Traveller in Challenge Index


Version 0.39: 25-77

by Shannon Appelcline


History: 1986-1995

GDW's Challenge magazine started life as the digest-sized Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (1977-1985). However, after seven years of going exclusive with Traveller, GDW started seeing other game systems, beginning with Twilight: 2000 (1984). A new magazine was needed so that GDW could support all of their games. Thus the digest-sized JTAS #24 (1985) was followed by the full-sized Challenge #25 (1986).

The original editor of Challenge was Loren Wiseman, who had edited JTAS previously. But as he became increasingly focused on his new role as line editor of Twilight: 2000, Tim Brown stepped up. They would be succeeded in 1990 by new managing editor Michelle Sturgeon, who would carry the magazine to the end of its run with the support of associate editor Julia Martin and others.

The original remit of Challenge was to cover the GDW games, which expanded to include Traveller: 2300 (1986) in Challenge #27 (1986), Space: 1889 (1988) in Challenge #34 (1988), and Dark Conspiracy (1991) in Challenge #52 (1991). Of those games, Twilight: 2000 and Traveller were clearly the stars, with each issue of Challenge typically including two or three articles for each, with Traveller perhaps seeing the ever-so-slightly better attention. The vast majority of these articles (and in fact all articles in Challenge) were adventures.

Unfortunately, both Twilight: 2000 and Traveller would face troubles over the almost-ten-year run of Challenge — troubles that would be reflected in their Challenge content. For Twilight: 2000 the problem was the end of the Cold War, which make the mini-nuclear war of its background much less likely. GDW's answer was the new Merc: 2000 (1990) setting, which was apocalypse-less. Later issues of Challenge tended to split coverage with one Merc: 2000 and one Twilight: 2000 article. For Traveller the problem was the ill-focused MegaTraveller (1987) revision. The lack of solid background for the game was amply demonstrated in Challenge content that was literally scattered all over the map. One stab was taken at solving the problem in Challenge #39 (1989), which presented a new sector of adventure: the Hinterworlds. But its use was limited, as was that of the Diaspora Sector in MegaTraveller's last days. The Traveller setting only received better focus with its controversial third edition, Traveller: The New Era (1993), but that game debuted so close to the death of Challenge that its contents was just a small percentage of that in the magazine overall.

GDW rapidly increased the scope of Challenge to go beyond their own games, turning it into a general science-fiction and horror roleplaying magazine. That began in Challenge #30 (1987), which included just a single article on Battletech, but within a few issues articles on non-GDW RPGs were taking up half the magazine. Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, and Star Wars were the non-GDW RPGs most frequently featured in Challenge, but a variety of other science-fiction and horror games from the late '80s and early '90s also appeared.

Meanwhile, the magazine was also expanding in other ways. Challenge #25 was 48 pages long, and it was scheduled for quarterly publication. With Challenge #36 (1988) the magazine went bimonthly then with Challenge #51 (1991) it went monthly. Meanwhile, the page count was also climbing, hitting a height of 96 pages starting with Challenge #43 (1990). Unfortunately, what goes up must go down. "Economics" caused the magazine to drop back to bimonthly with Challenge #68 (1993). In 1994, Challenge only managed quarterly production, and then it came to an end with Challenge #77 (1995). GDW itself would close up shop within a year, on February 29, 1996.

In its later years, GDW published a second magazine called Journeys (1992-1993), focused on Dangerous Journeys: Mythus (1992), which was outside of the scope of Challenge since it was fantasy, not science-fiction. They also experimented with the idea of newsletters to spotlight their individual games, of which Imperial Lines (1992-1993) for Traveller was the only one published.

When Challenge went under it marked the beginning of the end of an era for independent RPG magazines. White Wolf Magazine (1986-1995) closed up shop around the same time, and Shadis (1990-1998) afterward became the last magazine standing in the category. It also largely marked the end of magazines focused on GDW games, though a few more incarnations of JTAS followed as did The Traveller Chronicle (1993-1997) and numerous fanzines.

Theme Issues

Obtaining the Magazines

Individual issues of Challenge are available through DTRPG. A DVD-ROM is also available containing all of the issues.

About the Contents

This magazine index focuses on GDW's Traveller, MegaTraveller, and Traveller: The New Era RPGs, with that info appearing in the main index. However, articles for all of GDW's other RPGs has also been indexed, with the exception of Twilight: 2000. (Nothing against Twilight: 2000, it was just too much material to cover while my focus was on Traveller history.) They appear in Appendix II.

This index may be expanded for other content at some time in the future. Or maybe not. If it is, it'll probably be done in the final major steps:

  1. Add All Reviews.
  2. Add All Twilight: 2000 Material.
  3. Add All Call of Cthulhu Material.
  4. Add All Generic Material.
  5. Add All Other Material.

This index is © Copyright 2022-2024 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution.

Main Index

🧰 Accessories

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Computer Programs
A Comprehensive Sector Generator Traveller 1e Marc Miller 26 24-29+
Traveller Sector Generator Traveller 1e Marc Miller 25 39

🎞️ Adventures: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
Foresight [Vincennes: 1122] Traveller TNE Hard Times Kerry Mould 72 19-23
Misc, Campaigns, Behind Blue Eyes Trilogy
Behind Blue Eyes MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 48 34-41
Behind Blue Eyes Part 2 MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 50 28-40
Behind Blue Eyes Part 3 MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 51 20-28
Misc, Campaigns, League of Antares Trilogy
Coreward Conspiracy MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 59 12-15
Lightning Never Strikes Twice MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 68 12-18
Passing of the Flame MegaTraveller Hard Times James Maliszewski 69 16-22
Misc, Mini-Game
Military Academy Traveller 1e Golden Age Marcus Rowland 26 38-43
Aliens, Hivers
Strange Lights over Hokum Traveller TNE New Era Mike Mikesh 73 20-23
Aliens, Humaniti, Vilani
Good, Bad and Vilani MegaTraveller Rebellion Clayton Bush 69 24-27
Aliens, Humaniti, Zhodani
Operation Flashfire MegaTraveller Rebellion Wesley Kawato & Julia Martin 44 22-29
Aliens, Droyne
Power Centers1 MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 66 18-23
Aliens, Vargr
Chosen at Random Traveller 1e Golden Age William H. Keith Jr. 27 17-22
Space Race MegaTraveller Rebellion James Cambias 71 20-25
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing MegaTraveller Hard Times James Maliszewski 67 16-20
Wolf Sport MegaTraveller Rebellion Philip Athans 58 26-30
The Dam Rebellion Kevin Scrivner 49 40-41
Factions, Margaret
Snowblind MegaTraveller Rebellion Dennis Myers 45 22-29
Toll Road MegaTraveller Rebellion Mark Gelinas 45 14-20
Factions, Vilani
Operation Flashfire MegaTraveller Rebellion Wesley Kawato & Julia Martin 44 22-29
Strange Lights over Hokum Traveller TNE New Era Mike Mikesh 73 20-23
Fated Voyage MegaTraveller Rebellion Mike Mikesh 46 26-35
HPPE MegaTraveller Rebellion Robert Cosgrave & Michael Cosgrave 46 22-25
The Madness Effect Traveller TNE New Era Paul Lucas 75 60-65
Killer Tech
Deadly Artifact MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Brines 65 16-20
Mystery, Murder
Death Among the Stars MegaTraveller Rebellion Kevin Scrivner 48 20-25
Organizations, IRIS
The Green Hills of Earth MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 35 23-27+
Organizations, Military, Navy
Boarding Party [Motmos: 1340] MegaTraveller Rebellion Davide Thompson 38 28-30
Organizations, Scouts
Courier MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Mikesh & James P. Ward 38 34-42
Organizations, Wet Navy
Equalizer Project MegaTraveller Rebellion Terry McInnes 61 12-24
Silent Wings MegaTraveller Rebellion Terry McInnes 63 14-19
Starships, Ghost
Deadly Artifact MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Brines 65 16-20
Fated Voyage MegaTraveller Rebellion Mike Mikesh 46 26-35
Inheritance Blues Traveller TNE New Era George William Herbert 74 14-17
Virus, Vampires
A Blighted Land2 Traveller TNE New Era Frank Chadwick 76 26-32
  1. Can be linked to "Again Oytritsu'a" in THE TRAVELLER CHRONICLE #1 (Sword of the Knight, 1993).
  2. A prequel to VAMPIRE FLEETS (GDW, 1995).

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Antares1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Antares Sector
Antares Sector, Shurlarlem Subsector [E]
Passing of the Flame MegaTraveller Hard Times James Maliszewski 69 16-22
Coreward Conspiracy [Ambemshan: 0216] MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 59 12-15
Antares Sector, Sarar Subsector [F]
Lightning Never Strikes Twice [Sarar: 1115] MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 68 12-18
Antares Sector, Antares Subsector [K]
Wolf in Sheep's Clothing [Ansenz: 2425] MegaTraveller Hard Times James Maliszewski 67 16-20
Antares Sector, Zell Subsector [L]
Straits of Magellan Traveller TNE New Era: 1201 James Maliszewski 71 37-41
  1. Material for the Imperium is divided into its seven major domains as defined by the late Third Imperium. The Domain of Antares is the most Coreward of the Domains. It includes the Antares Sector, the Lishun Sector, the Meshan Sector, and the Mendan Sector, and additionally administers the Empty Quarter. much of the Domain of Antares is actually part of the Vargr Extents.

