The Traveller Chronicle Index

UMP: 455C4A-0

Version 1.04: Issues 1-13

by Shannon Appelcline


History: 1993-1997

Just as The MegaTraveller Journal (1991-1993) was winding down, a new Traveller periodical debuted, Kevin Knight's The Traveller Chronicle, which began publication from Sword of the Knight Publications around July 1993 as a quarterly digest β€” a familiar format that had been trailblazed by Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society (1979-1985) and The Travellers' Digest (1985-1990). Technically, The Traveller Chronicle was a fanzine, as it was licensed under a fanzine license that had been issued by Marc Miller himself. Though this classification would shortly cause troubles, it was a fair description of editor Kevin Knight's initial intent: he felt that DGP had abandoned Traveller and that Seeker had disappeared, thus it fell on fans to keep the game alive.

The release of the first issue of The Traveller Chronicle could not have been more poorly timed. It was published shortly after the debut of Traveller: The New Era (1993), but had obviously been produced prior to the new game's release, meaning that it was focused entirely on MegaTraveller (1987) and the Rebellion. Knight managed to turn this into a virtue, advertising that The Traveller Chronicle was "a magazine devoted to Traveller in al of its forms". This would prove impressively true, as The Traveller Chronicle would not only stand astride the chasm between the MegaTraveller and T4 (1996), but would also publish an impressive amount of Golden Age material.

Though Kevin Knight was sequestered on GEnie, without direct access to the rest of the nascent internet, that still gave him access to the HIWG and the HIWG-focused GEnie boards of the era. Thus, some of Traveller's most notable freelancers from the era showed up from the first issue: Charles Gannon continued his Diaspora stories that had been cancelled by the advent of the New Era; Tiffany Star (1987-1992) editor and Imperial Lines v1 (1992-1993) contributions editor Mike Mikesh wrote a Spinward Marches-focused adventure; and STarport member and Traveller artist Paul Sanders offered not just art, but marketing expertise as well. HIWGers James Holden and Mark Gelinas would also show up in later issues.

However, The Traveller Chronicle may have been most impressive for how it located and printed a number of lost Traveller manuscripts. That began in The Traveller Chronicle #2 (Oct/Nov/Dec 1993) with Dale Kemper's look at "The Far Frontiers", which was setting material that had originally been intended as a FASA book and that had later been partially released in Ares Special Edition #2 (1983). Kemper's view of The Far Frontiers was followed by a modern update by James Kundert that ran into 1995; afterward the sector would be the closest the magazine had to an "official" setting (though it would always remain very scattered thanks to its support for "Traveller in all of its forms").

In early 1994, Knight considering expanding the scope of Sword of the Knight's publications when he was offered an extensive adventure set in the "Grayln Union". This was to be the work of the TNE-POCKET mailing list, an internet-based creative collective administered by George Herbert. The group had begun exploration of the New Era back in December 1992 with a focus on the Gralyn Union, a Pocket Empire that they'd created in Reavers' Deep. Though The Traveller Chronicle had just two digest-sized issues under its belt at the time, TNE-POCKET members convinced Knight to publish their Gralyn Union material as a forty-eight page full-sized supplement.

When Knight approached GDW about producing the sourcebook, it didn't go well, although different parties have different rcollections of what happened. GDW's Dave Nilsen recalls it as Knight calling GDW up to say that he was "going to publish various official sourcebooks on the basis of the fanzine license", while those that Knight later told about the contact remember Knight saying that GDW was upset that The Traveller Chronicle was competing with GDW's own Challenge magazine (1986-1995) and that GDW was afraid Sword of the Knight might produce better material than their own. It seems likely that neither of these recollections is entirely accurate. When GDW's Loren Wiseman wrote an official reponse to Knight, it simply said that the Graylyn Union product couldn't be produced under GDW's licensing policy. And so there was no sourcebook. Some Garyln Union material would instead appear in Traveller Chronicle #6 (Oct/Nov/Dec 1994).

The inability for Sword of the Knight to produce supplements didn't stop The Traveller Chronicle from quickly growing beyond the label of "fanzine". By The Traveller Chronicle #3 (Jan/Feb/Mar 1994), the 'zine was being released into the gaming mass-market thanks to distributors such as The Armory and Wargames West. What were just 300 copies of issue #2 became 1500 by Traveller Chronicle #5 (July/Aug/Sept 1994). At the same time, the fanzine truly became a magazine, adopting a full-color cover with Traveller Chronicle #4 (Apr/May/June 1994) and then a full-size with issue #5. By that point you could definitely classify Traveller Chronicle as Traveller's sixth fully professional magazine. (In the process, Traveller Chronicle also removed its "The"; definite articles have rarely done well in magazine titles, just ask The Dragon and The Space Gamer.)

