The Gary's Appendix Index

Version 1.0: Issues 1-5

by Shannon Appelcline

History: 2022-Present

In 2018, Luke Crane, then the VP of Community at Kickstarter, came up with a new idea for supporting small-press RPG publishers: Zine Quest. The concept was simple: each February, RPG designers would create 'zines, by which Crane meant small, one-color digest-sized booklets, not necessarily fanzines. Fans could then seek out all the zines during the month. The individual zines would have much more of a chance to shine, and not just get lost amidst the huge waves of projects moving through Kickstarter every day. The initiative was wildly successful: 9th Level Games' Zineography #1 (itself a 'zine!) records 99 successful projects in February 2019, raising a median of $2,455.

Zine Quest 3 predictably ran in February 2021. That year there were 378(!) funded projects, raising a media of $2,634. One of those projects was "Scoundrels" by Jeffrey Jones, which offered three 'zines covering "Denizens", "Crime", and "Optional Rules". The first two booklets detailed 200 universal NPCs for use in crime RPGs, while the third translated rules from Blades in the Dark SRD (2018) for universal usage. Jones' Kickstarter came in just under the median at $2,050 from 137 backers, which was exactly the sort of success that Zine Quest was meant to enable. Jones had his zines produced and mailed by June 2021, which was exactly the sort of turnaround that Zine Quest was meant to enable.

Jones followed up later in the year with a second Kickstarter, for Journey into the Madlands (2021). Even absent the support of Zine Quest, it was another zine, but the postapocalyptic OSR booklet got out of hand, becoming a 60-page megazine. And that brings us to Gary's Appendix. Jones' original plan was to produce a fantasy bestiary. But shortly before the Kickstarter, he decided to turn it into a 'zine that did have some bestiary entries but also featured other sorts of articles. The bestiary reprinted monsters from the OSE OGL, but with additional notes on mythology, folklore, and other background that hadn't been included in the minimalist OGL entries. The other articles tended to focus on GM support. The whole thing was published under the umbrella of Old-School Essentials (2019), a retroclone of B/X D&D. Sort of. Jones' main goal in using the OSE brand was to tie Gary's Appendix into the OSR movement, but most of the articles could be used with any game system (even those OSE-statted bestiary entries, which had plenty of universal ideas).

There was one other influence, as suggested by the 'zine name: the appendices of Gary Gygax's original AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide (1979). As Jones said in the initial Kickstarter for Gary's Appendix: "Gary wrote and collected a vast amount of information, rules, and guidance. Its haphazard nature and perplexing subjects makes it as fresh today as when he penned the work almost fifty years ago. We do not have the audacity to believe that we can produce a work that matches that evergreen classic. Indeed, we draw inspiration from the past works of the gaming giants with no attempt to reproduce it." Gary's Appendix thus contains many "odds & ends", which included most of the GM-focused articles. They're GMing articles that can inspire those GMs lucky enough to stumble upon them.

Jones has been supported in Gary's Appendix by Zac Goins, his "right-hand man". Goins has produced content for all of the issues, but also deals with many of the technical aspects of Kickstarter as well as North American distribution, which happens through World of Game Design, a design and services company where Goins is the Creative Director. (International distribution is done by Jones through Lulu.)

The first Gary's Appendix Kickstarter ran from August 2 to August 30, 2022. It raised $7,727 from 545 backers, with books going out in November. There were some kinks along the way, such as initial shipments of Lulu books that were missing pages and a stock-art cover that was also used by another designer for another Kickstarter shortly thereafter. Jones persevered (and decided to only use original, non-stock art for his later covers) and the ongoing 'zine has kept to his planned schedule of about three releases a year.

Meanwhile, Jones' small-press publisher, RPG Ramblings Publishing, also continues to produce other content, including releases such as as the Cortex-based Scoundrels of Brixton setting (2023) and the OSE-based Journey into the Madlands setting (2024), which were based on his earliest Kickstarter releases.

Gary's Appendix Issues

1. (November 2022)
2. (March 2023)
3. Horror & Supernatural (September 2023)
4. Sword & Sorcery (February 2024)
5. Slimed! (April 2024)
6. Dragons (pending)

About the Game System

Gary's Appendix is labeled as an Old School Essentials 'zine. But, Jones notes that he's not really a "single-system, single-genre guy" (as also evidenced by his past Kickstarters). Though the bestiary stat blocks in Gary's Appendix are indeed OSE, the magazine as a whole is of good use for an FRPG.

Obtaining the Magazines

All of the issues of Gary's Appendix remain available at DTRPG and the RPG Ramblings store. New issues of the 'zines also continue to be Kickstarted, with older issues being offered as add-ons.

This index is © Copyright 2024 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution. Background image is Catacombs of the Flayed Minotaurs by Dyson Logos, released for personal and/or commercial use. Support Dyson's Patreon.

🧙 Advice

Title System Author # Pgs
Gary's Guidance Travis Miller 2 35-40

🎨 Background: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Activities, Leisure
Welcome to the Pleasuredome Dave Semark 4 30-31
Flip the Scrip(t) Tim Sattley 2 31-34
A Brief History of Death Dave Semark 3 20-23
The Language Tree OSE 1e Onslaught SIX 2 19-21

🌍 Background: Earth

Title System Author # Pgs
Britain & Ireland, Misc, Myths & Legends
Legends of the Supernatural Pt. 1 Dave Semark 3 26-29
Legends of the Supernatural Pt. 2 Dave Semark 5 30-33
Britain & Ireland, England, Myths & Legends
Blackmere Pond [The Peak District] Dave Semark 3 28-29
Chanctonbury Ring [The South Downs] Dave Semark 3 33
The Cannock Chase Werewolf [The Black Country] Dave Semark 3 30-31
Britain & Ireland, England, London, Myths & Legends
Green Park Dave Semark 3 27-28
Britain & Ireland, Scotland, Myths & Legends
The White Lady of the Tower, St. Andrew's Cathedral Dave Semark 3 32
Britain & Ireland, Wales, Myths & Legends
Llanngernyw & The Angelystor Dave Semark 3 26-27