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Deneb Sector
Deneb Sector, Lamas Subsector [B]
Space Race [Gila: 1504] MegaTraveller Rebellion James Cambias 71 20-25
Deneb Sector, Vincennes Subsector
Foresight [Vincennes: 1122] Traveller TNE Hard Times Kerry Mould 72 19-23
Spinward Marches
Spinward Marches, Jewell Subsector [B]
Operation Flashfire [Esalin: 1004] MegaTraveller Rebellion Wesley Kawato & Julia Martin 44 22-29
Jewll Situation [Jewell: 1106] MegaTraveller Rebellion David Schneider 57 22-25
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C]
No Time to Rest [Roup: 2007] MegaTraveller Rebellion Robert Sprinkle 50 14-19
Orbit City [Moughas: 2406] MegaTraveller Rebellion Robert Cosgrave 48 26-32
Spinward Marches, Aramis Subsector [D]
Equalizer Project [Aramanx: 3005] MegaTraveller Rebellion Terry McInnes 61 12-24
Spinward Marches, Vilis Subsector [F]
Kiraag Research Station [728-907: 1214] MegaTraveller Rebellion Jonathan Crocker 51 14-19
Spinward Marches, Lanth Subsector [G]
Demon Dark [Abyss Rift] MegaTraveller Rebellion Mike Mikesh 58 18-24
Fated Voyage [Abyss Rift] MegaTraveller Rebellion Mike Mikesh 46 26-35
Lost Treasure Ships of the Abyss Rift [Abyss Rift] Rebellion Mike Mikesh 44 30-33
Spinward Marches, District 268 [N]
Boarding Party [Motmos: 1340] MegaTraveller Rebellion Davide Thompson 38 28-30
Spinward Marches, Glisten Subsector [O]
Shellgame [Overnale: 1937] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 57 16-21
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It's the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Ilelish1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Ilelish Sector
Ilelish Sector, Miitan Subsector [C]
A World on its Own [Khirar: 2208] MegaTraveller Rebellion Timothy Brown 32 18-26
Reaver's Deep
Reaver's Deep, Urlaqqash Subsector [l]
To Sleep Perchance to Scream [Urlaqqash: 3023] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 54 14-23
Zarushagar Sector
Zarushagar Sector, Lagaar Subsector [C]
Coventry [Westminster: 2009] MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 56 12-17
Zarushagar Sector, Wolf Subsector [K]
Into the Gap [Hepa: 2226] MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 62 20-25
Zarushagar Sector, Oasis Subsector [L]
Undercity [Irap: 2630] Traveller TNE New Era Greg Videll 75 6-15
  1. The Domain of Ilelish lies between the Solomani Sphere and Aslan Space and was the home of the Suerrat Republic. It includes the Daibei Sector, the Ilelish Sectyor, Reaver's Deep, and the Zarushagar Sector, and also administers the Verge Sector.

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sol1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Diaspora Sector
Diaspora Sector, Narquel Subsector [A]
Unholier than Thou [Chuejou: 0510] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 64 11-16
Diaspora Sector, Sufren Subsector [C]
For the Union Blue [Naasha: 2208] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 22-31
Diaspora Sector, Shadigi Subsector [E]
Unholier than Thou [TerraFar: 0416] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 64 11-16
Diaspora Sector, Kushga Subsector [F]
Power Centers [Shelagyote: 1620]2 MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 66 18-23
Diaspora Sector, The Blight [K]
Operation: Wolf Snare [Daariida: 2429] Traveller TNE New Era Mark Lucas 75 26-34
Diaspora Sector, Promise Subsector [L]
A Blighted Land [Promise: 2827]3 Traveller TNE New Era Frank Chadwick 76 26-32
Diaspora Sector, Shumisdi Subsector [N]
Phoenix Factor [Chicago: 1331] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 65 24-25
Diaspora Sector, Khulam Subsector [P]
Outback MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 67 30-35
Short Nap [Egg: 2631] Traveller TNE New Era Mike Mikesh 77 14-18
The Awakening [Futok: 3140] Traveller TNE New Era James Maliszewski 72 35-38
The Hinterworlds
Tourist Trap MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 42 54-58
The Hinterworlds, Tlianke Subsector [B]
Toll Road [Gomms: 1007] MegaTraveller Rebellion Mark Gelinas 45 14-20
The Hinterworlds, Darvis Subsector [F]
Two Small Steps [Bucolia: 1619] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 47 28-31
The Hinterworlds, Nullia Subsector [I]
Behind Blue Eyes [Riies: 0524] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 48 34-41
Behind Blue Eyes Part 2 [Riies: 0524] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 50 28-40
Behind Blue Eyes Part 3 [Riies: 0524] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 51 20-28
The Hinterworlds, Bruia Subsector [J]
Baker's Dozen [Angerhelm: 1026] MegaTraveller Rebellion Thomas MacCarrol with Charles Gannon 47 32-36
The Old Expanses
The Old Expanses, Nicosia/Aubaine Subsector [M]
The Madness Effect [Zloff/Eos: 0632] Traveller TNE New Era Paul Lucas 75 60-65
Solomani Rim
Solomani Rim, Banasdan Subsector [H]
Imperial Research Station Beta [Nyarlathotep: 2720] MegaTraveller Rebellion Randy Windle 42 48-53
Solomani Rim. Sol Subsector [K]
The Green Hills of Earth [Terra: 1827] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 35 23-27+
  1. The Domain of Sol, formerly the Domain of Diaspora, contains the Solomani Sphere. It includes the Alpha Crucis Sector, the Diaspora Sector, the Old Expanses, and the Solomani Rim, and also administers the Hinterworlds and the Magyar Sector.
  2. Can be linked to "Again Oytritsu'a" in THE TRAVELLER CHRONICLE #1 (Sword of the Knight, 1993).
  3. A prequel to VAMPIRE FLEETS (GDW, 1995).

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sylea1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Delphi Sector
Delphi Sector, Anaxias Subsector [K]
Knights of the Blue Feather [Anaxias: 1724] MegaTraveller Rebellion Dennis Myers 47 20-26
Delphi Sector, Eta-Gu Subsector [M]
Snowblind [Zeno: 0339] MegaTraveller Rebellion Dennis Myers 45 22-29
Massilia Sector
Massilia Sector, Kerr Subsector [A]
PlayLand [Clausen: 0609] Traveller TNE New Era Harold D. Hale 76 14-23
  1. The Domain of Sylea is the heart of the Third Imperium. It includes Core Sector, Delpha Sector, Fornast Sector, Massilia Sector.

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Vland1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Corridor Sector
Courier MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Mikesh & James P. Ward 38 34-42
Gushemege Sector
Gushemege Sector, Rure Subsector [F]
Toraago [Toraago: 1018] MegaTraveller Rebellion Clayton Bush 70 24-30
Gushemege Sector, Vipach Subsector [M]
Good, Bad and Vilani [Ushulu: 0137] MegaTraveller Rebellion Clayton Bush 69 24-27
Vland Sector
Courier MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Mikesh & James P. Ward 38 34-42
Courier MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Mikesh & James P. Ward 38 34-42
Vland Sector, Vhodan Subsector
Silent Wings [Vhodan: 1208] MegaTraveller Rebellion Terry McInnes 63 14-19
  1. The Domain of Vland dates back to the Ziru Sirka and is the home of the Vlani. It includes Corridor Sector, Dagudashaag Sector, Gushemege Sector, and Vland Sector, and also administers Reft Sector.

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Vargr Extents

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Gvurrdon Sector
Gvurrdon Sector, Society of Equals
Chosen at Random Traveller 1e Golden Age William H. Keith Jr. 27 17-22
Provence Sector
Provence Sector, Gveghz Subsector [G]
Wolf Sport [Aeghvoekogz: 1712] MegaTraveller Rebellion Philip Athans 58 26-30

🎞️ Adventures: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Courier MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Mikesh & James P. Ward 38 34-42
Rebellion, 1118
Boarding Party MegaTraveller Rebellion David Thompson 38 28-30
New Era, HubWorlds
PlayLand Traveller TNE New Era Harold D. Hale 76 14-23
New Era, RCES
The Awakening Traveller TNE New Era James Maliszewski 72 35-38
A Blighted Land1 Traveller TNE New Era Frank Chadwick 76 26-32
The Long Fall Club Traveller TNE New Era George William Herbert 75 52-56
The Madness Effect Traveller TNE New Era Paul Lucas 75 60-65
Operation: Wolf Snare Traveller TNE New Era Mark Lucas 75 26-34
Short Nap Traveller TNE New Era Mike Mikesh 77 14-18
  1. A prequel to VAMPIRE FLEETS (GDW, 1995).