That fifth issue also contained the magazine's other Golden Age coup. It featured the first part of a serialization of "A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector", a long-lost J. Andrew Keith manuscript that had originally been intended for publication by Gamelords. Paul Sanders announced to the Traveller Mailing List that Sword of the Knight also had Keith's manuscript for "Letter of Marque", the famous "Rogues in Space" supplement intended for Gamelords, so there was hope that there'd be more to come.

By Traveller Chronicle #7 (Jan/Feb/Mar/Apr 1995), Knight revealed that the magazine had to cut back to three issues a year lest their increasing circulation cause them to violate their agreement with GDW. Likely that meant that they had a limit to how many copies of their magazine they could produce each year, perhaps a total print run of 10,000 or so, which would suggest the magazine was by then doing more than 2,500 copies an issue. This wouldn't have been astounding given the trajectory of their first year and a half but would have marked a high level of success for a gaming periodical at the time.

Sword of the Knight was undanted: they started publishing other magazines instead. The Earthdawn Journal (1994-1997) had already begun publication in mid-1994 and Shadowland (1995-1997) for Shadowrun would follow at the end of the next year.

Some remember Traveller Chronicle best for Harold Hale's "Children of Earth" setting in Traveller Chronicle #10 (June 1996) and Traveller Chronicle #11 (October 1996), which depicted the Solomani Rim in the New Era. Hale, who'd done extensive work for HIWG on the area (and by 1996 was the chairsophant of the organization) had originally prepared the work for publication by GDW, but Dave Nilsen had found the Solomani's new empire too large and powerful in comparison with the Reformation Coalition and too likely to pull the metaplot in a different direction and had thus declined the material, so to Traveller Chronicle it went, alongside Gannon's Diaspora, Kemper's Far Frontiers, and Keith's Caledon.

By 1997, Traveller Chronicle seemed to be reaching new heights. It was selling the remaining stock for a variety of classic Traveller products and seemed to be on better terms with Imperium Games, who had become the new publisher of Traveller following the demise of GDW. But Traveller Chronicle #13 (September 1997) saw a surprising changing of the guard, with Harold Hale taking over editorship from Kevin Knight. Similar things were happening at both The Earthdawn Journal and Shadowland, each of which picked up a new editor in the Fall of 1997.

A 14th issue of Traveller Chronicle was largely prepared and would have included an article talking the increasing problems of Imperium Games, particularly their poor treatment of freelancers. It was delayed when word first leaked on Imperium's shutdown in early February 1998, and would ultimately never be sent to the printer.

Instead, those Fall 1997 issues would mark the end of Sword of the Knight's magazine-focused publishing empire. Apart from the Imperium-related delays of Traveller Chronicle, the major reason appears to have been quite simple: a child. Kevin Knight and his wife (and associate editor) Brenda Knight had a new baby, and so Traveller Chronicle came to an end. There was brief talk of a revival under Starjoy Publishing, with Hale still editing, but that never emerged.

Traveller Chronicle had lasted from the twilight of MegaTraveller to the twilight of T4. As such, it also lasted straight through the short two-issue tenure of Traveller's seventh professional magazine, JTAS v2 (1996-1997). In fact, depending on how you classify periodicals such as Steve Jackson's web-based JTAS v3 (2000-2016), Mongoose's book-focused JTAS v4 (2019-Present), Far Future's PDF-based Imperial Lines v2 (2014-2015), and Robert Eaglestone's Kickstarter-supported Xboat (2019-2022), Traveller Chronicle #13 might have been the last professional magazine ever published for the game. It was certainly the last fully traditional 'zine.

Though Sword of the Knight never finished published the Keith Brothers' other lost material, Paul Sanders would do so a few years later as Cargonaut Press.

Theme Issues

Obtaining the Magazines

All 13 issues of Traveller Chronicle are available from Far Future Enterprises. They can be purchased individually or as a set at DriveThruRPG. They're also available on the Apocrypha-3 CD-ROM directly from Far Future

This index is © Copyright 2023 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution.

