Traveller in Signs & Portents / Traveller Compendium Index


Version 0.50: Issues S&P 53-93, TC 1-3

by Shannon Appelcline


History: 2003-2013

Signs & Portents magazine began publication in August 2003 under editor Matt Sharp as a print magazine focused on the d20 games that were the heart of Mongoose Publishing's original success. By that time Mongoose had moved beyond their generic fantasy beginnings to licensed publications, and thus the first issue highlighted their d20 take on properties such as Judge Dredd, Lown Wolf, Conan, ... and Babylon 5, the last of which gave Mongoose's magazine its name.

The print magazine lasted just more than two years, through Signs & Portents #25 (August 2005). By that time Mongoose was dabbling with miniatures and had also already published their first classic game from the '80s, Paranoia XP (2004), quickly renamed Paranoia under threat from the overly litigious lawyers at Microsoft.

With the publication of Signs & Portents #26 (September 2005), the magazine made two huge changes. First, it split in two, with Signs & Portents Roleplayer focusing on Mongoose's roleplaying work and Signs & Portents Wargamer concentrating on their miniatures games. In addition, it transformed from a commercial print magazine into a free online magazine. Editor Chris Longhurst took over editorship of Signs & Portents Roleplayer for the latter part of its bipartite run.

Meanwhile, Mongoose continued to pick up titles from the '80s. After a few months of teasers, a new edition of RuneQuest (2006) was covered starting in Signs & Portents Roleplayer #35 (August 2006). Then in Signs & Portents Roleplayer #53 (February 2008), also the final issue of the split magazine, an interview announced the coming of Mongoose's edition of Traveller (2008). More complete coverage began with designer's notes and adventures in Signs & Portents #55 (April 2008).

The 'zine continued as an electronic publication through its final issue, Signs & Portents #93 (June 2011), largely focused on what became Mongoose's three big properties: Paranoia, RuneQuest, and Traveller. Meanwhile, media licenses were transferred from d20 to the new games, thus Traveller, for example, was used as the foundation for a new edition of Judge Dredd, Strontium Dog, and a few others.

Since their genesis, the electronic magazines had been produced in landscape mode for easy reading, a common flirtation for PDFs produced in the '00s, before tablets appeared. Signs & Portents #71 (August 2009) marked the change in that formatting. Sign & Portent's third editor, Charlotte Law worked with artist Will Chapman to produce a magazine format that was not just portrait oriented, but more attractive as well. This format would see the magazine through its finale (though editor Nick Robinson would take over as its fourth editor before the end).

The Traveller content in Signs & Portent was relatively generic for much of its run. Though setting information was occasionally provided within the Official Traveller Universe's Third Imperium, most often that was superficial. Articles that were more concentrated on setting tended to be offered instead for one of the licensed Traveller games. (This was a general trend with Mongoose's Traveller production in its first edition under them.)

There were a few exceptions here and there such as the "Starchild" adventure and some Aslan-focused content surrounding the releases of Alien Module 1: Aslan (2009) and later Supplement 12: Dynasty (2011). But content for the Third Imperium only picked up in the magazine's last year, and then it was primarily focused on updates of articles from the original Journal of the Travellres' Aid Society (1979-1985), such as Loren Wiseman's "SuSAG" article and Marc Miller's "Annic Nova" adventure.

(This would foreshadow Mongoose's volume 4 of JTAS, which led the way with piles of material reprinted from GDW's volume 1.)

Signs & Portents #93 was supposed to be followed by just a short hiatus, to give the Mongoose staff some time to catch up on other projects and to come up with a(nother) new format for the magazine, to appear in early 2012. But instead, it was the end of the road.

The Traveller Compendium was sort of a continuation of Signs & Portents in the final years of Mongoose's first-edition Traveller. It started out as a collection of the Traveller content in Signs & Portents, produced as a hardcover book. Traveller Compendium 1 (2010) came out during the run of the magazine and reprinted almost all the universal Traveller content from Signs & Portents #55 through Signs & Portents #78 (March 2010). Other than some previews, the main missing content was info on the planet "Zephnil" in Signs & Portents #64 (January 2009), most of the "Friends in Need" patrons from Signs & Portents #74 (November 2009) and Signs & Portents #75 (December 2009) and the Heavy SDB from Signs & Portents #74.