🗣️ Adventures: Patrons

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Nuggets New Era James Maliszewski 73 16-19
Portfolio of Patrons Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 38-39
Random Nuggets MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 18-21
Six Patrons Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 19-22
Aliens, Minor Races
Minor Alien Race Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 20
Careers, Administrator
Government Official Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 22
Careers, Businessman
Businessman Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 22
Unsafe Deposits Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 38-39
Careers, Journalist
News Reporter MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 21
Careers, Merchant Prince
Merchant Captain Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 20
Merchant Princess New Era James Maliszewski 73 16
Careers, Military, Army
Code Name: Damocles Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 39
What the Market Will Bear Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 39
Careers, Military, Marines
Ex-Marine Officer MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 19-20
Careers, Noble
Noble MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 19
Careers, Pirate
Pirate MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 21
Careers, Religious
Religious Figure New Era James Maliszewski 73 19
Careers, Scientist
Scientist MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 20
Scientist New Era James Maliszewski 73 19
Careers, Spy
Code Name: Damocles Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 39
What the Market Will Bear Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 39
Careers, Teacher
Professor MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 56 20-21
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, The Hinterworlds, Nullian League
Portfolio of Patrons Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 38-39
Organizations, Corporation
Corporate Official Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 21
Organizations, Government
Government Official Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 22
Government Official New Era James Maliszewski 73 18-19
Local Leader New Era James Maliszewski 73 17-18
Organizations, Non-Profit
Charitable Organization Hard Times James Maliszewski 70 21
Plague World New Era James Maliszewski 73 18

⚠️️ Adventures: Seeds, Amber Zones, Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Aliens, Ancients
Behind the Scenes Golden Age Gary L. Thomas 28 26-30
Aliens, Humaniti, Solomani
A Body Swayed to Music Rebellion Charles Gannon 37 16-19
Aliens, K'kree
The Tuktaar Connection Golden Age J. Andrew Keith (JM) 26 46-47
Civil Unrest
Siege Golden Age John Ford 25 37-38
The Tuktaar Connection Golden Age J. Andrew Keith (JM) 26 46-47
Dragon's Fate MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 59 9
Pirates of the Blood Asteroid MegaTraveller Rebellion Marcus Rowland 42 40-41
The Warehouse Golden Age Joe D. Fugate Sr. & Gary Thomas 30 21-22
Children's Crusade MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 59 10-11
Double Feature Traveller 1e Golden Age Marcus Rowland 28 45
The Warehouse Golden Age Joe D. Fugate Sr. & Gary Thomas 30 21-22
Disaster, Shipboard
Wrong Way Valve Golden Age Jeffrey Groteboer 31 34-35
A Body Swayed to Music Rebellion Charles Gannon 37 16-19
Siege Golden Age John Ford 25 37-38
Behind the Scenes Golden Age Gary L. Thomas 28 26-30
A Body Swayed to Music Rebellion Charles Gannon 37 16-19
Strider Incident MegaTraveller Rebellion Duncan Law-Green 53 44-47
Trouble in Paradise MegaTraveller Golden Age Wesley Kawata & Michelle Sturgeon 43 16-19
The Tuktaar Connection Golden Age J. Andrew Keith (JM) 26 46-47
Tournament Golden Age J. Andrew Keith (JM) 26 30, 45
Hostage MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 59 9-10
Trouble in Paradise MegaTraveller Golden Age Wesley Kawata & Michelle Sturgeon 43 16-19
Dragon's Fate MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 59 9
Swift Water MegaTraveller Golden Age John Ford 32 27-29
Dragon's Fate MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 59 9

⚠️️ Adventures: Seeds, Amber Zones, Geographic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Imperium, Antares, Antares Sector
Behind the Scenes Golden Age Gary L. Thomas 28 26-30
Imperium, Deneb, Trojan Reach
Imperium, Deneb, Trojan Reach, Dpres [F]
The Warehouse [Peroi/Torrance: 1219] Golden Age Joe D. Fugate Sr. & Gary Thomas 30 21-22
Imperium, Sol, Solomani Rim
Death Among the Stars MegaTraveller Rebellion Kevin Scrivner 48 20-25
Imperium, Sol, Solomani Rim, Harlequin [D]
A Body Swayed to Music [Miskatonic: 2603] Rebellion Charles Gannon 37 16-19
Imperium, Sol, Solomani Rim, Capella [N]
Strider Incident [Teucer: 1435 MegaTraveller Rebellion Duncan Law-Green 53 44-47
Imperium, Sylea, Fornast Sector
Imperium, Sylea, Fornast Sector, Nareshakir Subsector [L]
Trouble in Paradise MegaTraveller Golden Age Wesley Kawata & Michelle Sturgeon 43 16-19
Solomani Confederation, Ustral Quadrant
Solomani Confederation, Ustral Quadrant, Thalia [D]
Tournament [Thalia: 2909] Golden Age J. Andrew Keith (JM) 26 30, 45

💡 Advice

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Constructions, Starships
Starship Design Notes MegaTraveller Jerry Westergaard 36 28-30+

🛸 Aliens: Humaniti

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Geographic, Vland
Contact: Answerin [Answerin: 0431] MegaTraveller Rebellion James Maliszewski 55 26-31
The Darrian Way of Life Golden Age Anders Blixt 25 34-36

🛸 Aliens: Major Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Grandfather's Worlds Golden Age Marc Miller 27 35-37
K'kree, Equipment, Robots
K'kree Engineering Robot Master & Slave Traveller 1e Rob Caswell & Timothy Brown 28 24-25
K'kree, Equipment, Starships
K'kree Starships: A Human Perspective Traveller 1e Rob Caswell & Timothy Brown 28 22-25
Vargr, Equipment, Air Vehicles
Ship's Locker: Vargr Grav Platforms Traveller 1e J. Andrew Keith 27 29
Vargr, Religion
Church of the Chosen Ones1 Gary Thomas 27 26-28
  1. Originally printed in THE TRAVELLER'S DIGEST #4 (DGP, 1986)

🛸 Aliens: Minor Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Aslan Hierate
Aslan Hierate, Ealiyasiyw Sector
Contact: Ahetaowa [Ahetaowa: 2604] MegaTraveller Rebellion Allan Hopkins 56 26-28
Hive Federation
Hive Federation, Spica Sector
Contact: The Prt' [Prt'aow: 2340] Traveller 1e Golden Age David Piatt and Craig Sheeley 26 35-38
Imperium, Antares, Antares Sector
Contact: The Sabmiqys [Sabmiqys: 2117] Traveller 1e Golden Age Joe D. Fugate Sr. 28 31-34
Imperium, Sol, The Hinterworlds
Stalkers [214-389: 1328] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 52 26-28
Vargr Extents
Vargr Extents, Amdukan Sector
Contact: Hhkar [Skkyhrk: 2213]1 MegaTraveller Rebellion Mike Mikesh 52 16-22
  1. Originally appeared in BETWEEN WORLDS #5-6 (1986).

🐾 Animals & Plants

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Environment, Desert
The Madlash MegaTraveller Kevin Shriver 41 33
Stormrider Traveller 1e Joe D. Fugate Sr. & Gary Thomas 30 23-24
Geographic, Faction, Margaret's Worlds
Lowalaa Columbaformis Curatis MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Mikesh 37 24-25
Geographic, Vargr Extents, Gvurrdon Sector
Bestiary: The Oegongong Traveller 1e Joe D. Fugate Sr. 27 31-32

📚 Background: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Law in the Imperium MegaTraveller Rebellion George William Herbert 50 22-26
Organizations, Espionage
IRIS Rebellion Charles Gannon 33 53-58
Organizations, Military
Prize Court: A Naval Campaign Variant MegaTraveller Rebellion David Thompson 38 25-27+
Science, Misc
Scientists Traveller 1e Golden Age William Connors 29 28-34
Technology, AI
When Empires Fall New Era 64 42-47
Technology, Energy
Cold Fusion1 New Era Frank Chadwick 72 47-48
From Peace to War MegaTraveller Rebellion Jeffrey Groteboer 42 42-45
Planetary Invasions in Traveller Traveller 1e Golden Age Stephen Brinich & James Schwar 25 40-42
Worlds, Phenomenon
Volcanoes Brent Reck 26 31-32
  1. Excerpted from FIRE, FUSION, & STEEL (GDW, 1993)

♾️ Background: ATUs, 2300AD

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Core Subsector
Core Subsector 2300 Andy Slack 75 58-59

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Antares1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Antares Sector
Antares Sector, Shurlarlem Subsector [E]
Map/Subsector: Shurlarlem Hard Times James Maliszewski 69 20
UWPs/Subsector: Shurlarlem Hard Times James Maliszewski 69 21
Antares Sector, Zell Subsector [L]
Map/Subsector: Zell New Era James Maliszewski 71 40
UWPs/Subsector: Zell New Era James Maliszewski 71 40
  1. Material for the Imperium is divided into its seven major domains as defined by the late Third Imperium. The Domain of Antares is the most Coreward of the Domains. It includes the Antares Sector, the Lishun Sector, the Meshan Sector, and the Mendan Sector, and additionally administers the Empty Quarter. much of the Domain of Antares is actually part of the Vargr Extents.