Main Index

🎞️ Adventures: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Humor
The Pirates of Pinafore New Era Scott Kellogg 8 19-22
Aliens, Droyne
Again, Oytritsyu'a MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 1 39-47
Artifact Traveller TNE New Era Clayton Bush 12 38-42
Aliens, Humaniti, Mermani
The Mermani Descent! [Phaedrus: 1006] Traveller TNE New Era Bill White 5 21-29
Aliens, Humaniti, Zhodani
The Intendant Traveller TNE New Era Gregory P. Lee 7 10-15
Zhodani Brain MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Brines 2 27-35
Aliens, Vargr
Raid on Lobok! Traveller TNE Rebellion Mike Mikesh 5 39-45
Sudrian Wevo MegaTraveller Glenn M. Goffin 12 43-50
Sudrian Wevo MegaTraveller Glenn M. Goffin 12 43-50
Organizations, Pirates
The Pirates of Pinafore New Era Scott Kellogg 8 19-22
Organizations, Scouts
Zhodani Brain MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Brines 2 27-35
  1. This adventure can be linked to "Power Centers" in CHALLENGE #66 (November 1992).

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Regency
The Intendant Traveller TNE New Era Gregory P. Lee 7 10-15
Operation Savior Traveller TNE New Era Andy Lilly 9 41-56
Deneb Sector
Deneb Sector, Inar Subsector [F]
Runner [Skold: 0915] Traveller TNE New Era Joe Heck 4 38-46
Spinward Marches
Spinward Marches, Cronor Subsector [A]
Operation Savior [Enlas-Du: 0601] Traveller TNE New Era Andy Lilly 9 41-56
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C]
A Bonnie Mess [Enope: 2205] Traveller TNE Rebellion Mark Gelinas 3 13-34
Spinward Marches, Aramis Subsector [D]
White Wolf [Junidy: 3202] MegaTraveller Rebellion Mike Mikesh 1 8-23
Spinward Marches, Querion Subsector [E]
Artifact [Entrope: 0720] Traveller TNE New Era Clayton Bush 12 38-42
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It's the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Ilelish1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Reaver's Deep
Reaver's Deep, Eakoi Subsector [N]
Aikhiy [Aikhiy: 1634] Traveller TNE New Era Guy Garnett 7 16-25
Weapon's Locker [Aikhiy: 1634] Traveller TNE New Era Guy Garnett 7 42-43
Reaver's Deep, Drinsaar Subsector [O]
Field Test: Gralyn, 1197 [Gralyn: 1735] Traveller TNE New Era Joe Heck 6 36-39
  1. The Domain of Ilelish lies between the Solomani Sphere and Aslan Space and was the home of the Suerrat Republic. It includes the Daibei Sector, the Ilelish Sectyor, Reaver's Deep, and the Zarushagar Sector, and also administers the Verge Sector.

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sol1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Alpha Crucis Sector
Alpha Crucis Sector, McKenzie Subsector [B]
The Mermani Descent! [Phaedrus: 1006] Traveller TNE New Era Bill White 5 21-29
Diaspora Sector
A Solomani Safari [Blight, Iusea, or Shumisdi] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 2 52-54
Diaspora Sector, Sufren Subsector [C]
A Matter of Sovereignty [Cita: 2407] Hard Times Charles Gannon 6 47-48
Diaspora Sector, Khavle Subsector [D]
Far from Home [Dordogne: 2906] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 6 46
Diaspora Sector, Shadigi Subsector [E]
Count or Country [Niilushaga: 0516] MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 2 18-20
Diaspora Sector, Alurza Subsector [G]
Again, Oytritsyu'a [Umorphutwyo: 1816] 2 MegaTraveller Hard Times Charles Gannon 1 39-47
Diaspora Sector, Madoc Subsector [O]
Into the Sa'Drit Jungle [Pekhuraa: 2236] Traveller TNE New Era Marcus Zarra 7 3-7
The Old Expanses
The Old Expanses, Thoezennt Subsector [I]
Nova Ryll [Nova Ryll 3: 0330] Traveller TNE New Era Marcus Zarra 9 33-37
The Old Expanses, Shenk Subsector [J]
Operation Savior [Yontez: 1527] Traveller TNE New Era Andy Lilly 9 41-56
The Old Expanses, Nicosia/Aubaine Subsector [M]
Double Cross [Trybec: 0336] Traveller TNE New Era Marcus Zarra 9 13-17
  1. The Domain of Sol, formerly the Domain of Diaspora, contains the Solomani Sphere. It includes the Alpha Crucis Sector, the Diaspora Sector, the Old Expanses, and the Solomani Rim, and also administers the Hinterworlds and the Magyar Sector.
  2. This adventure can be linked to "Power Centers" in CHALLENGE #66 (November 1992).

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Vland1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Corridor Sector
Corridor Sector, Ian Subsector [E]
Raid on Lobok! [Lobok: 0218] Traveller TNE Rebellion Mike Mikesh 5 39-45
  1. The Domain of Vland dates back to the Ziru Sirka and is the home of the Vlani. It includes Corridor Sector, Dagudashaag Sector, Gushemege Sector, and Vland Sector, and also administers Reft Sector.