Traveller Compendium 2 (2011) was released a few months after Signs & Portents ended, and it contained content from Signs & Portents #79 (April 2011) through Signs & Portents #93, but somewhat less consistently than its predecessor. Its biggest focus was on adventures, including the "Annic Nova" adventure reprinted from JTAS and also "Death Station", originally a Double Adventure from GDW. The volume supplemented those shorter pieces with four adventures originally given away as part of the "Living Traveller" organized play program: "Of Dust Spice and Dewclaws", "Spinward Fenderbender", "A Festive Occasion", and "Rescue on Ruie".

When Traveller Compendium 3 (2013) appeared a year later, Mongoose was ailing a bit in large part due to problems in the larger roleplaying market. As a result, it wasn't a nice hardcover like its predecessor, but instead a PDF-only release. On the flipside, it was almost all new content, with just a few reprinted vehicles that had previously appeared in Signs & Portents. With its short articles, it could be seen as what might have appeared in Signs & Portents had the magazine continued.

Some years later, Mongoose did finally return to magazine-style publication when they kickstarted their volume four of Journal of the Travellers' Aid Society, which obviously was Traveller only.

Theme Issues

Obtaining the Magazines

Issues #56-93 of Signs & Portents, and a few others, are available from DTRPG, now for a small fee. That's basically the Traveller run indexed here. All three Traveller Compendiums are similarly available as PDFs from DTRPG, though the first two volumes can be obtained from secondary markets at slightly inflated prices. As noted, Traveller Compendium 3 was PDF-only: no legitimate hardcopy exists.

About the Contents

This index only lists the Traveller content in Signs & Portents (and the reprint and successor volumes of Traveller Compendium).

This index is © Copyright 2023 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution.

Main Index

🎞️ Adventures: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
The Thing in the Pit1 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Alex Greene SP89 40-45
The Thing in the Pit (reprint)1 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Alex Greene TC2 26-32
Aliens, Aslan
Of Dust Spice and Dewclaws2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Andy Lilly TC2 48-71
The Levall Affair, Part One MongTrav 1e Paul A. Dutton SP66 45-49
The Levall Affair, Part One MongTrav 1e Paul A. Dutton SP66 45-49
The Levall Affair, Part Two MongTrav 1e Paul A. Dutton SP67 34-40
The Levall Affair (reprint) MongTrav 1e Paul A. Dutton TC1 79-88
Adapt and Overcome MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP61 16-18
Adapt and Overcome (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC1 52-53
Death Station3 MongTrav 1e Marc Miller with Frank Chadwick & John Harshman SP87 26-38
Death Station (reprint)3 MongTrav 1e Marc Miller with Frank Chadwick & John Harshman TC2 33-47
Old Acquaintances MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross SP92 54-57
Otherworld Blues MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross SP91 74-77
The Sad Death of Sadder Villin4 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan SP66 62-68
The Sad Death of Sadder Villin (reprint)4 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan TC1 89-94
Criminal, Kidnapping
Pride and Plasma Guns MongTrav 1e Lindsay Jackson TC3 78-81
Old Acquaintances MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross SP92 54-57
Old Acquaintances (reprint) MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross TC2 22-25
Otherworld Blues MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross SP91 74-77
Otherworld Blues (reprint) MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross TC2 17-21
The Rescue MongTrav 1e Gareth Harahan SP55 62-67
The Rescue (reprint) MongTrav 1e Gareth Harahan TC1 4-9
Government, Nobles
The Price of Milk MongTrav 1e Golden Age Andrea Vallance TC3 82-85
Adapt and Overcome MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP61 16-18
Adapt and Overcome (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC1 52-53
The Ball Identity MongTrav 1e Lindsay Jackson TC3 97-99
Pride and Plasma Guns MongTrav 1e Lindsay Jackson TC3 78-81
The Sad Death of Sadder Villin4 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan SP66 62-68
The Sad Death of Sadder Villin (reprint)4 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan TC1 89-94
Fair Game MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP59 23-31
Fair Game (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC1 44-51
A Festive Occasion2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Hans Rancke-Madsen TC2 92-110
Rescue on Ruie2 5 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Robert Eaglestone TC2 111-123
Starships, Ghost
Annic Nova6 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Marc Miller & Ian Stead SP93 10-19
Annic Nova (reprint)6 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Marc Miller & Ian Stead TC2 4-16
Death Station2 MongTrav 1e Marc Miller with Frank Chadwick & John Harshman SP87 26-38
The Derelict MongTrav 1e Paul Dutton SP72 78-81
The Derelict (reprint) MongTrav 1e Paul Dutton TC1 112-116
Derelict MongTrav 1e Lindsay Jackson TC3 89-91
Spinward Fenderbender2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Steven Parker TC2 72-91
  1. Based on the TV show QUATERMASS AND THE PIT (BBC, 1967).
  2. Originally published as a LIVING TRAVELLER adventure (Mongoose, 2010).
  3. An update of "Death Station" from TRAVELLER DOUBLE ADVENTURE 3 (GDW, 1981).
  4. Intended as a prelude to ADVENTURE 2: PRISON PLANET (Mongoose, 2009).
  5. Based on the much shorter Amber Zone, "Rescue on Ruie" in JTAS v1 #1 (GDW, 1979).
  6. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #1 (GDW, 1979).