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Corridor Sector
Corridor Sector, Strand Subsector [F]
Corridor Sector, Strand Subsector [F], Itasis [1413]
Map/World: Itasis Rebellion Robert Cosgrave & Michael Cosgrave 62 34
Itasis Rebellion Robert Cosgrave & Michael Cosgrave 62 30-36
Spinward Marches
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C]
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C], Regina System [1910]
Grandfather's Worlds Golden Age Marc Miller 27 35-37
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C], Moughas System [2406]
Orbit City: Background Information MegaTraveller Rebellion Robert Cosgrave 48 28-32
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It's the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sol1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Diaspora Sector
Diaspora Sector, Sufren Subsector [C]
Map/Subsector: Sufren New Era Dave Nilsen 76 35
UWPs/Subsector: Sufren New Era Dave Nilsen 76 35
The Covenant of Sufren New Era Dave Nilsen 76 33-36
The Hinterworlds
The Hinterworlds Rebellion Rob Caswell & "Karl Johnson" (Chuck Gannon) 39 29-52
Nullian League Rebellion Charles E. Gannon 44 36-37
The Hinterworlds, Tlianke Subsector [B]
The Hinterworlds, Tlianke Subsector [B], Gomms [1007]
Data/World: Gomms MegaTraveller Rebellion Mark Gelinas 45 17
Map/World: Gomms Rebellion Mark Gelinas 45 16
The Hinterworlds, Nullia Subsector [I]
The Hinterworlds, Nullia Subsector [I], Essex/Riies [0524]
An Overview of the Riies System Rebellion Charles Gannon 48 42-45
Map/World: Essex Rebellion Charles Gannon 50 32
Zarushagar Sector
Zarushagar Sector, Wolf Subsector [K]
Data/Library: Wolf Rebellion Greg Videll 62 25
Map/Subsector: Wolf New Era Greg Videll 75 71
UWPs/Subsector: Wolf New Era Greg Videll 75 71
Zarushagar Sector, Wolf Subsector [K], Deep Space [2027]
Data/Library: Brown Dwarf Rebellion Greg Videll 62 25
Zarushagar Sector, Oasis Subsector [L]
Data/Library: Duchy of Oasis Rebellion Greg Videll 62 25
Map/Subsector: Oasis New Era Greg Videll 75 73
UWPs/Subsector: Oasis New Era Greg Videll 75 73
Oasis in a New Era New Era Greg Videll 75 68-74
  1. The Domain of Sol, formerly the Domain of Diaspora, contains the Solomani Sphere. It includes the Alpha Crucis Sector, the Diaspora Sector, the Old Expanses, and the Solomani Rim, and also administers the Hinterworlds and the Magyar Sector.

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sylea1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Delphi Sector
Delphi Sector, Eta-Gu Subsector [M]
Map/Subsector: Eta-Gu Rebellion Dennis Myers 45 26
UWPs/Subsector: Eta-Gu Rebellion Dennis Myers 45 26
  1. The Domain of Sylea is the heart of the Third Imperium. It includes Core Sector, Delpha Sector, Fornast Sector, Massilia Sector.

🌌 Background: Geographic, Julian Protectorate

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Julian Protectorate Rebellion Mike Mikesh 49 18-37
Mendan Sector
Map/Sector & Subsectors: Mendan Rebellion Mike Mikesh 49 28-37
UWPs/Sector: Mendan Rebellion Mike Mikesh 49 24-27

⌛ Background: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Third Imperium, Misc, News, Traveller News Service
Traveller News Service [Regina & Chronor: 1112] Golden Age 25 17
Traveller News Service [Regina: 1112] Golden Age 26 37
Traveller News Service [Regina: 1112] Golden Age 27 45
Traveller News Service [Strephon Assassinated: 1116] Rebellion 29 22
Traveller News Service [Rebellion Begins: 1116-1117] Rebellion 30 28-29
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1117] Rebellion 31 32-33
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1117] Rebellion 32 17
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1117] Rebellion 33 12
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1118] Rebellion 34 34
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1118] Rebellion 35 19
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1118] Rebellion 36 21-22
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1118] Rebellion 37 14-15
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1118] Rebellion 38 20-21
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1118] Rebellion 39 53
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1119] Rebellion 40 34-36
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1119] Rebellion 41 30
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1119] Rebellion 42 46
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1120] Rebellion 43 24
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1120] Rebellion 44 35
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1120] Rebellion 45 21
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1120] Rebellion 46 21
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1120 to 1121] Rebellion 47 27
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1121] Rebellion 48 19
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1121] Rebellion 49 42
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1121] Rebellion 50 20-21
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1121] Rebellion 51 30
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1121] Rebellion 52 24-25
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1122] Rebellion 53 54-55
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1122] Rebellion 54 54-56
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1122] Rebellion 55 22-24
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1122] Rebellion 56 22-24
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1123] Rebellion 57 26-27
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1123] Rebellion 58 56-57
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1123] Rebellion 59 16-17
Traveller News Service [Rebellion: 1124] Rebellion 60 13
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1124 to 1125] Hard Times 61 53
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1125 to 1126] Hard Times 62 52-53
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1126 to 1127 Hard Times 63 42-44
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1127] Hard Times 64 18
A TNS Interview: In the Spotlight with Ililek Kuligaan [1127] Hard Times 64 19
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1127] Hard Times 65 30-31
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1127 to 1128] Hard Times 66 30-31
Another TNS Exclusive Interview with Professor Ililek Kuligaan [1128] Hard Times 66 31
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1128 to 1129] Hard Times 67 24-26
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1129] Hard Times 68 32
Traveller News Service [Hard Times: 1129 to 1130] Hard Times 69 31-33
Traveller News Service [Crash] Hard Times 70 46
Traveller News Service [Crash] New Era 71 35
Misc, Third Imperium, Misc, News, Traveller News Service, Parody
Traveller News Service [Regina & Chronor: 4567 to SORY] 59.5 80%-20%
Misc, The Rebellion
Fall of the Imperium Rebellion Marc Miller 30 30-33
Misc, The Rebellion, Misc, Factions, Misc
TNS Conventional Wisdom Watch Rebellion 59.5 42
Misc, The Collapse
Signal GK and the Virus New Era 70 79-81
When Empires Fall New Era 64 42-47
When Empires Fall II New Era 69 63-73
Misc, New Era, Misc, News, CINetwork
CINetwork [1201] New Era 72 32-33
CINetwork [1201] New Era 73 30
CINetwork [1201] New Era 74 34
CINetwork [1202] New Era 75 24-25
CINetwork [1202] New Era 76 24-25
CINetwork [1202] New Era 77 30-31

🖊️ Campaign Design

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Across the Imperium Traveller 1e Golden Age Joe D. Fugate Sr. 28 17-21
Planetary Invasions in Traveller Traveller 1e Golden Age Stephen Brinich & James Schwar 25 40-42
Prize Court: A Naval Campaign Variant MegaTraveller Rebellion David Thompson 38 25-27+
Scenario Generation New Era Clayton Bush 72 25-31
Excerpts from Grand Survey Traveller 1e 26 33-34
Notes on Collapsing Worlds Traveller TNE New Era Mark Gelinas with Dave Nilsen 77 22-28
Twisting Tech Levels [TL] Fred Lee Cain 31 27-30

🛠️ Equipment: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Match MegaTraveller Christopher Willoughby 40 37
Magniviewers MegaTraveller Simon Ward 40 27
Portable Weather Station Simon Ward 40 23
Ship's Locker: Flares and Signalling Devices Traveller 1e J. Andrew Keith [KD] 25 43-44
Grapnel Gun MegaTraveller Robert Sprinkle 38 22
Match MegaTraveller Christopher Willoughby 40 37
Trade, Cargoes
Hazardous Cargoes Traveller 1e Marcus Rowland 31 20-26
Small Cargoes: Three for the Road Traveller 1e Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 27 33-34

🤖 Equipment: Artificial Life

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Robots, Designs, K'kree
K'kree Engineering Robot Master & Slave Traveller 1e Rob Caswell & Timothy Brown 28 24-25

⚔️ Equipment: Combat

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Mercenary Supermart MegaTraveller Michael Brines 68 20
Technical Assessment Database 3 Update 1 Tarveller TNE New Era Michael Brines 74 26-33
Technical Assessment Database Tarveller TNE New Era Michael Brines 75 78-79
Misc, Construction
Black Powder Firearm Design Traveller TNE Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen 74 22-25
Putting the Heat Back in Plasma Traveller TNE Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen 76 37-79
Ship's Locker: Breaching Charges Traveller 1e John Ford 25 44
Weapons, Melee
Claw-Glove MegaTraveller Christopher Willoughby 40 35
When It's Lances, Not Lasers1 MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 49 44-45
Weapons, Ranged
Taser MegaTraveller Kevin Barry 40 33
Weapons, Ranged, Lasers
Advanced Lasers MegaTraveller Ken Pick 66 26-29
Weapons, Ranged, Slughthrowers, Misc, Construction
3G Conversions for MegaTraveller2 MegaTraveller Greg Porter 40 22-28
Weapons, Ranged, Slugthrowers
5.5mm Gauss SAW (Hiver/Ithklur) Traveller TNE New Era 74 27
7mm RC(E) TL-9 Rotary Traveller TNE New Era 75 28
7.5mm RC(E) MMG Traveller TNE New Era 74 28
15mm RC(E) HMG Traveller TNE New Era 74 29
Missing Links [Slugthrowers] MegaTraveller Ken Pick 64 22-23
Personal Weapons MegaTraveller Ken Pick 67 22-23
  1. Intended for use with "Behind Blue Eyes" in CHALLENGE #48 (GDW, 1991).
  2. GUNS! GUNS! GUNS! (BTRC, 1989), or 3G, is Greg Porter's weapon design system.

