 1: Islands in the Rift (reprint) MongTrav 2e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 107 3-4
Great Rift Adventure 2: Deepnight Endeavor MongTrav 2e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 92 2-3
Great Rift Adventure 3: Flatlined MongTrav 2e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 93 2-3
Marches Adventure 1: High and Dry MongTrav 2e Golden Age Megan Robertson 91 32-33
Naval Adventure 1: Shakedown Cruise MongTrav 2e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 95 6-8
Reach Adventure 1: Marooned on Marduk MongTrav 2e Golden Age Megan Robertson 92 35-36
Reach Adventure 1: Marooned on Marduk MongTrav 2e Golden Age "the Guvnor" 93 16-17
Reach Adventure 2: Theories of Everything MongTrav 2e Golden Age "the Guvnor" 95 32-34
Reach Adventure 3: The Calixcuel Indcident MongTrav 2e Golden Age Megan Robertson 94 48-49
Reach Adventure 4: Last Flight of the Amuar MongTrav 2e Golden Age Megan Robertson 95 48-49
Reach Adventure 5: The Borderland Run MongTrav 2e Golden Age Paul Anuni 110 2-3
Stranded MongTrav 2e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 121 2-3
Old School Role Playing
Patrons of the Frontiers of Space Cepheus FoS Ewan Quibell 116 13-14
A Rift in Time Cepheus FoS Jeff Zeitlin 116 34-35
Paranoia Press
Merchants & Merchandise Traveller 1e Paul Anuni 119 2-3
Scouts & Assassins Traveller 1e Paul Anuni 112 18-19
SORAG Traveller 1e Golden Age Jeff Zeitlin 122 15-16
Parts Per Million
Players Guide to Solo Roleplaying Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 105 27-28
Polgarus Games
43 Space Opera Adventure Seeds Jeff Zeitlin 100 37
QuikLink Interactive (QLI)
EPIC Adventure 4: Merchant Cruiser Traveller 1e / T20 Ewan Quibell 119 37-38
R. Warfield Game Design
The Evening Star Traveller 1e Ewan Quibell 106 16-17
A Express Boat, Tender, and Scout Ship Traveller 1e Ewan Quibell 103 15-17
Star Quest Games
A Fistful of Credits Traveller 1e Ewan Quibell 104 48-50
Stellagama Publishing
Cepheus Deluxe Cepheus Deluxe Carlos Alos-Ferrer 110 18-22
Cepheus Deluxe Cepheus Deluxe Brett Kruger 114 49-50
Cepheus Light: Three Formats Cepheus Light Steve Attwood 93 48-51
The Sword of Cepheus Sword/Cepheus Jeff Zeitlin 109 2-5
Six Gun: Lasers MongTrav 1e "kafka" 106 2-3
Steve Jackson Games
GURPS Traveller GURPS 3e Golden Alt. Brian Christopher Misiaszek 122 2-7
Third Eye Games
Pip System Corebook Pip System Jeff Zeitlin 102 15-16

⭐ Reviews: Fiction

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Eras, Golden Age SF (1940s-1950s)
The Cosmic Computer, H. Beam Piper Shannon Appelcline 116 44-46
Federation of the Hub, James H. Schmitz Jeff Zeitlin 113 48-49
The Foundation Trilogy, Isaac Asimov Shannon Appelcline 123 39-41
Hunters of the Sky Cave, Poul Anderson David Johnson 103 52-54
Eras, New Wave SF (1960s-1970s)
The Number of the Beast Timothy Collinson 102 51-55
Eras, Diamond Age SF (1980s-1990s)
Legacy of Lehr, Katherine Kurtz Jim Catchpole 102 37
Rocheworld Paul Anuni 122 37-39
Eras, Modern Age SF (2000s+)
A Memory Called Empire, Arkady Martine Benedikt Schwarz 99 57-59
Three Quick Books Timothy Collinson 100 47-49
Genre, Military SF
The Dark Wing Series, Walter H. Hunt Jeff Zeitlin 112 49-50
Soldier of the Republic, Ben Slythe Timothy Collinson 115 49-51
Genre, Non-Fiction
Legal Systems Very Different from Ours Jeff Zeitlin 123 16-17
The Planet Construction Kit Jeff Zeitlin 100 15-16
This is Free Trader Beowulf Timothy Collinson 123 50-52
Traveller, Milieu 0
Singers War: Origin Milieu 0 Shannon Appelcline 122 50-52
Traveller, Milieu 400
Agent of the Imperium Various Mark Poles 94 59
Agent of the Imperium Various Shannon Appelcline 121 50-52
Traveller, Gateway Era
Slices of Life, Martin J. Dougherty Gateway Era Shannon Appelcline 118 49-52
Traveller, Golden Age
Fate of the Kinunir, Robert E. Vardeman Golden Age Ewan Quibell 105 35-36
Fate of the Kinunir, Robert E. Vardeman Golden Age Shannon Appelcline 119 48-49
Shadow of the Storm, Martin Dougherty Golden Age Ewan Quibell 106 48-49
Shadow of the Storm, Martin Dougherty Golden Age Shannon Appelcline 120 50-51
The Wagner Incident, Matthew Kerwin Golden Age Timothy Collinson 106 29-31
The Wagner Incident, Matthew Kerwin Golden Age Jo Jaquinta 107 24
Traveller, New Era
Misjump New Era Jeff Zeitlin 97 49
Tales of the New Era 1: Yesterday's Hero New Era Shannon Appelcline 117 56-58