🎞️️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium Outskirts

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Far Frontiers
Far Frontiers, Inverness Subsector [L]
All the Fun of the Fair New Era Andy Lilly 8 8-14
Gold Fever [Shadowsand: 0106] Traveller TNE Kevin Berry with Andy Lilly 9 7-12
Revenge So Sweet [Shadowsand: 0106] Traveller TNE New Era Andy Lilly 8 41-45
A Rock Called Jade [Goggic: 3201] Traveller TNE New Era Andy Lilly 7 3-8
Operation Savior [Alcost: 2631] Traveller TNE Golden Age Andy Lilly 9 41-56

🎞️Adventures: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
The Rebellion, Factions, Lucan
Zhodani Brain MegaTraveller Rebellion Michael Brines 2 27-35
New Era, Introduction
Tsuga Orbital Traveller TNE New Era Joe Heck 8 31-40
New Era, RCES
Double Cross Traveller TNE New Era Marcus Zarra 9 13-17
Into the Sa'Drit Jungle Traveller TNE New Era Marcus Zarra 7 3-7
The Mermani Descent! Traveller TNE New Era Bill White 5 21-29
Operation Savior Traveller TNE New Era Andy Lilly 9 41-56

🌱️️️ Adventures: Seeds, Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Starport Notices
Dibbler's Cut-Price Bargain Bucket Shop New Era Andy Lilly 9 56
Navigation Packet Fault New Era Andy Lilly 9 55
Topical, Space Travel, Jump
Out of This Universe: Traveller Variant Clayton Bush 12 51-52

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
How Much is That ?? in the Window? MegaTraveller Rebellion Andy Lilly & Jo Grant 8 46-55

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Humaniti

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Minor, Kagukan
The Kagukans, Part 1 Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 13 47-52
Minor, Mermani
Contact! The Mermani Traveller TNE New Era Bill White 4 47-49
Minor, Vlazhdumecta
The Izrats Kriezhlas Unity Traveller TNE New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 9 18-20
Vlazhdumecta Traveller TNE New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 8 25-27
Solomani, Religion
Gabreelism1a Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 11 3-15
Psionic Time Travel Traveller TNE Harold Hale 12 31
Sayings from the Book of Gabree-el New Era Harold Hale 11 31
  1. Some fixes for the Known Star List can be found in "Children of Earth Errata and Additions" in TRAVELLER CHRONICLE #12 (Sword of the Knight, 1997), on page 27.

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Major Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Aslan, Interactions
How to Annoy an Aslan in TWO Easy Steps!!1 MegaTraveller James Holden 2 17
  1. An addition for SOLOMANI & ASLAN (DGP, 1991).

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Minor Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, Alpha Crucis
Contact! The Mermani [Phaedrus: 1006] Traveller TNE New Era Bill White 4 47-49
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, Solomani Rim
The Vegans [Muan Gwi: 1717]1 New Era Harold Hale 11 36-47
The Kagukans, Part 1 [Kaguk: 2325] Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 13 47-52
Geographic, Imperium Outskirts, Yiklerzdanzh
The Izrats Kriezhlas Unity Traveller TNE New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 9 18-20
Vlazhdumecta [Anchli: 2140] Traveller TNE New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 8 25-27
  1. Vegan chargen can be found in "Children of Earth Errata and Additions" in TRAVELLER CHRONICLE #12 (Sword of the Knight, 1997), on page 27-28.

πŸ“š Background: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Organizations, Government
Counter Insurgency David Schneider 8 15-17
Characteristics, Nobles
How Common is Your Noble? Various Hans Rancke 9 42-48
How Much is That ?? in the Window? MegaTraveller Rebellion Andy Lilly & Jo Grant 8 46-55
Science, Biology
Biotechnology in Traveller Matt Geisler 13 32-35
How Much is That ?? in the Window? MegaTraveller Rebellion Andy Lilly & Jo Grant 8 46-55
Space Travel, Commerce
Space Travel, Trade and Commerce in the Terran Republic New Era Harold hale 13 38-46