🚀 Equipment: Transport

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Technical Assessment Database 3 Update 1 Tarveller TNE New Era Michael Brines 74 26-33
Misc, Construction
Wood & Wind, Steel & Steam: Early Tech Design Supplement MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 61 26-30
Air Vehicles
Sandusky Medium Attack Helicopter [35.6T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 24
Air Vehicles, Accessories
Ship's Locker: Air/Raft Tops MegaTraveller Mark Gelinas 45 43-44
Grav Vehicles
Adagar Gravbike MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 31
Intrepid Grav Tanks Traveller TNE New Era 77 76-79
Ship's Locker: Vargr Grav Platforms Traveller 1e J. Andrew Keith 27 29
Ground Vehicles
Abomination Infantry Assault Vehicle Traveller TNE New Era 76 80-81
Bayard APC [3T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 25
Endurance Heavy Tank [4T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 24
Hornet Light Tank [1T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 25
Ironfist SP Gun [5T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 29
Lancet Armored Car [2T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 29
Landbear Tank [3T] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 67 31
Oxwain Truck [2T] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 67 32
68 26
PinkerToro Armored Truck [2T] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 67 33
Strongwing APC [5T] MegaTraveller Charles Gannon with Rob Dean 68 26
Personal Vehicles
Helipack MegaTraveller Simon Ward 40 25
Starships, Misc, Construction
One Small Step MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 45 30-40
Starship Design Notes MegaTraveller Jerry Westergaard 36 28-30+
Starships, Accessories
Ship's Locker: Intership Transfer Device MegaTraveller Mark Gelinas 45 44-45
Ship's Locker: Portable Airlock Dale Hanych 37 26
Starships, Components
Project Farstar MegaTraveller Marcus Rowland 33 33-37
Sublight/Maneuver Drives1 Traveller TNE Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen 72 41-45
Wrong Way Valve Golden Age Jeffrey Groteboer 31 34-35
Starships, Components, New Era
Clipper Modules Traveller TNE New Era 74 30-31
Starships, Designs, Misc, Collections
Ships of the Black War MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 60 25-32
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc
Deltrine Spaceship Capsule & Booster [CZ:100T/ZZ:10T] MegaTraveller Rebellion James Cambias 71 24
Aurora-Class Clipper Traveller TNE New Era 74 32
Maggart-Class Stretch Clipper Traveller TNE New Era 74 33
Affinity World-Class Luxury Liner [Y: 100kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Ryckman 63 21-23
Beowulf-Class Free Trader [200T] Traveller TNE New Era 75 80
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc, for TL9
Going Places (Barely) MegaTraveller Thomas J. McCarrol & Charles Gannon 55 12-21
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc, Smallcraft
Hercules Space Tugs MegaTraveller Golden Age John Faylo 40 31-32
Type 1072 Landing Boat [YT: 40T] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 60 27
Starships, Designs, Civilian, K'Kree
Xeekr'kir! Class Merchant [M: 6000T] Traveller 1e Rob Caswell & Timothy Brown 28 24-25
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc
Piranha-Class Imperial Light Cruiser [CL: 20kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 28
Thibeault-Class Imperial Destroyer [DA: 10kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 31
Gazelle-Class Close Escort [E: 300T] MegaTraveller Mike Mikesh 58 21
Fleet Escort Lisiani [EF: 5kT] Traveller 1e Golden Age Marc Miller 25 18-20+
Amar Hadaash-Class Imperial Fleet Escort [EF: 10kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 31
Derda Kiirgaashu-Class Imperial Fleet Escort [EF: 10kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 30
Mosquito-Class Light Escort [EL: 1kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 29
Tekkatir-Class Special Escort [EN: 2kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 29
Shambalator-Class Support Escort [EE: 600T] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 28
Yataghan-Class Missile Frigate [FM: 6kT] MegaTraveller Rebellion Chuck Gannon 60 30
Lauritson-Class Unsupported Picket Ship [300/400T] Traveller TNE New Era Dave Nilsen 76 36
Bait: Q-Ships in Traveller [QQ: 400T] Traveller 1e Steven Brinich & James Schwar 25 32-33+
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc, Smallcraft
Lance-Class Heavy Fighter [FH: 40T] MegaTraveller Rebellion Charles Gannon 60 27
Fighter Profile: The Rampart IV and V [FF & FM: 20T] Traveller 1e Golden Age Robert Liebman 27 23-25
Starships, Designs, Military, Vargr, Smallcraft
Sourz: The Claws of Space [20T] MegaTraveller Philip Athans 43 22-23
Starships, Designs, Pirate, Misc
Cobra-Class Corsair [200T] Traveller TNE New Era Mark Lucas 75 30-31
Starships, Designs, Scout, Misc
Monitor-Class Scout [SA: 100T] MegaTraveller Rebellion James King 38 31-32
Water Vehicles, Misc, Construction
Wet Navy Part 1: Ship Design MegaTraveller Terry McInnes with Chuck Gannon 53 16-25
Wet Navy Part 2: Naval Weapons and Design Sequences MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 54 24-31+
Water Vehicles, Designs
Lanax Equalizer-Class Battlecruiser [3kT] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 20
Mistral Armed Cargo Brig MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 66 21
Lanax Talon-Class Aircraft Carrier [3kT] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 20
Alliance Heavy Cruiser [2kT] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 21
Generic Light Cruiser [1kT] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 22
Generic Destroyer [300T] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 23
Generic Frigate [200T] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 23
Kelap Coastal Patrol Boat MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 66 20
Lowlander Rotary Sail Wheeled Vehicle MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 66 21
Water Vehicles, Designs, Underwater
Generic Attack Submarine [200T] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 22
Lanax Kraken-Class Nuclear Attack Submarine [300T] MegaTraveller Terry McInnes 61 21
  1. Excerpted from FIRE, FUSION, & STEEL (GDW, 1993)

🧶️ Fiction & Multimedia

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Comic Strips
The Little Emperor Phil Morrissey 43 33
Misc, Comic Strips, Ned Neutron
Ned Makes Some Friends! Phil Morrissey 49 43
Misc, Comic Strips, The Ultimate MegaTraveller Adventure!1
Part 1: The Basics Phil Morrissey 44 29
Part 2: The Push Phil Morrissey 45 20
Part 3: The Pull Phil Morrissey 46 35
Part 4: The Gimmick Phil Morrissey 47 26
Th'Enigma Phil Morrissey 48 33
  1. A test run of this strip can be found in WORKING PASSAGE #11 (1985).

🎤 Interviews, Memoirs & Notes

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Design Notes, MegaTraveller
MegaTraveller Designers' Notes MegaTraveller Rebellion Gary Thomas & Joe D. Fugate Sr. 31 38-45
Design Notes, Traveller: The New Era
Brilliant Lances Design Notes Traveller TNE Dave Nilsen 71 32-34
Lethality in Roleplaying Small Arms Systems Traveller TNE Frank Chadwick 73 24-29
Whither (NOT to be confused with 'Wither') Traveller? Traveller TNE New Era Dave Nilsen 77 4-5
Interviews, Misc, Fictional
A TNS Interview: In the Spotlight with Ililek Kuligaan [1127] Hard Times 64 19
Another TNS Exclusive Interview with Professor Ililek Kuligaan [1128] Hard Times 66 31
Interviews, Designers
Fugate Sr., Joe D. MegaTraveller Rebellion Gary Thomas & Joe D. Fugate Sr. 31 38-45
Thomas, Gary MegaTraveller Rebellion Gary Thomas & Joe D. Fugate Sr. 31 38-45
A Decade of Traveller Edwards, Hinton, Giles, Fugate, Keiths, Petro, Jackson, Brown, Wiseman & Miller 29 18-21

⬆️ Meta

Title System Era Author # Pgs
"It Was Twenty Years Ago Today..." Frank Chadwick 70 4
What Happens to MegaTraveller when Traveller: TNE is Published? Traveller TNE New Era Dave Nilsen 66 6
From the Management Loren Wiseman 25 2
From the Management Loren Wiseman 26 2
From the Management Loren Wiseman 27 2
From the Management Loren Wiseman 28 2
From the Management Loren Wiseman 29 2
From the Management Timothy Brown 30 2
From the Management Timothy Brown 31 2+
From the Management Loren Wiseman 32 2
From the Management Timothy Brown 33 2+
From the Management Timothy Brown 34 2
From the Management Timothy Brown 35 2
From the Management Loren Wiseman 36 2
From the Management Timothy Brown 37 2
From the Management Loren Wiseman 38 3
From the Management Loren Wiseman 39 3
From the Management Timothy Brown 40 3
From the Management Timothy Brown 41 3
From the Management Loren Wiseman 42 3
From the Management Loren Wiseman 43 4
From the Management T2000 2e Loren Wiseman 44 4
From the Management Julia Martin 45 4
From the Management Michelle Sturgeon 46 4
From the Management Julia Martin 47 4
From the Management Michelle Sturgeon 48 4
From the Management Steve Bryant 49 4
From the Management Julia Martin 50 4
From the Management Loren Wiseman 51 4
From the Management Michelle Sturgeon 52 4
[From the Management] Michelle Sturgeon 5 4
From the Management Nick Atlas 58 4
From the Management New Era Dave Nilsen 59 4
From the Management DJ 1e Mythus Frank Chadwick 60 4
From the Management Steve Maggi 62 4
From the Management Amy Doubet 63 4
From the Management New Era Larkin, Gary Thomas & Dave Nilsen 64 4
From the Management Steve Bryant 65 6
From the Management Steve Bryant 68 4
From the Management Frank Chadwick 74 4
From the Management Dave Nilsen 75 4
History, Game
A Decade of Traveller Edwards, Hinton, Giles, Fugate, Keiths, Petro, Jackson, Brown, Wiseman & Miller 29 18-21
Index, Magazine
Challenge Index 50 insert
Info, Company, GDW
A History of GDW 70 5
News, Company, GDW
Challenge Names New Staff 43 28
Challenge Announces New Staff Members 56 4
Let's Do Lunch Frank Chadwick 73 4S
What the New Year Will Bring Frank Chadwick 72 4

