The Unspoken Word Index

Version 1.04: Issues 1-5(ish)

by Shannon Appelcline

History: 2001-2004

The '90s was the great era of the Gloranthan fanzine, with Tales of the Reaching Moon (1989-2003) leading the way, followed by RuneQuest Adventures, Codex (1994-1995), New Lolon Gospel, The Book of Drastic Resolutions, and Tradetalk (1996-2009), as well as a variety of con magazines. They filled the gaps left by Avalon Hill's uneven attention to their "cadillac" roleplaying game.

But fanzines take time and effort, and by 2000 all but two of them had faded away, with Tradetalk and Tales of the Reaching Moon the last two standing โ€” and Tales near the end of its run. However, that year also saw the debut of a new Glorantha game, Hero Wars (2000), and thus the opportunity for a new generation of fandom. The first Hero Wars fanzine was The Unspoken Word, announced in December 2000. It debuted in May 2001 with a thematic issue called "Tarsh in Flames!".

The Unspoken Word was the product of editors Simon Bray and Mark Galeotti. Bray was an author and artist who had been involved in fandom including the Reaching Moon Megacorp and the German RuneQuest Society and who would continue to support Moon Design Publications afterward. Galeotti's roleplaying design had been more scattered over the past decade, but he would go on to become the Acquisitions Director at Moon Design, critical to the post-Issaries era of HeroQuest publication.

As for The Unspoken Word: it was initially successful enough that the first issue went out-of-print within three months and had to be reprinted (2002). In all, it lasted somewhere between two and five issues, depending on what you count, as the principals quickly transitioned from magazine publication to supplement publication. The first two issues are clearly marked as "The Unspoken Word", while the third issue, In Wintertop's Shadow (2002), only notes itself as a magazine internally. Wintertop Fair (2004) and Sons of Kargzant (2004) could have been issues #4 and #5, and indeed follow the same SKU series as the three official issues. Wintertop Fair was a sequel adventure to the final numbered issue of The Unspoken Word while Sons of Kargzant was definitely laid out like a magazine, but missing article-by-article credits.

The middle two issues, In Wintertop's Shadow and Wintertop Fair, were authored by Ian Cooper (with continued support from Bray and Galeotti) and focused on the Tarsh Exiles and the Wintertop region. They originated with Cooper's work with Greg Stafford on Dragon Pass: A Gazetteer of Kerofinela (2003) for Issaries Inc. Stafford had written a bit about Harda Pass and Wintertop, and Cooper decided to expand the work, resulting first in an article for The Unspoken Word #1, then in those two complete issues. Cooper would later author the two-part campaign of The Coming Storm (2017) and The Eleven Lights (2018) for Chaosium based on other inspirations from that Dragon Pass work.

A few other issues of The Unspoken Word were advertised but never published, among them "Aldachur & The Far Place" (originally intended as #3), "War!" (originally intended as #4), "Imther: Edge of Empire" (originally intended as #5), "Secrets of the Char-Un" (originally intended as an e-book #6), "Under the Lash: Adventures in Fonrit", and "Joranit: Fortress of the North". Of them, "Edge of Empire" had a bit of history: it was originally produced as a supplement for Avalon Hill, with Harald Smith's work from New Lolon Gospel intended as a complement. When Avalon Hill's brief RQ Renaissance ended, and RuneQuest was ultimately replaced by Hero Wars, Smith reworked the material with support from Martin Crim (another fan-writer of the '90s) to become an issue of The Unspoken Word, but that sadly fell through as well.

The Unspoken Word also produced one Hero Wars book that was definitely a supplement and not a magazine, Uz: The Trolls of Glorantha (2001). Beyond that, they published a number of Gloranthan supplements not tied to any game system, including maps of various lands (including a very large map of the Lunar Empire), a CD-ROM of fold-up figures for play, and two fund-raising magazines, for Convulsion C02 and for Continuum 2004. They also sold books from the Greg Stafford Library outside of North America.

Like much of Gloranthan fandom, The Unspoken Word got caught up in Fan Publication Policy issues starting in 2004. When things settled in 2005, The Unspoken Word agreed to a license with Issaries and planned to return to publishing magazines (as opposed to supplements), but now in PDF form. Unfortunately, Bray and Galeotti were having troubles keeping The Unspoken Word going due to time constraints, including families and other projects such as Galeotti's work for Moon Design. The Unspoken Word never officially shut down, but its publications came to an end. Decades later, the Jonstown Compendium book Furthest: Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh (2023) would be a culmination of their Unspoken Word work (with more books in the series to come).

For more on The Unspoken Word, see pages 166-167 of MIG III: The Meints Index to Glorantha. For a return to Tarsh by Simon Bray and friends, see Furthest: Crown Jewel of Lunar Tarsh (2023) and for Harald Smith's Imther work, see Edge of Empire (2022), both from the Jonstown Compendium.