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Imperium Outskirts1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
The Beyond
Mapepire Subsector [A]
The Thing in the Pit [Shalimar: 0105]2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Alex Greene SP89 40-45
  1. The Imperium Outskirts are places lying near the Third Imperium and not claimed by another entity.
  2. Based on the TV show QUATERMASS AND THE PIT (BBC, 1967).,

🎞️ Adventures: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Spinward Marches
Mercy to the Fallen MongTrav 1e Golden Age Andrea Vallance 3 92-96
Spinward Marches, Regina Subsector [C]
Annic Nova1 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Marc Miller & Ian Stead SP93 10-19
Rescue on Ruie [Ruie: 1809]2 3 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Robert Eaglestone TC2 111-123
Spinward Marches, Rhylanor Subsector [H]
The Sad Death of Sadder Villin [Macene: 2612]4 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan SP66 62-68
The Sad Death of Sadder Villin (reprint)4 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan TC1 89-94
The Starchild Part One [Jae Taellona: 2814]5 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Courtney Parsons SP57 5-18
The Starchild Part Two [Jae Taellona: 2814]5 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Courtney Parsons SP58 5-17
The Starchild (reprint) [Jae Taellona: 2814]5 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Courtney Parsons TC1 10-35
Spinward Marches, Mora Subsector [L]
Of Dust Spice and Dewclaws [Mora: 3124]2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Andy Lilly TC2 48-71
A Festive Occasion [Mora: 3124]2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Hans Rancke-Madsen TC2 92-110
Spinward Marches, Five Sisters [M]
Further Adventures on 876-574 [876-574: 0140]6 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Ewan Quibell 3 86-88
Spinward Marches, District 268 [N]
Spinward Fenderbender [Mertactor: 1537]2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Steven Parker TC2 72-91
  1. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #1 (GDW, 1979).
  2. Originally published as a LIVING TRAVELLER adventure (Mongoose, 2010).
  3. Based on the much shorter Amber Zone, "Rescue on Ruie" in JTAS v1 #1 (GDW, 1979).
  4. Intended as a prelude to ADVENTURE 2: PRISON PLANET (Mongoose, 2009).
  5. Intended as a prelude to ADVENTURE 2: RESEARCH STATION GAMMA (GDW, 1980) and the rest of the trilogy.
  6. A follow-up to the adventures in SPINWARD ENCOUNTERS (Mongoose, 2011).