🖊️ Campaign Design

Title System Author # Pgs
Creating Sword-and-Sorcery Adventures Travis Miller 4 18-23
World-Building & Governments Part 1 Hannah Wolfram 5 40-43
Gary's Guidance Travis Miller 2 35-40
Chaos: An Anatomy of Fun Encounters Andrew Jason Tryon 1 27-32
What Is in a Cube? OSE 1e Zac Goins 5 44-46
Genre, Mystery
Investigation-Themed Adventures Travis Miller 5 20-25
Genre, Sword & Sorcery
Adding Blood & Thunder to Your Table Oliver Brackenbury 4 40-43
Creating Sword-and-Sorcery Adventures Travis Miller 4 18-23
That Distinct Flavor Oliver Brackenbury 4 38-39
Wandering Monsters
A Case for Using Wandering Monsters John Kaniecki 5 26-29
Wondering about Wandering Monsters OSE 1e Travis Miller 1 33-38
Encountering Weather OSE 1e Zac Goins 4 32-37

🐾 Creatures1 2

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Wandering Monsters
A Case for Using Wandering Monsters John Kaniecki 5 26-29
Wondering about Wandering Monsters OSE 1e Travis Miller 1 33-38
Type, Animals
Ape, White OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 3-4
Bats OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 9-10
Bear OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 11-12
Boar OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 19-20
Cat, Great OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 13-16
Crab, Giant OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 8-9
Crocodile OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 6-7
Oxen, Normal OSE 1e Jason Hobbs 3 24-25
Type, Conjurations
Efreeti (Lesser) OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 4-5
Gargoyle OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 6-7
Type, Conjurations, Constructs
Golem (Clay) OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 10-11
Type, Humanoids
Bugbear OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 7-8
Gnoll OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 14-15
Type, Humanoids, Fey
Dryad OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 10-11
Type, Humanoids, Giants
Cyclops OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 10-11
Type, Humanoids, Humans
Acolyte OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 1-2
Bandit OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 5-6
Berserker OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 15-16
Brigand OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 3-4
Buccaneer OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 3-4
Dervish OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 12-13
Type, Lowlife
Type, Lowlife, Bugs
Ant, Driver OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 8-9
Beetle OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 13-14
Centipede, Giant OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 4-5
Cave Locust OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 4-5
Type, Lowlife, Goo
Black Pudding OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 17-18
Gelatinous Cube OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 12-13
What Is in a Cube? [Gelatinous Cube] OSE 1e Zac Goins 5 44-46
Type, Lowlife, Worms
Caecilia OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 9-10
Type, Monsters
Basilisk OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 1 7-8
Blink Dog OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 1-2
Carcass Crawler3 OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 9-10
Centaur OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 2 17-18
Chimera OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 6-7
Doppelgänger OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 14-15
Dragon Turtle OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 4 16-17
Harpy OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 16-17
Hellhound OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 12-13
The Hodag OSE 1e Jason Hobbs 3 24-25
Hydra OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 5 18-19
Shadow OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 16-17
Type, Undead
Draugr: Undead Vikings OSE 1e Travis Miller 3 38-43
Ghoul OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 8-9
Mummy OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 14-15
Zombie OSE 1e Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman 3 18-19
Type, Undead, Misc, Weapons
Salt & Garlic OSE 1e Zac Goins 3 34-37
  1. Bestiary entries in Gary's Appendix by "Jeffrey Jones after Gavin Norman" combine the stats from OSE SRD with ecology and game uses.
  2. As monsters aren't typed in BD&D or OSE, this index uses the types from AC9: CREATURE CATALOGUE (TSR, 1986), which are: Animals (Mundane, Extinct and Giant), Conjurations (Magical and Other planar), Humanoids (Tribal and Solitary), Lowlife (Plants, Bugs, Worms and Goos), Monsters (and Other Fantastical Creatures), and Undead (Mindless and Malignant), with some subcategorization.
  3. A carrion crawler by any other name would smell as sweet.

🙏 Cults & Myths: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, By Portfolio
Seekers of the Naagolog [Hunting] Jeffrey Jones 1 21-22
Juntra [Law] Jeffrey Jones 1 24
League of the Heptagon [Suffering] Jeffrey Jones 1 25
The Disciples of Vermilion [War] Jeffrey Jones 1 23
League of the Heptagon Jeffrey Jones 1 25

🧶️ Fiction & Multimedia

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Art, Classic Dungeon Scenes
The Keep on the Borderlands 2 45

⚔️ Equipment: Combat

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
The Forge of the Weaponmaster Dave Semark 4 26-29

⬆️ Meta

Title System Author # Pgs
History, Game, D&D
D&D and the Sword-and-Sorcery Genre Oliver Brackenbury 4 24-25

🪄 Magic

Title System Author # Pgs
Raise Dead Onslaught Six 3 30-33

📜 Rules

Title System Author # Pgs
Hirelings, Specialists, Sages
The Costs of Sage Advice OSE 1e Zac Goins 1 39-43
Sage Mages OSE 1e Zac Goins 2 41-44
Hirelings, Specialists, Spies
Hiring a Spy OSE 1e John Kaniecki 5 34-39
The Language Tree OSE 1e Onslaught SIX 2 19-21
Organizations, Monastic
Gamifying Devotion OSE 1e Andrew Ytron 2 23-29
Monsters, Wandering
Wondering about Wandering Monsters OSE 1e Travis Miller 1 33-38