Unspoken Word Issues

Other Unspoken Word Products

Obtaining the Magazines

The Unspoken Word magazines are long out of print. They occasionally show up on eBay auctions, with the first two issues being the most common, and they tend to go for low-to-medium collectible prices. They're sometimes listed for outrageous prices as buy-it-nows and at other sites.

About the Contributors

The "Gang of Five" who wrote the articles in Sons of Kargzant are: Wesley Quadros, Martin Laurie, Simon Bray, Mark Galeotti, and Brand Robins.

This index is © Copyright 2024 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution. Map background is courtesy of Chaosium, used per their fan material policy.

โ›บ Adventures: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Char-Un Rider Initiation [Char-Un] HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 54-56

๐Ÿ•๏ธ๏ธ Adventures: Geographic, Genertela

Title System Author # Pgs
Dragon Pass
Building the Thieves' Arm Mark Galeotti & Simon Bray 2 58-59
Edrald's Torc Hero Wars Neil Smith 2 38
The Thieves' Arm Story Arc Mark Galeotti & Simon Bray 2 4-5
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Misc, Tribes, Tarsh Exiles
The Tars Gor Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 38-43
Wintertop Fair HeroQuest 1e Ian Cooper WF 1-49
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Towns, Irist Hold
King for a Day Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 45-59
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un
Char-Un Rider Initiation HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 54-56
Erigia, Misc, Seeds
The Barrow Tree The Gang of Five SoK 24
Fallen Star The Gang of Five SoK 26
Silver Bear Cave Hero Wars Thom Baguley 2 40-41
The Furthest Shadow War Hero Wars Neil Smith 2 48-55
The Usual Suspects Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 1 40-41
  1. Central Genertela is defined primarily as the area in the middle of Genertela where most cultures are polytheistic. It is bordered to the east by the wastes of Prax and Pent and to the west by the Rockwood and Mislari mountains. The primary areas are: Dragon Pass, the Lunar Empire, Maniria, Pent, and Prax.

๐Ÿง—Adventures: Heroquests

Title System Author # Pgs
The Sandals of Darkness Simon Phipp 2 45
The Sandals of Darkness Heroquest Hero Wars Jeff Kyer 2 46-47
The Taming of Valind Hero Wars Wesley Quadros 2 42-44

๐ŸŽจ Background: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Hunting and Fishing Ian Cooper 3 18
Star Metal HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 51

๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ Background: Geographic, Genertela, Central1