🗣️ NPCs

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Contacts
Contact Profile: Clarissa Noir Traveller TNE New Era Greg Videll 77 20-21
A Friend in Need Traveller TNE New Era James Maliszewski 75 38-47
Misc, Creation
The Spice of Life1 MegaTraveller Rebellion William Connors & Rob Caswell 35 20-25
Misc, Campaigns, The Grand Tour
The Spice of Life1 MegaTraveller Rebellion William Connors & Rob Caswell 35 20-25
Aliens, Aslan
Tlea' AulreliyhOuhaoleawa'eliea Traveller 1e Golden Age Rob Caswell & Tom Peters 32 30-31
Aliens, Humaniti, Solomani
Leyna Tirenthe MegaTraveller Rebellion Christopher S. Willoughby 43 20-21
Aliens, Vargr
Griszoung MegaTraveller Rebellion Tad Ringo 43 26-28
Artificial Life, Robots
TyTek HM-511 Traveller TNE New Era James Cambias 75 48-50
Careers, Administrator
General Manager Anton Cagliari MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 66 24-25
Careers, Entertainer
Leyna Tirenthe MegaTraveller Rebellion Christopher S. Willoughby 43 20-21
Careers, Merchant Prince
Griszoung MegaTraveller Rebellion Tad Ringo 43 26-28
Karel Rossum Traveller TNE New Era James Cambias 75 48-50
Tlea' AulreliyhOuhaoleawa'eliea Traveller 1e Golden Age Rob Caswell & Tom Peters 32 30-31
Careers, Military, Army
Sir Daylenn Morridan MegaTraveller Rebellion William Connors & Rob Caswell 37 20-22
Coporal Emil "Boomer" Brankovich Traveller 1e Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 26 44-45
Major Ringaal DeAstera Traveller 1e Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 25 46-48
Careers, Military, Marines
Cain [Ex-Marine Captain] Traveller 1e Golden Age Anders Blixt 27 42
Careers, Noble
Leyna Tirenthe MegaTraveller Rebellion Christopher S. Willoughby 43 20-21
Careers, Pilot
Coach Traveller 1e Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 30 47-48
Careers, Scientist
Dr. Amal Ignatius Mendoza Traveller TNE New Era James Cambias 74 18-20
Corporations, AAT
Contact Profile: Clarissa Noir Traveller TNE New Era Greg Videll 77 20-21
Geographic, Imperium, Ilelish, Zarushagar, Oasis
General Manager Anton Cagliari [Megalmatree: 2826] MegaTraveller Rebellion Greg Videll 66 24-25
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, Old Expanses, Nicosia/Aubaine
Contact Profile: Clarissa Noir [Aubaine: 0738] Traveller TNE New Era Greg Videll 77 20-21
  1. Includes personality generation for Dur Telemon from THE TRAVELLERS' DIGEST #1-21 (DGP, 1985-1990)

📜 Rules

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Official Errata, MegaTraveller
Opinion [Assignment: Vigilante] Traveller TNE New Era Dave Nilsen 71 4
e&c: COACC MegaTraveller Rebellion Terry McInnes 43 31-33
e&c: Imperial Encyclopedia MegaTraveller Rebellion 36 34-36
e&c: Player's Manual MegaTraveller 36 31-32
e&c: Referee's Manual MegaTraveller 36 32-34
Misc, Official Errata, Traveller TNE
Fire, Fusion, & Steel First Printing to Second Printing Upgrade New Era 75 66-67+
Putting the Heat Back in Plasma Traveller TNE Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen 76 37-79
Reformation Coalition Equipment Guide New Era 74 26
Boy is Our Face Red [Smash & Grab] New Era Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen 73 5
Misc, Official Q&A
Ask Commodore Bwana [Releases] New Era 70 16-17
Ask Commodore Bwana [Black Curtain, Pocket Empires] New Era 71 84
Ask Commodore Bwana New Era 72 84
Ask Commodore Bwana [Nukes, Longbow, Streamlining] New Era 73 84
Ask Commodore Bwana New Era 74 81
Ask Commodore Bwana New Era 75 84
Ask Commodore Bwana New Era 76 84
Ask Commodore Bwana New Era 77 84
Character Creation, Misc
Picking a Homeworld Traveller 1e Joe D. Fugate Sr. 29 46-47
Character Creation, Misc, Quick Gen
Quick Start Traveller TNE Andy Slack 75 36-37
Character Creation, Careers, Advanced, Misc, Adventures
Project Farstar MegaTraveller Marcus Rowland 33 33-37
Character Creation, Careers, Advanced, Misc, Schools
Military Academy Traveller 1e Golden Age Marcus Rowland 26 38-43
Character Creation, Careers, Advanced, Espionage
Generating IRIS Characters Traveller 1e Charles Gannon 34 35-38
Character Creation, Careers, Advanced, Law Enforcement
There When You Need Them [Police] Traveller 1e Stephen Brinich & James Schwar 30 34-36
Character Creation, Careers, Basic
Journalism and the Stars Traveller 1e Golden Age Anders Blixt 27 44-45
Scientists Traveller 1e Golden Age William Connors 29 28-34
There When You Need Them [Police] Traveller 1e Stephen Brinich & James Schwar 30 34-36
Characteristics, Misc
Picking a Homeworld Traveller 1e Joe D. Fugate Sr. 29 46-47
Combat, Naval
Wet Navy Part 3: Maritime Environment & Naval Combat MegaTraveller Terry Mcinnes 60 16-24
Combat, Skirmish
Planetfall Traveller TNE John Fletcher 75 16-23
Combat, Starships
Lasers in Space Combat Traveller TNE Frank Chadwick & Dave Nilsen 71 25-31
Just Like Magic MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 46 14-20
Just Like Magic MegaTraveller Charles Gannon 46 14-20
Special Psionics Like Magic MegaTraveller Rebellion Jeff Monks 47 38-40
Starship Operations
Fire Aboard Ship MegaTraveller Timothy Brown 35 26-30
The Universal Task Profile1 Traveller 1e Joe D. Fugate Sr. 29 23-26
Trade, Cargoes
Cargo: A Merchant Prince Variant Traveller 1e Terry McInnes 26 17-21
  1. Detailing the Task System introduced in TRAVELLER'S DIGEST (DGP, 1985-1990) and later used in MEGATRAVELLER (GDW, 1987).

🔎 Previews

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Traveller 1e, DGP
Grand Survey Traveller 1e 26 33-34
Traveller TNE, GDW
When Empires Fall [T:TNE] New Era 64 42-47
A Word (or Two) about Traveller: The New Era Traveller TNE New Era Dave Nilsen 64 42-47
When Empires Fall II [T:TNE] New Era 69 63-73

⭐ Reviews: Software

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Paragon Software
The Zhodani Conspiracy MegaTraveller Rebellion Vaclav Ucjik 47 92

Appendix I: Traveller Wargames

🪖 Striker

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Advice, Players
Striker Weapon Systems Revisited Striker 1e Steven Drevik 26 22-23
Campaign Design, Adventures
Planetary Invasions in Traveller Striker 1e Golden Age Stephen Brinich & James Schwar 25 40-42