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Regency
Communications and Currency in the Regency New Era Marcus S. Zarra 8 23-24
Deneb Sector
Deneb Sector, Inar Subsector [F]
Deneb Sector, Inar Subsector [F], Skold [0915]
Planetary Profile: Skold New Era Joe Heck 4 45-46
Spinward Marches
Spinward Marches, Aramis Subsector [D]
Spinward Marches, Aramis Subsector [D], Zila [2908]
Planetary Profiles [Zila] Kevin Knight 1 24-25
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It's the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Ilelish1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Reaver's Deep
Aoreriyya: Adventures in the Reaver's Deep New Era TNE Pocket Group 6 3-14
Reaver's Deep, Caledon Subsector [G]
Map/Subsector: Caledon Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 5 11
UWPs/Subsector: Caledon Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 5 11
A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector2 Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 5 3-11
A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector2 Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 6 40-41
A Pilot's Guide to the Caledon Subsector2 Golden Age J. Andrew Keith 7 26-41
Reaver's Deep, Drinsaar Subsector [O]
Map/Cluster: Drinsaar Loop Hard Times TNE Pocket Group 6 14
Map/Cluster: Drinsaar Loop New Era TNE Pocket Group 6 14
Reaver's Deep, Drinsaar Subsector [O], Organizations, Gralyn Union
The Gralyn Union New Era TNE Pocket Group 6 24-29
GUESS: Gralyn Union Exploration and Survey Service Traveller TNE New Era TNE Pocket Group 6 15-23
Strasse Weapons Systems, SC Traveller TNE New Era Mark Urbin 5 46-47
  1. The Domain of Ilelish lies between the Solomani Sphere and Aslan Space and was the home of the Suerrat Republic. It includes the Daibei Sector, the Ilelish Sectyor, Reaver's Deep, and the Zarushagar Sector, and also administers the Verge Sector.
  2. Supplemental to A PILOTS GUIDE TO THE DREXILTHAR SUBSECTOR (Gamelords, 1984) and material on the Ea Subsector and Scotian Deep appearing in FAR TRAVELLER (FASA, 1982-1983). Later collected as A PILOTS GUIDE TO THE CALEDON SUBSECTOR (Far Future Enterprises, 2009).