⭐ Reviews: Miniatures

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Steve Jackson Games
Cardboard Heroes Ewan Quibell 105 15-17

Appendix I: ATU Traveller

🌐 Misc

Title System Setting Author # Pgs
Filters and Explosions1 2 Mong/Cepheus ATU Gazika Márquez 122 9-10
Background, Organizations, Religion
Domina Kokeshi and Domidi Ilundoji ATU Cian Witheren 96 12-20
Background, Worlds
El Alba [Chantico]1 ATU Gaizka Márquez 109 52-56
Jump Destination: Khorlu, Bronson's Star3 ATU Garry Ward 7 3-9
Jump Destination: Khorlu, Bronson's Star (reprint)3 ATU Garry Ward 110 49-56
Jump Destination: Bryant's World, Amberstar System ATU Ken Pick 22 19-26
Jump Destination: Bryant's World, Amberstar System (reprint) ATU Ken Pick 118 21-30
Jump Destination: Nathir ATU Garry Ward 111 58-59
Jump Destination: Sombra4 ATU Gaizka Márquez 121 55-58
Iosif Kliedaries Traveller 1e ATU Ken Pick 92 14-17
  1. Translated from VUELO RASO #2 (2021).
  2. Set on the world of Sombra from "Jump Destination: Sombra" in FREELANCE TRAVELLER #121 (2024).
  3. Inspired by Bronson Beta from AFTER WORLDS COLLIDE (1933) by Philip Wylie & Edwin Balmer.
  4. Translated from VUELO RASO #1 (2021).

🖥️️ Misc, Modern Day

Title Setting Era Author # Pgs
Background, Introduction
Traveller Present Day MegaTraveller Modern Earth Ewan Quibell 106 9-15

🌐 Misc, Travelling in Fictional Universes

Title System Setting Author # Pgs
Alliance-Union Universe1
Travelling in Compact Space Alliance-Union Jeff Zeitlin 122 40-41
Republic of Cinnabar2
Travelling in David Drake's RCN Universe Cinnabar Jeff Zeitlin 123 26-28
  1. Based on C.J. Cherryh's novels such as DOWNBELOW STATION (1981) and THE PRIDE OF CHANUR (1981).
  2. Based on David Drake's RCN series, beginning with WITH THE LIGHTNINGS (1998).

🌎️🚀 Earth Colonies1

Title System Setting Author # Pgs
Gaian Pilgrimage Mong/Cepheus Earth Colonies David Johnson 116 46-58
Background, Introduction
The Earth Colonies Campaign Earth Colonies David Johnson 113 8-11
Background, Organizations, Military
The Lucent Templars Earth Colonies David Johnson 113 50-52
  1. The Earth Colonies campaign first appeared in MELBOURNE TIMES #1-5 (1993-1994).

🔴️ Kosmos-68

Title System Setting Author # Pgs
Background, Introduction
Kosmos-68 for Cepheus1 Cepheus Kosmos-68 Andrew Boswell 122 6-9
  1. Reprinted from CEPHEUS JOURNAL #13 (2023).

🛰️ Orbital1

Title System Setting Author # Pgs
The Edge of Helium Mong/Cepheus Orbital Timothy Collinson 104 38-43
  1. This setting was published as ORBITAL (Zozer, 2013) and reprinted as ORBITAL 2100 (Zozer, 2016).

🌎🌎️ Twilight Sector1

Title Setting Era Author # Pgs
Background, Misc, Psionics
Slice of Life: The Mutant Question: Psionics Mong/Cepheus Twilight Sector Mike Cross 113 12-14
Fiction, Twilight Stories #1: Port of Transit
[Port of Transit Part 1] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 97 33-38
[Port of Transit Part 2] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 98 29-36
[Port of Transit Part 3] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 99 29-36
[Port of Transit Part 4] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 100 29-36
[Port of Transit Part 5] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 101 29-36
[Port of Transit Part 6] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 102 29-36
[Port of Transit Part 7] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 103 29-36
[Port of Transit Part 8] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 105 29-34
[Port of Transit Part 9] Twilight Sector Mike Cross 114 27-34
  1. This setting was published as TWILIGHT SECTOR CAMPAIGN SETTING SOURCEBOOK (Terra/Sol Games, 2009, 2010).

Appendix II: Other Traveller Games

🪐 Power Projection

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Tweaking Power Projection for Small-Ship Campaigns Power Proj. Ken Pick 109 56-59
Rules, (Un)Official Errata
Tweaking Power Projection for Small-Ship Campaigns Power Proj. Ken Pick 109 56-59

Appendix III: Other GDW RPGs

🌍 2300AD

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Reviews, Mongoose Traveller
French Arm Adventures MongTrav 1e 2300 Megan Robertson 95 17-18
Reviews, T2300
Traveller: 2300 T2300 2300 Megan Robertson 113 35-37

Appendix IV: Other RPGs

🔎️ Ashen Stars

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Ashen Stars Limited Edition GUMSHOE The Bleed "kafka" 96 54-59

🕯️ Call of Cthulhu

Title System Author # Pgs
Invsetigator Weapons CoC 6e Various kafka 98 52-55

🏜️ Dune

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Legendary Dune Dune 2d20 Dune Imperium Timothy Collinson 108 15-22

Ω Omni System

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Local Space 2200 TTA David Schneider 92 49-51
Terran Trade Authority RPG Omni TTA David Schneider 92 48-49