Appendix II: Other GDW RPGs

🌍 2300AD

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
GDW System Overview: 2300AD 2300 40 51-52
Accessories, Maps
Near Star Map 2300 28 39
Adventures, Misc, Misc, Campaigns, Operation Back Door
Episode 1: Cat's Feet or Catspaw? T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 49 54-61
Episode 2: First Contact T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 50 51-56
Episode 3: Saboteurs and Skullduggery T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 51 36-40
Episode 4: Tricolor Conspiracy T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 52 34-39
Adventures, Misc, Alien Relic
Drifter 2300AD 2300 Michael LaBossiere 64 38-40+
Adventures, Misc, Aliens, Kafers
Bughunt 2300AD 2300 Craig Sheeley 68 40-42
Gorgon Hunt 2300AD 2300 Andry Slack 70 48-50
Master Race 2300AD 2300 Craig Sheeley 54 42-47
Wing Down 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 60 38-44
A World Invaded 2300AD 2301 C.W. Hess & Mike Bozulich 35 34-45
Adventures, Misc, Corporate
In the Cards T2300 2300 Timothy Brown 29 36-39
This is Only a Test! T2300 2300 Michael LaBossiere 61 49-52
Adventures, Misc, Criminal
Repo Men T2300 2300 Andy Slack 69 48-50
Adventures, Misc, Cybernetics
Hot Stuff 2300AD 2300 Matthew Prager 45 54-57
Adventures, Misc, Exploration
Operation Back Door #1: Cat's Feet or Catspaw? T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 49 54-61
Operation Back Door #2: First Contact T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 50 51-56
Operation Back Door #3: Saboteurs and Skullduggery T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 51 36-40
Operation Back Door #4: Tricolor Conspiracy T2300 2302 Charles Gannon 52 34-39
Adventures, Misc, Killer Tech
This is Only a Test! T2300 2300 Michael LaBossiere 61 49-52
Adventures, Misc, Oceanic
Into the Depths [Aurore] 2300AD 2300 Michael LaBossiere 63 34-38
Adventures, Misc, Rescue
Repo Men T2300 2300 Andy Slack 69 48-50
Adventures, Misc, Security
Rock 'n' Roll Never Dies T2300 2300 Michael LaBossiere 59 18-20
Adventures, Misc, Starships, Ghost
Contagion T2300 2300 Richard McEnroe 46 47-57
Drifter 2300AD 2300 Michael LaBossiere 64 38-40+
Adventures, Misc, Trade
Trade in 2300 T2300 2300 Gary Thomas 29 40-45
Adventures, Misc, Starships
Stowaway 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 71 64-66
Adventures, Geographic, Misc
Highland [DM+38 3095 I] 2300AD 2300 Clay Johanson 44 55-62
Adventures, Geographic, American Arm
Manhunt [Botany Bay] 2300AD 2300 Mark Galeotti 42 27-29
Adventures, Geographic, Chinese Arm
Catch as Catch Can [Austin's World] 2300AD 2300 Mark Galeotti 62 63-67
Devil in the Dark [Daikoku] 2300AD 2300 Pete Rogan 36 39-45+
One of us Always Stays Awake [Kwantung 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 65 47-51
Adventures, Geographic, Earth
Hot Stuff 2300AD 2300 Matthew Prager 45 54-57
This is Only a Test! T2300 2300 Michael LaBossiere 61 49-52
Adventures, Geographic, French Arm
Gorgon Hunt 2300AD 2300 Andry Slack 70 48-50
Bughunt [Aurore] 2300AD 2300 Craig Sheeley 68 40-42
Into the Depths [Aurore] 2300AD 2300 Michael LaBossiere 63 34-38
Wing Down [Aurore] 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 60 38-44
Bioadversity [Beta Canum] 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 72 64-66
Cache and Carry [Beta Canum] 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 57 54-56
Diamonds from Peremiere [Beta Canum] 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 66 38-41
The French Lieutenant's Connection [Beta Canum] 2300 Marcus Rowland 39 61-64
Survival [Beta Canum] 2300AD 2300 Paul Lucas 74 52-55
A World Invaded [Dunkelheim] 2300AD 2301 C.W. Hess & Mike Bozulich 35 34-45
In the Cards [Xi Ursae Majoris] T2300 2300 Timothy Brown 29 36-39
Adventures, War Games, Star Cruiser
The Edge of Memory 2300AD 2300 Matthew Prager 73 52-53
Lone Wolf 2300AD 2300 Dave Nilsen 33 14-31
Old Enemies 2300AD 2300 Michael LaBossiere 67 37-40
Three Blind Mice 2300AD 2300 Dave Nilsen 37 29-49
The Sung 2300 Deb Zeigler 31 47-51
The Xiang 2300 Deb Zeigler 32 44-48
The Ylii 2300 Charles Gannon 50 57-62
Background, Misc
Papers & Passports 2300 Kevin Stein 32 50-52
Background, Misc, Organizations
AECA: American Extrazolar Colonization Administration 2300 Clay Johanson 43 62-64
The Astronomischen Rechen-Institut 2300 Timothy Brown 28 41-44
INAP 2300 Dave Finnigan 34 52-55
L'Institut des Etudes Xenologiques 2300 Deb Zeigler 30 49-56
The North American Research League 2300 Timothy Brown 27 39-41
Background, Misc, Organizations, Law
SAMM 2300 Erick Melton 56 46-49
Background, Misc, Organizations, Military
The American Marines 2300 C.W. Hess 39 54-59
Leathernecks on Aurore 2303 C.W. Hess 42 30-35
"We're Going Where?": Naval Reservists 2300 Richard McEnroe 48 46-48
Background, Misc, Organizations, Pirates
Catch & Carry Team 2300AD 2300 Erick Melton 45 46-53
The Sweet Trade in Space: Piracy 2300 Erick Melton 41 42-46
Background, Misc, Technology
Stutterwarp Revisited 2300 Lester Smith 33 50-52
Stutterwarp Technology 2300 Rob Caswell & Timothy Brown 30 38-41
Background, Misc, Technology, Information
Wired Society 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 53 56-59
Background, Geographic, Misc
Core Subsector 2300 Andy Slack 75 58-59
Background, Geographic, Earth
Earth: 2300 2300 David Nelsen, Tom Peters & Dave McCoy 31 59-63
Italy: 2300 2300 Mark Galeotti 42 20-25
L-5: Community in the Sky 2300 Pete Rogan 43 66-71
North America, 2300 2300 Timothy Brown 33 38-41
Background, Geographic, Chinese Arm
Davout 2300AD 2300 Clay Johanson 33 44-48
Background, Geographic, French Arm
Leathernecks on Aurore 2303 C.W. Hess 42 30-35
Background, Historic
Flight of the Bayern 2300 Rob Caswell 30 42-45
Equipment, Misc, Cybernetics
Jacked In 2300AD Matthew Prager 63 40-41
New Attack Programs for Cyberjockeys 2300AD Markku Honkonen 47 66-67
New Cyber Equipment 2300AD Michael LaBossiere 43 52-59
Riding the Wave 2300AD Lester Smith 40 38-43
Equipment, Misc, Programs
Riding the Wave 2300AD Lester Smith 40 38-43
Equipment, Misc, Vacc Suits
Spacesuits T2300 Robert Bodine 31 54-56
Equipment, Combat, Armor
Armor in 2300 T2300 Lester Smith 31 36
Equipment, Transport, Air Vehicles
AV-90 Marine VTOL 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 42 36-37
Equipment, Transport, Ground Vehicles
M17A1 Armored Personnel Carrier 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 40 44-46
Motorcycles 2300AD 2301 Jay Adan 55 44-45
Equipment, Transport, Starships
Cayuga-Class Close Escort T2300 2300 C.W. Hess 32 32-43
The Stahlhammer: German Utility Starship 2300AD 2300 Karl Martin 40 47-49
Starships 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 34 42-50
Equipment, Transport, Starships, Components
Star Cruiser Power 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 38 43-47
Equipment, Transport, Starships, Components, Weapons
The Anatomy of a Missile 2300AD 2300 Karl Bergman 36 46-48
The Anatomy of A Space Mine 2300AD 2300 Karl Bergman 40 53-55
Cellular Launcher 2300AD Karl Bergman 40 41
Interviews, Design Notes
The 2300AD Revision 2300AD 2300 Lester Smith 34 56-58
Traveller: 2300 Designer's Notes T2300 2300 Marc Miller 27 38
Traveller: 2300 Designer's Notes T2300 2300 Marc Miller 28 38
Rules, Misc, Official Errata
Armor in 2300 T2300 Lester Smith 31 36
e&c: Traveller: 2300 T2300 2300 28 47
Rules, Character Creation, American
Where Ya From, Mack? 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 42 38-39
Rules, Character Creation, Australian
Where Ya From, Mate? 2300AD 2300 C.W. Hess 43 60-61
Rules, Characteristics
Social Class in 2300 2300AD 2300 Andy Slack 44 52-54
Rules, Combat
Ogre: 2300 Ogre/GEV 2300 Lester Smith & Frank Chadwick 34 39-40+
Rules, Combat, Mass
Macrocombat 2300AD Dave Nilsen 41 34-41
Rules, Skills
Just How Good is Sidearm-5, Anyway? 2300AD Andy Slack 58 58-59
Rules, Trade
Black Market 2300AD Matthew Prager 44 50-51

🦖️ Cadillacs and Dinosaurs

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Adventure, Misc, Building Crawl
The Horror Below T2000 2e Xenozoic 47 42-47
Adventure, Organization, Old Bloods
A Job for Tolouse T2000 2e Xenozoic Chuck Kallenbach III 47 42-47

𓂀️ Dangerous Journeys

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Dangerous Dimensions DJ 1e Mythus 61 insert
Dangerous Journeys DJ 1e Mythus 62 27-29
Mythus DJ 1e Mythus 63 84-85
Mythus Magick DJ 1e Mythus 64 82