🎞️Adventures: Historic

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Third Imperium, Fifth Frontier War
Sealed Orders MongTrav 1e Golden Age Lindsay Jackson TC3 114-116

πŸ—£οΈ Adventures: Patrons

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
A Friend in Need MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP74 50-51
A Friend in Need (partial reprint) MongTrav 1e August Hahn TC1 122-123
A Friend in Need MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP75 76-79
A Friend in Need MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP89 28-29
A Friend in Need (reprint) MongTrav 1e August Hahn TC2 131-132
Medic! Part 2: More Medical Matters MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 23-32
Medic! (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 61-73
Patrons at Court MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 112-113
Aliens, Aslan
Hlyueiwdfer, Aslan Negotiator MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP75 76-77
Aliens, Humaniti, Vilani
Ihjat Aatli-Rko, Vilani Arbiter MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP74 51
Aliens, Humaniti, Zhodani
Klizhzariepr, Zhodani Intendant MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP75 77
Careers, Archaeologist
Medical Archaeologist MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 31
Medical Archaeologist (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 73
Careers, Administrator
Klizhzariepr, Zhodani Intendant MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP75 77
Careers, Captain
Medic Ship's Captain MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 31
Medic Ship's Captain (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 72-73
Careers, Diplomat
Hlyueiwdfer, Aslan Negotiator MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP75 76-77
Ihjat Aatli-Rko, Vilani Arbiter MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP74 51
Careers, Entertainer
Dermont Calaway, Human Entertainer MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP74 50-51
Dermont Calaway, Human Entertainer (reprint) MongTrav 1e August Hahn TC1 122-123
Woodred Alzy, Steward of the Crown MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 113
Careers, Medic
Advanced Tech Physician MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 32
Advanced Tech Physician (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 73
Angel of Mercy MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 32
Angel of Mercy (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 73
Loyal Internist MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 31
Loyal Intern (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 72
Medical Archaeologist MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 31
Medical Archaeologist (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 73
Careers, Military, Army
Ealin Margaid, Honourable Woman MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 112
Careers, Noble
Jozefin Butrus MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 113
Careers, Noble, Court
Ealin Margaid, Honourable Woman MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 112
Woodred Alzy, Steward of the Crown MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 113
Careers, Patient
Drug Trial Victim MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 31
Drug Trial Victim (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 73
Careers, Patient
Ashton Ramsey, Human Scientist/Researcher MongTrav 1e August Hahn SP89 28-29
Ashton Ramsey, Human Scientist/Researcher (reprint) MongTrav 1e August Hahn TC2 131-132

🌱️️️ Adventures: Seeds, Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Aliens, Humaniti, Zhodani
Sealed Orders MongTrav 1e Golden Age Lindsay Jackson TC3 114-116
A Helping Hand MongTrav 1e Timothy Collinson SP91 42-43
A Helping Hand (reprint) MongTrav 1e Timothy Collinson TC2 124-125
The Star Dragon MongTrav 1e Jacob DC Ross TC3 109-111
The Fall of Rigella Namsey MongTrav 1e Nick Robinson SP62 71-74
The Fall of Rigella Namsey (reprint) MongTrav 1e Nick Robinson TC1 57-60
Sealed Orders MongTrav 1e Golden Age Lindsay Jackson TC3 114-116
Undercover Missions on Low-Tech Worlds MongTrav 1e Nicholas Halsey TC3 102-104
The Flying Money Pit MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP90 46-47
The Flying Money Pit (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC2 140-141

πŸ’‘ Advice

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Game Masters
Apologies for Absense Lindsay Jackson SP93 40-41
Apologies for Absence (reprint) Lindsay Jackson TC2 147-148
SF Ref's Emergency Toolkit Alan Oliver SP78 26-34
Referee's Emergency Toolkit (reprint) Alan Oliver TC1 167-175

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Humaniti

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Organizations, Religion
The Irklan MongTrav 1e Golden Age TC3 39-42

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Major Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Aslan, Organizations, Clans
The Arhiyao Clan MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan SP69 24-30
The Arhiyao Clan (reprint) MongTrav 1e Golden Age Gareth Hanrahan TC1 99-104
Aslan, Organizations, Dynasties
Aslan Dynasties1 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross TC3 31-38
Aslan, Organizations, Kinships
Creating Kinships2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Simon Beal SP72 32-38
Creating Kinships (reprint)2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Simon Beal TC1 105-111
K'kree, Philosophy
Destiny: Within the Two Thousand Worlds3 Golden Age William Keith Jr. SP88/td> 74-77
  1. Expanding on the rules in SUPPLEMENT 12: DYNASTY (Mongoose, 2011).
  2. Expanding on the rules in ALIEN MODULE 1: ASLAN (Mongoose, 2009).
  3. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #21 (GDW, 1984).