Title System Author # Pgs
Dragon Pass
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains
The Bush Range Greg Stafford 2 6-7
Hunting and Fishing Ian Cooper 3 18
The Wintertop Region Ian Cooper 3 9-12
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Misc, Maps
The Land in Wintertop's Shadow Wesley Quadros 3 bc
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Misc, Tribes, Tarsh Exiles
The Exiles Ian Cooper 3 13-14
Life By the Axe Ian Cooper 3 7-8
The Tarsh Exiles Hero Wars Ian Cooper 1 55-60
What My Father Told Me [Tarsh Exiles] Ian Cooper 3 27-32
The Yearly Cycle Ian Cooper 3 35-37
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Misc, Tribes, Tarsh Exiles, Misc, Historic
The Drum History Ian Cooper 3 4-6
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Misc, Tribes, Tarsh Exiles, Organizations, Clans
Exile Clan Generator Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 60-63
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Misc, Tribes, Tarsh Exiles, Organizations, Hero Bands
The Moonhaters Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 44
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Shaker Temple
The Cult of Maran Gor at the Shaker Temple Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 19-22
De Garavum: Temple of the Great Shaker Greg Stafford 1 67
The Shaker Temple Simon Bray 1 67-68
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Shaker Temple, Organizations, Hero Bands
The Barren Hero Wars Ian Cooper 2 10-13
Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains, Towns, Wintertop Fort
Wintertop Fort HeroQuest 1e Ian Cooper WF 7-8
Erigia The Gang of Five SoK 27-34
Erigia, Misc, Historic
The Skyburn The Gang of Five SoK 25
Erigia, Misc, Maps
Erigia Wesley Quadros SoK bc
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Misc, Introduction
The Char-Un Abroad The Gang of Five SoK 58
The Char-Un Nation The Gang of Five SoK 4-5
Hoemland: The Char-Un HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 36-37
Sons of Kargzant The Gang of Five SoK 3
What the Elder Told Me [Char-Un] The Gang of Five SoK 11-13
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Calendar
The Char-Un Year The Gang of Five SoK 14
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Language
The Char-Un Language The Gang of Five SoK 16-17
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Organizations
Brotherhoods, Sister Pacts and Societies of the Char-Un HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 38
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Organizations, Clans
The Laguros HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 57
Tribe and Power among the People HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 6-10
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Organizations, Military
The Char-Un at War HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 18-22
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Rites
Char-Un Rider Initiation HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 54-56
Char-Un Rites The Gang of Five SoK 15
The Funerary Rites of the Char-Un The Gang of Five SoK 23-24
Erigia, Misc, Peoples, Char-Un, Warfare
The Char-Un at War HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 18-22
Sartar, Misc, Tribes
The Oakhearts Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 37
Tarsh, Misc, Introduction
A Gazetteer of Tarsh Mark Galeotti 1 28-31
Tarsh: An Introduction 1 2-3
Tarsh, Misc, Historic
Notes on the History of Tarsh Greg Stafford 1 4-6
Tarsh, Misc, Organizations, Cults
Gods of Tarsh Mark Galeotti 1 17-20
Tarsh, Misc, Organizations, Hero Bands
The Whole Spring Dancers of Kordros Island Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 55
The Old School Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 57
Tarsh, Misc, Organizations, Military
The Army of Tarsh Hero Wars Martin Laurie 1 21-26
Tarsh, Misc, Peoples
People of Tarsh Mark Galeotti & Simon Bray 1 7-8
The Phargenites Martin Laurie 1 27
The Tarsh Exiles Hero Wars Ian Cooper 1 55-60
Tarshite Keywords Hero Wars Mark Galeotti & Simon Bray 1 8-9
The Tribes of Tarsh Mark Galeotti 1 13-16
Tarsh, Sites
The Travelling Stone Ian Thomson 1 53-54
Tarsh, Towns
Copper Town Hero Wars Simon Bray 1 42-45
The Red Dog Mansione Simon Bray 1 52
Talfort: Golden Gateway Mark Galeotti 1 50-51
Tarsh, Towns, Furthest
Furthest: Child of the New Tarsh Mark Galeotti with Simon Bray & Wesley Quadros 1 32-36
Tarsh, Towns, Furthest, Organizations, Hero Bands
The Quiet Thunder Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 56-57
Herobands of Tarsh: The Takers & Champions Martin Laurie 1 36
  1. Central Genertela is defined primarily as the area in the middle of Genertela where most cultures are polytheistic. It is bordered to the east by the wastes of Prax and Pent and to the west by the Rockwood and Mislari mountains. The primary areas are: Dragon Pass, the Lunar Empire, Maniria, Pent, and Prax.

โŒ› Background: Historic

Title System Author # Pgs
Ages, Third Age
Notes on the History of Tarsh Greg Stafford 1 4-6
The Skyburn The Gang of Five SoK 25
Geographic, Genertela, Erigia
The Skyburn The Gang of Five SoK 25
Geographic, Genertela, Tarsh
Notes on the History of Tarsh Greg Stafford 1 4-6

๐Ÿพ Creatures

Title System Author # Pgs
Geographic, Genertela, Central, Erigia
Beasts and Blossoms of the Savage Steppes HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 69-63

๐Ÿ™ Cults & Myths: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Full Cult Writeups
Asella and Torkal Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 23
The Cult of Maran Gor at the Shaker Temple Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 19-22
Maran1 Hero Wars Greg Stafford & Roderick Robertson 1 61-66
Misc, Gloranthan Voices
What the Elder Told Me [Char-Un] The Gang of Five SoK 11-13
What My Sister Whispers [Maran Gor] Ian Cooper 3 32
What My Father Told Me [Tarsh Exiles] Ian Cooper 3 27-32
Ancestor Cults
Heroes & Ancestor Cults Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 24-26
Heroes & Ancestor Cults Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 24-26
  1. Originally intended for STORM TRIBE: THE CULTS OF SARTAR (Issaries, 2001), but dropped due to lack of space.

๐Ÿ™ Cults & Myths: Pantheons

Title System Author # Pgs
The Earth Goddesses
Ailrene the Little Sister Borrower Hero Wars Simon Bray & Mark Galeotti 2 37
Asella and Torkal Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 23
The Earth Goddesses, Maran Gor
The Cult of Maran Gor at the Shaker Temple Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 19-22
De Garavum: Temple of the Great Shaker Greg Stafford 1 67
Maran1 Hero Wars Greg Stafford & Roderick Robertson 1 61-66
Maran's Rites Ian Cooper 3 33
The Shaker Temple Simon Bray 1 67-68
What My Sister Whispers [Maran Gor] Ian Cooper 3 32
The Light Bringers
The Light Bringers, Orlanth
Gods of Tarsh Mark Galeotti 1 17-20
Hengkot Kingbane Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 18-19
When Bandits Are Heroes Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 18-19
The Light Bringers, Lanbril
Behind Lanbril's Mask Greg Stafford 2 3
The Lunar Way
The Lunar Way, Misc, Hero, HonEel
The Old School Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 57
The Whole Spring Dancers of Kordros Island Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 55
  1. Originally intended for STORM TRIBE: THE CULTS OF SARTAR (Issaries, 2001), but dropped due to lack of space.