🕶️ Dark Conspiracy

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Adventures, Misc, Misc, Introduction
Patron DC 1e Near Future Craig Sheeley 57 32-38
Trick or Threat DC 1e Near Future Craig Sheeley 66 32-37
Adventures, Misc, Ambush
Action/Reaction DC 1e Near Future Craig Ziegler 73 43-47
Adventures, Misc, Black Ops
The Only Good Monster is a Dead Monster DC 1e Near Future Craig Sheeley 58 32-37
Adventures, Misc, Bodysnatching
Dark Halloween: New England Town DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 65 34-35
Adventures, Misc, Haunted House
Dark Halloween: The Bet DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 65 36-37
A Grisly Harvest DC 1e Near Future Eric Haddock 53 33-42
Adventures, Misc, Home Invasion
I Hate Mondays DC 1e Near Future Adam Geibel 59.5 34D-51
Adventures, Misc, Investigation
The Beast Under the Bed DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 77 40-48
Dark Halloween: Scarecrow DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 65 32-33
Last Stop DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 72 12-17
The Thing on the Bike Path DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 55 33-38
Your Own Worst Enemy DC 1e Near Future Lester Smith 53 32-36
Adventures, Misc, Oceanic
Out of the Depths DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossesrie 61 32-38
Way Down Atlantis DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossesrie 76 40-49
Adventures, Misc, Out-Law Lands
Road Work DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 69 34-39
Adventures, Misc, Portals
The Beast Under the Bed DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 77 40-48
Dusted DC 1e Near Future Dan Snuffin 71 42-44
Ice, Ice, Baby DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossesrie 73 32-37
Adventures, Misc, Rescue
Mall Rats DC 1e Near Future James Cambias 67 56-60
Adventures, Misc, Rural
Shadow Over new Brunswick DC 1e Near Future Dustin Browder 64 32-37
Adventures, Misc, Science Gone Wrong
Window of the Mind DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 68 34-39
Adventures, Misc, Voodoo
Samedi Night Fever DC 1e Near Future David Schuey 60 48-50
Adventures, Geographic, Georgia, Atlanta
Mall Rats DC 1e Near Future James Cambias 67 56-60
Adventures, Geographic, Indiana
Dusted DC 1e Near Future Dan Snuffin 71 42-44
Adventures, Geographic, Louisiana, New Orleans
Gnawlings1 DC 1e Near Future Charles Gannon 56 32-37
Adventures, Geographic, Maine
Globules DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossesrie 74 36-42
Ice, Ice, Baby DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossesrie 73 32-37
Out of the Depths DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossesrie 61 32-38
Adventures, Geographic, Missouri, St. Louis
Samedi Night Fever DC 1e Near Future David Schuey 60 48-50
Adventures, Geographic, New England
Dark Halloween: New England Town DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 65 34-35
Adventures, Geographic, Ohio, Columbus
Kafka DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 62 81-88
Window of the Mind DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 68 34-39
Adventures, Geographic, West Virigina
Road Work DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 69 34-39
Adventures, Monsters, Aliens
Enemy of My Enemy DC 1e Near Future Craig Sheeley 63 24-27
Last Stop DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 72 12-17
Adventures, Monsters, Ghouls
Dark Halloween: New England Town DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 65 34-35
Adventures, Monsters, Vampires
Kafka DC 1e Near Future Michael LaBossiere 62 81-88
Adventures, Seeds
Zombies of the Bayou Near Future Frank Chadwick 48 50-51
Things that Go Bump in the Night DC 1e Near Future Lester Smith 52 32-33
It Plays With Its Food Near Future Charles Gannon 65 38-39
Rules, Fear
Fear and Loathing DC 1e Near Future Craig Sheeley 70 32-33
Dark Conspiracy DC 1e Near Future 47 insert
  1. Intended to be used in conjunction with NEW ORLEANS (GDW, 1991)

🇬🇧 Space: 1889

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Accessories, Miniatures
Challenge Showcase: Adversaries 1889 42 18-19
Challenge Showcase: Adversaries 1889 43 50-51
A Simple Conversion Guide for Flying Vessels SGoM 1889 Stephen Lawrence 40 13-19
Adventures, Misc, Misc, Solo
SubAfrican! S1889 1889 W.G. Armintrout 57 42-52
Adventures, Misc, Aliens, Martians
A Journey to Oblivion S1889 1889 Timothy Brown 38 10-18
Adventures, Misc, Captured
Imprisoned in Noachis S1889 1889 James Cambias 55 46-47+
Secrets of the Ancients S1889 1889 Lester Smith 43 34-36
The Tree of Souls S1889 1889 Eric Haddock 46 36-44
Adventures, Misc, Civil Unrest
Cult of Doom S1889 1889 James Cambias 60 33-36
Magical Mystery Tour S1889 1889 James Cambias 63 30-33
Mission to Shastapsh S1889 1889 James Cambias 76 70-74
Noorlan Revolt S1889 1889 James Cambias 53 26-30
Adventures, Misc, Criminal
Krolik Run S1889 1889 Andy Slack 64 50-51
Adventures, Misc, Exploration
City of Death S1889 1889 James Cambias 54 48-52
Monastery Tasharvan S1889 1889 James Cambias 62 76-79
Secret of the Lost City S1889 1889 James Cambias 66 42-46
Treasure of Melas S1889 1889 James Cambias 70 42-45
Wreck of the Sloop John B. S1889 1889 JB Hill 72 68-71
Adventures, Misc, Investigation
The Puzzle of the Shard S1889 1889 Loren WIseman 41 19-29
Adventures, Misc, Kids
Playing Fields of Mars S1889 1889 James Cambias 73 58-64
Adventures, Misc, Machinery
Tom Fleet and His Steam Colossus S1889 1889 James Cambias 61 42-46
Adventures, Misc, Research
Secret of the Swamp S1889 1889 James Cambias 54 56-59
Adventures, Misc, Rescue
City of Death S1889 1889 James Cambias 54 48-52
Dwellers in the Dark S1889 1889 James Cambias 52 40-46
Exogamous Mating S1889 1889 Andy Slack 68 70-72
Moon of Madness S1889 1889 James Cambias 65 40-44
Playing Fields of Mars S1889 1889 James Cambias 73 58-64
To Rescue a Lady Fair S1889 1889 Craig Sheeley 67 49-52
Adventures, Misc, Time Travel
Time Voyager S1889 1889 James Cambias 48 52-57
Adventures, Characters, Captain Nemo
Twenty Thousand Leagues through Martian Skies S1889 1889 Terry Sophian 74 70-74
Adventures, Geographic, Earth
City of Tomorrow S1889 1889 James Cambias 77 58-61
Fist of Allah S1889 1889 Theodoore Kocot & H. Michael Lybarger 47 50-54
SubAfrican! S1889 1889 W.G. Armintrout 57 42-52
Secret of the Lost City S1889 1889 James Cambias 66 42-46
Tom Fleet and His Steam Colossus S1889 1889 James Cambias 61 42-46
Adventures, Geographic, Mars, Canals
Playing Fields of Mars S1889 1889 James Cambias 73 58-64
Adventures, Geographic, Mars, Cities
Escape from Dioscuria [Dioscuria] S1889 1889 James Cambias 59 24-27
Cult of Doom [Gorovaan] S1889 1889 James Cambias 60 33-36
Treasure of Melas [Melas] S1889 1889 James Cambias 70 42-45
Imprisoned in Noachis [Noachis] S1889 1889 James Cambias 55 46-47+
Noorlan Revolt [Noorlan] S1889 1889 James Cambias 53 26-30
Mission to Shastapsh [Shastapsh] S1889 1889 James Cambias 76 70-74
Thymiamata: 1889 — A Lode of Trouble [Thyiamata] S1889 1889 Neil V. Young 51 32-35
Adventures, Geographic, Mars, Moons, Phobos
Moon of Madness S1889 1889 James Cambias 65 40-44
Adventures, Geographic, Mars, Wastes
City of Death S1889 1889 James Cambias 54 48-52
Magical Mystery Tour S1889 1889 James Cambias 63 30-33
Monastery Tasharvan S1889 1889 James Cambias 62 76-79
Adventures, Geographic, Mercury
le Durieux's Mad Journey S1889 1889 David Portree 45 64-67
Adventures, Geographic, Mercury
Valley of the Hunters S1889 1889 James Cambias 56 38-45
Adventures, War Games, Sky Galleons of Mars
From Above and Below SGoM 1889 Kevin Stein 37 12-13
A Smoking Flax SGoM 1889 Brad Hay & Lester Smith 34 29-32
Surprise at Clearwater SGoM 1889 Bret Foland & Lester Smith 41 14-17
Windsinger Saga SGoM 1889 Van Siegling 44 44-46
Background, Misc
Victorian Times and Society 1889 Howard Whitehouse 35 11-17
Background, Misc, Cthulhu
Cthulhu: 1889 S1889 C1889 Marcus Rowland 43 44-49
Background, Misc, Etiquette
Ether Ship Etiquette S1889 1889 Greg Novak 39 23-28
Background, Misc, Science, Botany
The Biology of Liftwood 1889 Marcus Rowland 42 14-17
Background, Misc, Science, Space
The Biology of Liftwood 1889 Marcus Rowland 42 14-17
The Ether 1889 Marc Miller 34 25-28
Background, Geographic, Mars, Misc
The Canals of Mars S1889 1889 Marc Miller 34 18-23
Dioscuria S1889 1889 James Cambias 58 38-46
Melas: Portrait of a Martian City S1889 1889 James Cambias 69 56-60
Thymiamata: 1889 1889 Neil V. Young 49 46-52
Thymiamata: 1889 — Encounters, Personalities and Groups S1889 1889 Neil V. Young 50 42-46
Background, Geographic, Mercury, Introduction
Mercury: The Nodding World S1889 1889 David Portree 45 62-67
Background, Geographic, Space, Misc
The Ether 1889 Marc Miller 34 25-28
Equipment, Combat, Ranged, Slugthrowers
More Weapons S1889 1889 Bret Foland & Lester Smith 40 10-11
Equipment, Inventions
Science Marches On S1889 1889 James Cambias 68 66-68
Equipment, Transport, Cloudships, Misc, Design
Cloudship Design SGoM 1889 Frank Chadwick 34 13-15
Darkness Falls from the Air SGoM 1889 Marcus Rowland 36 16-20
Equipment, Transport, Ether Ships
Ether Ship Etiquette S1889 1889 Greg Novak 39 23-28
Interviews, Design Notes, Ironclads and Ether Flyers
Ironclads and Ether Flyers IaEF 1889 Frank Chadwick 34 16-17
Rules, Character Creation, American
Ye Can Always Tell a Yankee ... S1889 1889 Loren Wiseman 43 38-42
Rules, Official Errata, Sky Galleons of Mars
e&c: Sky Galleons of Mars SGoM 1889 Frank Chadwick 43 30-31
Rules, Official Errata, Temple of the Beastmen
e&c: Temple of the Beastmen Temple 1889 30 16-17
Rules, Variants
Cthulhu: 1889 S1889 C1889 Marcus Rowland 43 44-49
Space: 1889 S1889 1889 34 ctr