πŸ›Έ Aliens: Minor Races

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
A Gallery of Outsiders MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele SP79 34-38
A Gallery of Outsiders (reprint) MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele TC2 159-163
Misc, Aquatic
The Takel MongTrav 1e Jacob DC Ross TC3 71-73
Misc, Crab Men
The Vornek-Kra MongTrav 1e Colin B. Harvey TC3 74-76
Uplifted Races, Foxes
Shaw-Hin MongTrav 1e Stephen Landis TC3 69-70
  1. Expanding on the rules in SUPPLEMENT 12: DYNASTY (Mongoose, 2011).

🐾 Animals & Plants

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Environment, Aerial
The Star Dragon MongTrav 1e Jacob DC Ross TC3 109-111
Behavior, Carnivore
Bestiary: Springers MongTrav 1e Liz Danforth & Loren Wiseman SP89 76
Behavior, Grazer
The Bestiary: Kian Traveller 1e Roger E. Moore SP89 76
Behavior, Herbivore
The Bestiary: Kian Traveller 1e Roger E. Moore SP89 76
Behavior, Pouncer
Bestiary: Springers MongTrav 1e Liz Danforth & Loren Wiseman SP89 76
Type, Mutant
Mutant Menace MongTrav 1e Jacob Ross TC3 50-52

πŸ“š Background: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Worlds
Kresdekka I Dale McCoy, Jr. SP68 60-64
Kresdekka I (reprint) Dale McCoy, Jr. TC1 95-98
Zephnil MongTrav 1e Dale McCoy, Jr. SP64 69-73
Organizations, Banks
Give the Bank a Fighting Chance Mong Traveller 1e Jolly R Blackburn SP86 62-63
Give the Bank a Fighting Chance (reprint) Mong Traveller 1e Jolly R Blackburn TC2 149-150
Organizations, Megacorps
SuSAG1 Golden Age Loren Wiseman SP85 36-39
SuSAG1 Golden Age Loren Wiseman TC2 155-158
People, Low Tech
Undercover Missions on Low-Tech Worlds MongTrav 1e Nicholas Halsey TC3 102-104
Science, Medical
Medic! Part 1: Physicians in Traveller MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP63 42-47
Medic! Part 2: More Medical Matters MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 23-32
Medic! (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 61-73
Space Travel, Jump
Jump Space2 Marc Miller TC3 105-108
Space Travel, Starports, Designs
Akadasi Station Paul Elliott TC3 9-12
Dutrieu Spaceport TC3 17-22
Siduri Station, Class-C Starport TC3 23-29
Technology, Misc
Ships Locker: Nuclear Dampers and Dinsintegrators MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP72 54-62
Ships Locker: Nuclear Dampers and Dinsintegrators (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 158-166
Technology, Cybernetics
Augmetics and Prosthetics MongTrav 1e Alan Oliver SP82 24-33
  1. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #16 (GDW, 1983)
  2. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #24 (GDW, 1985)

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Deneb1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Spinward Marches
Spinward Marches, Misc, Organizations, Megacorps
SuSAG2 Golden Age Loren Wiseman SP85 36-39
SuSAG (reprint)2 Golden Age Loren Wiseman TC2 155-158
Spinward Marches, Misc, Organizations, Pirates
Resplendent Fury MongTrav 1e Golden Age Stephen Landis TC3 43-44
Spinward Marches, The Sword Worlds [J]
The Sword Worlders MongTrav 1e Golden Age Shannon Appelcline SP80 24-31
Spinward Marches, The Sword Worlds [J], Mithril [1628]
Mithril Type E Starport MongTrav 1e Golden Age Ian Stead TC3 13-16
  1. The Domain of Deneb is the most Spinward of the Domains. It includes the Deneb Sector, the Reft Sector, the Spinward Marches, and the Trojan Reach. It is the most traditional location for adventure in the Imperium. It is also known as the region "Behind the Claw".
  2. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #16 (GDW, 1983)