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sol1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Diaspora Sector
Diaspora Sector, Narquel Subsector [A]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 2 37-41
Diaspora Sector, Libert Subsector [B]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 2 41-43
Diaspora Sector, Sufren Subsector [C]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 2 43-47
Diaspora Sector, Khavle Subsector [D]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 2 47-48
Diaspora Sector, Shadigi Subsector [E]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 3 51-52
Diaspora Sector, Kushga Subsector [F]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 3 52-55
Diaspora Sector, Alurza Subsector [G]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 4 15-17
Diaspora Sector, Pasdaruu Subsector [H]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 4 17-19
Diaspora Sector, Ebasha Subsector [I]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 4 19-20
Diaspora Sector, Iusea Subsector [J]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 4 20-23
Diaspora Sector, The Blight [K]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 4 23-26
Diaspora Sector, Promise Subsector [L]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 4 26-27
Diaspora Sector, Hijiri Subsector [M]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 5 18
Diaspora Sector, Shumisdi Subsector [N]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 5 18-19
Diaspora Sector, Madoc Subsector [O]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 5 19-20
Diaspora Sector, Khulam Subsector [P]
Astrogator's Update to the Diaspora Sector Hard Times Charles Gannon 5 20
Solomani Rim
Map/Sector: Solomani Rim New Era Harold Hale 10 7
Children of Earth Introduction New Era Harold Hale 10 2-3
Children of Earth Notes for UWP Data New Era Harold Hale 10 4-7
Children of Earth Subsector Notes New Era Harold Hale 10 24-33
Children of Earth System Name Index New Era Harold Hale 10 34-37
The Known Star List for the Solomani Rim2 New Era Harold Hale 10 38-40
Solomani Rim, Misc, Historic
Children of Earth Timeline New Era Harold Hale 11 16-17
New Era History New Era Harold Hale 11 18-29
Solomani Rim, Misc, Space Travel
Space Travel, Trade and Commerce in the Terran Republic New Era Harold hale 13 38-46
Solomani Rim, Ultima Subsector [A]
Map/Subsector: Ultima New Era Harold Hale 10 8
UWPs/Subsector: Ultima New Era Harold Hale 10 8
Solomani Rim, Suleiman Subsector [B]
Map/Subsector: Suleiman New Era Harold Hale 10 9
UWPs/Subsector: Suleiman New Era Harold Hale 10 9
Solomani Rim, Charuth (Concord) Subsector [C]
Map/Subsector: Charuth (Concord) New Era Harold Hale 10 10
UWPs/Subsector: Charuth (Concord) New Era Harold Hale 10 10
Solomani Rim, Gashurzid (Harlequin) Subsector [D]
Map/Subsector: Gazhurzid (Harlequin) New Era Harold Hale 10 11
UWPs/Subsector: Gazhurdzid (Harlequin) New Era Harold Hale 10 11
Solomani Rim, Alderamin Subsector [E]
Map/Subsector: Alderamin New Era Harold Hale 10 12
UWPs/Subsector: Alderamin New Era Harold Hale 10 12
Solomani Rim, Cuchulain (Esperance) Subsector [F]
Map/Subsector: Cuchulain (Esperance) New Era Harold Hale 10 13
UWPs/Subsector: Curchulain (Esperance) New Era Harold Hale 10 13
Solomani Rim, Vega Subsector [G]
Map/Subsector: Vega New Era Harold Hale 10 14
UWPs/Subsector: Vega New Era Harold Hale 10 14
Solomani Rim, Atria (Banasdan) Subsector [H]
Map/Subsector: Atria (Banasdan) New Era Harold Hale 10 14
UWPs/Subsector: Atria (Banasdan) New Era Harold Hale 10 14
Solomani Rim, Spinward Reach (Albadawi Subsector) [I]
Map/Subsector: Spinward Reach (Albadawi) New Era Harold Hale 10 16
UWPs/Subsector: Spinward Reach (Albadawi) New Era Harold Hale 10 16
Solomani Rim, Dingir Subsector [J]
Map/Subsector: Dingir New Era Harold Hale 10 17
UWPs/Subsector: Dingir New Era Harold Hale 10 17
Solomani Rim, Sol Subsector [K]
Map/Subsector: Sol New Era Harold Hale 10 18
UWPs/Subsector: Sol New Era Harold Hale 10 18
Solomani Rim, Sol Subsector [K], Terra System [1827]
Astronomical Index: Neptune Gary A. Kalin 1 38
Aliens of Terra New Era Harold Hale 11 32-35
Solomani Rim, Sol Subsector [K], Kaguk [2325]
The Kaguk System New Era Harold Hale 13 46
The Kagukans, Part 1 Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 13 47-52
Solomani Rim, Arcturus Subsector [L]
Map/Subsector: Arcturus New Era Harold Hale 10 19
UWPs/Subsector: Arcturus New Era Harold Hale 10 19
Solomani Rim, Thalassa (Jardin) Subsector [M]
Map/Subsector: Thalassa (Jardin) New Era Harold Hale 10 20
UWPs/Subsector: Thalassa (Jardin) New Era Harold Hale 10 20
Solomani Rim, Capella Subsector [N]
Map/Subsector: Capella New Era Harold Hale 10 21
UWPs/Subsector: Capella New Era Harold Hale 10 21
Solomani Rim, Gemini Subsector [O]
Map/Subsector: Gemini New Era Harold Hale 10 22
UWPs/Subsector: Gemini New Era Harold Hale 10 22
Solomani Rim, Kukulcan Subsector [P]
Map/Subsector: Kukulcan New Era Harold Hale 10 23
UWPs/Subsector: Kukulcan New Era Harold Hale 10 23
  1. The Domain of Sol, formerly the Domain of Diaspora, contains the Solomani Sphere. It includes the Alpha Crucis Sector, the Diaspora Sector, the Old Expanses, and the Solomani Rim, and also administers the Hinterworlds and the Magyar Sector.
  2. Some fixes for the Known Star List can be found in "Children of Earth Errata and Additions" in TRAVELLER CHRONICLE #12 (Sword of the Knight, 1997), on page 27.