๐Ÿ™ Cults & Myths: Peoples

Title System Author # Pgs
Humans, Char-Un
The Char-Un Traditions HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 39-52
The Path of Dawn and Dusk HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 47-51
The Path of Earth HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 44-47
The Path of Fire HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 40-44
Humans, Char-Un, Misc, Myths
The Enaree The Gang of Five SoK 50
Humans, Tarsh
Gods of Tarsh Mark Galeotti 1 17-20
Heroes & Ancestor Cults Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 24-26

๐Ÿ› ๏ธ Equipment: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Magic Items, Dragon Pass
The Blade in Darkness Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 14

๐Ÿงถ๏ธ Fiction

Title System Author # Pgs
Cults, Larnste
The Travelling Stone Ian Thomson 1 53-54
Cults, Orlanth
The Sandals of Darkness Simon Phipp 2 45
Geographic, Dragon Pass, Tarsh, Towns, Furthest
A Day at the Executions Mark Galeotti 1 38-40
Jaxarte in Furthest1 2 Michael O'Brien 1 47-49
Geographic, Prax, Grand Gazetteer of Prax1
Jaxarte and the Outlaws1 Michael O'Brien 2 60-63
Jaxarte in Furthest1 2 Michael O'Brien 1 47-49
  1. Part of the "Grand Gazetteer of Prax" series that primilarly appeared in TALES OF THE REACHING MOON.
  2. Reprinted in FURTHEST: CROWN JEWEL OF LUNAR TARSH (Jonstown Compendium, 2023).

๐Ÿช„ Magic

Title System Author # Pgs
Ghost Whispers The Gang of Five SoK 52

๐Ÿ—ฃ๏ธ NPCs

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc., Criminals
Furthest (City) Gang Tough Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 57
Low Lives, Street Scum & Murderers Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 20-22
Three from the West Hero Wars Jamie 'Trotsky' Revell 2 24-25
Geographic, Dragon Pass
Kardala Eight-Knives Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 39
Lonergan the Pretender Hero Wars Ian Thomson 2 23
Raveena Ghost-Dance-Thief Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 38
Uisu Who Ate His Tattoos Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 44
Geographic, Dragon Pass, Wilds, Dragonspine Mountains
The Bushwackers Hero Wars Ian Cooper 2 8-9
Geographic, Dragon Pass, Wilds, Woods of the Dead
The Banes Hero Wars Dave Shaw 2 26-28
Geographic, Erigia
Mighty Char-Un The Gang of Five SoK 34
Tribe and Power among the People HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 6-10
Geographic, Lunar Empire
Oheknash Twice-Maned Hero Wars Mark Galeotti 2 15-17
The PargAddi Imperial Hunter Corps Regiment Hero Wars Martin Laurie 2 35-36
Geographic, Tarsh
Movers & Shakers of Tarsh Hero Wars Peter Metcalfe 1 10-12
Geographic, Tarsh, Furthest
Furthest (City) Gang Tough Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 57
Tuk Horse-Wise Hero Wars Wesley Quadros 1 37
Peoples, Aldryami
The Unbalanced Hero Wars Shannon Appelcline 2 33-34
Peoples, Giants
Hooglon the Giant Sneak Thief Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 36
The Neep Spawn Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 30-32

๐ŸงŒ Peoples

Title System Author # Pgs
Uz, Organizations, Hero Bands
The Need Spawn Heroband Hero Wars Simon Bray 2 32

๐Ÿ“œ Rules

Title System Author # Pgs
Character Creation
Your First Char-Un Hero HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 35-52
Keywords, Misc
We Are the Exiles Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 15-17
Keywords, Cultural
Tarshite Keywords Hero Wars Mark Galeotti & Simon Bray 1 8-9
Keywords, Homeland
Hoemland: The Char-Un HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 36-37
Homeland: Exiles HeroQuest 1e Ian Cooper WF 50-51
Keywords, Magic
The Char-Un Traditions HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 39-52
The Cult of Maran Gor at the Shaker Temple Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 19-22
Maran1 Hero Wars Greg Stafford & Roderick Robertson 1 61-66
The Path of Dawn and Dusk HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 47-51
The Path of Earth HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 44-47
The Path of Fire HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 40-44
Keywords, Organizations
Brotherhoods, Sister Pacts and Societies of the Char-Un HeroQuest 1e The Gang of Five SoK 38
Organizations, Clans
Exile Clan Generator Hero Wars Ian Cooper 3 60-63
  1. Originally intended for STORM TRIBE: THE CULTS OF SARTAR (Issaries, 2001), but dropped due to lack of space.