🌌 Background: Geographic, Imperium, Domain of Sol1

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Solomani Rim
Solomani Rim, Misc, Organizations, Megacorps
SuSAG2 Golden Age Loren Wiseman TC2 155-158
SuSAG (reprint)2 Golden Age Loren Wiseman TC2 155-158
  1. The Domain of Sol, formerly the Domain of Diaspora, contains the Solomani Sphere. It includes the Alpha Crucis Sector, the Diaspora Sector, the Old Expanses, and the Solomani Rim, and also administers the Hinterworlds and the Magyar Sector.
  2. Originally appeared in JTAS v1 #16 (GDW, 1983)

πŸ–ŠοΈ Campaign Design

Title System Era Author # Pgs
The Adventure Generator Paul Elliott TC3 117-119
Parallel Dimensions Jacob DC Ross SP88 28-30
Parallel Dimensions (reprint) Jacob DC Ross TC2 151-153

πŸ› οΈ Equipment: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Space Bazaar MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP88 60-64
Space Bazaar (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC2 164-169
Misc, Availability
Availability MongTrav 1e Matthew Sprange SP80 18
Availability (reprint) MongTrav 1e Matthew Sprange TC2 154
Misc, TL, Primitive
Undercover Missions on Low-Tech Worlds MongTrav 1e Nicholas Halsey TC3 102-104
Space Bazaar MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP88 60-64
Space Bazaar (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC2 164-169
Ship's Locker: Clothing and Style Alex Greene SP69 55-63
Ship's Locker: Clothing and Style (reprint) Alex Greene TC1 147-154
Augmetics and Prosthetics MongTrav 1e Alan Oliver SP82 24-33
Medic! Part 2: More Medical Matters MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 23-32
Medic! (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 61-73
Medical, Drugs
Medic! Part 2: More Medical Matters MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 23-32
Medic! (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 61-73
Distinegrator Equipment List MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP72 60-61
Disintegrator Equipment List (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 164-165
Nuclear Damper Equipment List MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP72 60
Nuclear Damper Equipment List (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 164

βš”οΈ Equipment: Combat

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Armor, Misc
Space Bazaar MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP88 60-64
Space Bazaar (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC2 164-169
Weapons, Misc
Space Bazaar MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley SP88 60-64
Space Bazaar (reprint) MongTrav 1e Carl Walmsley TC2 164-169
Weapons, Disintegrators
Disintegrator Weapons MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP72 61
Disintegrator Weapons (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 165-166
Weapons, Non-Lethal
Ship's Locker: Non-Lethal Weapons MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP70 61-66
Ship's Locker: Non-Lethal Weapons (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 154-158

πŸ›°οΈ Equipment: Infrastructure

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Asteroid Base [1.8kT] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP86 22-23
Defense Systems
Missile Defence System [200T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP85 16-17