♾️ Background: Geographic, Imperium Outskirts

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Far Frontiers
The Far Frontiers1 Golden Age Dale Kemper 2 3-10
The Far Frontiers1 Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 3-12
The Far Frontiers1 Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 3-14
The Far Frontiers2 Golden Age James Kundert 5 34-38
Far Frontiers, Misc, Historic
Far Frontiers Golden Age James Kundert 7 44-48
Far Frontiers, Detsiaiem Subsector [A]
Map/Subsector: Detsiaiem Golden Age James Kundert 5 37
UWPs/Subsector: Detsiaiem Golden Age James Kundert 5 37
Far Frontiers, Ienji Subsector [B]
Map/Subsector: Ienji Golden Age James Kundert 5 38
UWPs/Subsector: Ienji Golden Age James Kundert 5 38
Far Frontiers, Naianch Subsector [C]
Map/Subsector: Naianch Golden Age James Kundert 6 43
UWPs/Subsector: Naianch Golden Age James Kundert 6 43
Far Frontiers, Qiedrkia Subsector [D]
Map/Subsector: Qiedrkia Golden Age James Kundert 6 44
UWPs/Subsector: Qiedrkia Golden Age James Kundert 6 44
Far Frontiers, Piavkovrstolq Subsector [E]
Map/Subsector: Paivkovrstolq Golden Age James Kundert 6 45
UWPs/Subsector: Piavkovrstolq Golden Age James Kundert 6 45
Far Frontiers, Retan Subsector [F]
Map/Subsector: Retan Golden Age James Kundert 8 28
UWPs/Subsector: Retan Golden Age James Kundert 8 28
Far Frontiers, Dalesabandagh Subsector [G]
Map/Subsector: Dalesabandagh Golden Age James Kundert 8 29
UWPs/Subsector: Dalesabandagh Golden Age James Kundert 8 29
Far Frontiers, Zeshpae Subsector [H]
Map/Subsector: Zeshpae Golden Age James Kundert 8 30
UWPs/Subsector: Zezhpae Golden Age James Kundert 8 30
Far Frontiers, Antideluvia Subsector [I]
Map/Subsector: Antideluvia Golden Age Dale Kemper 2 7
UWPs/Subsector: Antideluvia Golden Age Dale Kemper 2 8
Far Frontiers, Alsus Subsector [J]
Map/Subsector: Alsus Golden Age Dale Kemper 2 9
UWPs/Subsector: Alsus Golden Age Dale Kemper 2 10
Far Frontiers, Taemerlyk Subsector [K]
Map/Subsector: Taemerlyk Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 5
UWPs/Subsector: Taemerlyk Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 4
Far Frontiers, Inverness Subsector [L]
Map/Subsector: Inverness Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 7
UWPs/Subsector: Inverness Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 6
Far Frontiers, Wulfek Subsector [M]
Map/Subsector: Wulfek Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 9
UWPs/Subsector: Wulfek Golden Age Dale Kemper 3 8
Far Frontiers, Cabala Subsector [N]
Map/Subsector: Cabala Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 7
UWPs/Subsector: Cabala Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 6
Far Frontiers, Jungleblut Subsector [O]
Map/Subsector: Jungleblut Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 9
UWPs/Subsector: Jungleblut Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 8
Far Frontiers, Mnemosyne Subsector [P]
Map/Subsector: Mnemosyne Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 11
UWPs/Subsector: Mneomosyne Golden Age Dale Kemper 4 10
Yiklerzdanzh Sector
The Izrats Kriezhlas Unity Traveller TNE New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 9 18-20
Yiklerzdanzh Sector, Izh Kriezhlal [O]
Map/Subsector: Izh Kriezhlal New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 9 25
UWPs/Subsector: Izh Kriezhlal New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 9 25
Izh Kriezhlal as at 1201 New Era David Thornell with Grant Sinclair 9 21-25
  1. Dale Kemper's Far Frontiers articles were originally prepared for FASA, who held the land grant. About a quarter of it later appeared in ARES MAGAZINE SPECIAL EDITION #2 (TSR, 1983).
  2. These follow-up articles by James Kundert returned to the subsectors not covered in Kemper's originals.

βŒ› Background: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, New Era, Misc, News
Terran Information Network [1202] New Era Harold Hale 11 30
Terran Information Network [1202] New Era Harold Hale 12 29-30
Terran Information Network Update [1202] New Era Harold Hale 13 36
Geographic, Imperium, Sol, Solomani Rim
Children of Earth Timeline New Era Harold Hale 11 16-17
New Era History New Era Harold Hale 11 18-29
Geographic, Imperium Outskirts, Far Frontiers
Far Frontiers Timeline Golden Age James Kundert 7 44-48

πŸ–ŠοΈ Campaign Design

Title System Era Author # Pgs
House Rules: Harpies vs Teddies [UWP: Government] New Era Guy Garnett 5 12-17

πŸ› οΈ Equipment: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Hardware: New Cybernetics Traveller TNE New Era Andrew Doull 9 26-32
Medical, Drugs
Hardware: New Non-Medical Drugs Traveller TNE New Era Andrew Doull 9 30-32
More Psi-Drugs Traveller TNE New Era Gregory P. Lee 7 12-14
Poisons in Traveller Traveller TNE Andrew Barrow 9 49-50
Psi Sensors Traveller TNE New Era Gregory P. Lee 7 14-15

πŸ€– Equipment: Artificial Life

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Robots, Designs, Misc
Engineering/Gravitic Operative Robot MegaTraveller Thomas Stone 1 48

βš”οΈ Equipment: Combat

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Weapons, Ranged
Small Arms of the Terran Republic, Part 1 Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 12 33-35
Strasse Weapons Systems, SC Traveller TNE New Era Mark Urbin 5 46-47

πŸš€ Equipment: Transport

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Air Vehicles
Goose Class Amphibian Fixed Wing Aircraft Traveller TNE Mark Gelinas 5 32
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc
Soho Class Light Freighter [200T] Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 13 53-54
The Diafrenzo Long Trader [200T] Traveller TNE New Era Chris Cox 9 3-4
Lady Charlotte Class Yacht [Y: 200T] Traveller TNE 3 35-40
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc
Hoshisame Class Gun Sloop [100T] Traveller TNE New Era Chris Cox 9 40-41

🧢️ Fiction & Multimedia

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Poetry
A Silent Cry Kevin Knight 1 1
A Solomani Requiem Paul Sanders 2 50
Geographic, Deneb, The Spinward Marches
An Offer You Can't Refuse Golden Age Mark Urbin 12 53-54
Geographic, The Solomani Sphere, The Intrepid
Mercury Quest Golden Age Gary A. Kalin 2 11-16
Mercury Quest Golden Age Gary A. Kalin 3 41-50
The Trap of Triton Golden Age Gary A. Kalin 1 26-38
Historic, Pre-Spaceflight
Test Flight Jo Jaqunita 8 56
Historic, New Era, RCES
A Long Way Home1 New Era Terry McInnes 11 48-56
A Long Way Home1 New Era Terry McInnes 12 3-26
A Long Way Home1 New Era Terry McInnes 13 3-31
  1. Chapters 1-16 of the serialized novel were published in TRAVELLER CHRONICLE #11-13. The whole 34-chapter book was later published as a PDF (Comstar/Avenger, 2007).

⬆️ Meta

Title System Era Author # Pgs
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 1 3
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 2 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 3 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 4 2
The Editor Rambles ... er, Speaks! Kevin Knight 5 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 6 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 7 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 8 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 9 2
Children of Earth Introduction New Era Harold Hale 10 2-3
Introduction to Children of Earth, Part 2 Harold Hale 11 2
The Editor Speaks ... Kevin Knight 12 2
The New Editor Speaks ... Harold Hale 13 2
Index, Products
Traveller 5 33
Info, Organization
About the TNE-Pocket Project Guy Garnett 6 42

πŸ—£οΈ NPCs

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Contacts
Imperial Fragments Traveller TNE New Era Mark Gelinas 5 30-32
Careers, Captain
Star Viking Personality: Vella Zabeth Traveller TNE New Era David Burden 9 38-39
Careers, Engineer
Solid Contact: Shiela Burke Traveller TNE New Era Mark Gelinas 5 31-32
Careers, Pilot
Solid Contact: "Mad" Jack Springer Traveller TNE New Era Mark Gelinas 5 30-32

πŸ“œ Rules

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Official Questions & Answers, Children of Earth
Children of Earth Errata and Additions Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 12 27-28
Character Creation, Misc
House Rules: Career Limitation Charts Traveller TNE New Era Hans Rancke 6 30-35
Character Creation, Aliens
The Kagukans, Part 1 Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 13 47-52
Creating Vegan Characters Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 12 27-28
Character Creation, Careers
Gabreelist Priest Careers Traveller TNE New Era Harold Hale 11 14-15
New Wilds Careers [Survivor, Psionic Priesthood] Traveller TNE New Era Mark Gelinas 8 18
Character Creation, Point-Based
But I Wanted MY Character to Have ... Traveller TNE Kevin Knight 2 51
Imperial Fragments: Advantages & Disadvantages Traveller TNE New Era Mark Gelinas & David McNeill 4 51-55
Characteristics, Social
How Common is Your Noble? Various Hans Rancke 9 42-48
Combat, Melee
Martial Arts1 MegaTraveller Kevin Knight 1 6-7+
Combat, Ranged
The Official Terran Republic Marine Sniper Rules Traveller TNE New Era Harold hale 12 36-37
Combat, Starships
Adding Suspense and Strategy MegaTraveller Gary A. Kalin 1 50-55
Lock on Sensors Brilliant Lances Andrew Doull 9 51-55
Money Makes the World Go 'Round MegaTraveller Rebellion Terry McInnes 2 21-26+
Psionic Time Travel Traveller TNE Harold Hale 12 31
Additional Skills for TNE Traveller TNE Harold Hale 13 37
Skills, Misc, Alien, Aslan
How to Annoy an Aslan in TWO Easy Steps!!2 MegaTraveller James Holden 2 17
Skills, Recruiting
Advanced Recruiting Rules Traveller TNE New Era Christopher Griffen 9 5-6
Starship Operations
House Rules: Starport Traffic & Facilities Generator Guy Garnett 4 28-37
  1. A response to "Spicing Up Brawling" in TRAVELLERS DIGEST #18 (DGP, 1990).
  2. An addition for SOLOMANI & ASLAN (DGP, 1991).