πŸš€ Equipment: Transport

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Grav Vehicles
Fenris Monster-Hunter1 MongTrav 1e Sam Lockwood TC3 64-65
Hover Vehicles
Tactical Suppression Platforms MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 66-67
Starships, Components
Fuel Efficiency in Traveller MongTrav 1e Benjamin Pew SP76 28
Fuel Efficiency in Traveller (reprint) MongTrav 1e Benjamin Pew TC1 124
Starships, Crew
Medic! Part 1: Physicians in Traveller MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP63 42-47
Medic! (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 61-73
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc
Huntress Class Type HT Bounty Hunter [100T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 135-136
Antique Trader [400T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP83 36-37
Nguksu Armoured Fast Trader [200T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 140-141
Armed Free Trader MongTrav 1e Ian Stead SP72 58-59
Rhapsody Class Merchant Trader [300T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 144-145
Merchant Trader Type RX [500T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 146-148
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Misc, Smallcraft
Utility Pod [20T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 38-39
Starships, Designs, Civilian, Vargr
Khoghue Armed Junker [500T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead SP85 20-21
Khoghue Armed Junker [500T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 130-132
Udzuekh Class Vargr Mining Vessel [400T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 155-157
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc
Escort Carrier [2kT] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 23-26
Command Boat [1kT] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 12-14
Command Boat [1kT] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP86 24-25
Command Craft [100T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 15-16
Command Craft [100T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP86 26
Centaur Class Mercenary Carrier [800T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead SP83 42-46
Centaur Class Mercenary Carrier [800T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 123-127
Jaghara Class TL9 Patrol Cruiser [400T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 137-139
Dragon [1.2kT] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 17-20
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc, SDB
Heavy Systems Defense Boat [500T] MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele SP74 56-58
Missile Systems Defence Boat [500T] MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele SP65 61-62
Missile Systems Defence Boat [500T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele TC1 74-75
System Escort Boat MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 36-37
Systems Defence Command Frigate MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele SP65 63-65
Systems Defence Command Frigate (reprint) MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele SP65 66-68
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc, Smallcraft
Assault Craft [90T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP83 38-39
Boarding Shuttle [60T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP83 40-41
Boarding Shuttle [60T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 40-41
Deployment Shuttle [80T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP85 18-19
Military Cargo Transport [70T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 28-29
Starships, Designs, Military, Misc, Smallcraft, Fighters
Duel Use Fighter [10T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 21-22
Escort Fighter [10T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 27
Puff [10T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 30-31
Starships, Designs, Military, Aslan, Smallcraft
Khuuilrakh Light Fighter [10T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 121-122
Starships, Designs, Military, Aslan
Kteahearl-Class Raider [800T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 32-33
Starships, Designs, Military, Minor Races, Reptii
Deathclaw-class Assault Ship [100T] MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele with Nick Robinson SP57 81-82
Deathclaw-class Assault Ship [100T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele with Nick Robinson TC1 36-37
Horde Class Command Ship [1200T] MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele with Nick Robinson SP57 83-86
Horde Class Command Ship [1200T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele with Nick Robinson TC1 40-43
Voracious Class Gunship [500T] MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele with Nick Robinson SP57 82-83
Voracious Class Gunship [500T] (reprint) MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele with Nick Robinson TC1 38-39
Starships, Designs, Military, Vargr, Smallcraft
Nolrrgarrai Vargr Strike Fighter [20T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 142-143
Sokhkhun Class Raider Q-Carrier [20T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 149-151
Starships, Designs, Pirate, Vargr
Sorrgheg Class Vargr Reaver [500T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 152-154
Starships, Designs, Scout, Misc
Serpent Class Scout [100T] MongTrav 1e Andrew Welty SP84 34-35
Gishiash Stealth Scout [100T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 133-134
Donosev Class Survey Scout [400T] MongTrav 1e Ian Stead TC3 128-129
Water Vehicles, Underwater
Leiahwin Orbital defense Submersible MongTrav 1e Michael Nutter TC3 63
  1. Inspired by FOUR-DAY PLANET (H. Beam Piper, 1961)

🎀 Interviews, Memoirs & Notes

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Design Notes, Mongoose Traveller
The Road So Far Travelled MongTrav 1e Gareth Hanrahan SP55 49
The Road So Far Travelled (reprint) MongTrav 1e Gareth Hanrahan TC1 3
Design Notes, Mongoose Traveller, 760 Patrons
An Introduction to Traveller: 760 Patrons MongTrav 1e Bryan Steele SP56 5
Design Notes, Mongoose Traveller, Project Hyperion
Project Hyperion1 MongTrav 1e Matthew Sprange SP81 20-23
Interviews, Designers
Hanrahan, Gareth MongTrav 1e Chris Longhurst SPR53 4
  1. Design notes for an unpublished TRAVELLER setting from Mongoose.

⬆️ Meta

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Where No Woman Has Gone Before1 Debbie Fulton SP86 30
Where No Woman Has Gone Before1 Debbie Fulton TC3 101
  1. Originally Published in JTAS v1 #14 (GDW, 1982).

πŸ—£οΈ NPCs

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Old Flames MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP87 52-55
Old Flames (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC2 126-130
Genres, Romance
Old Flames MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP87 52-55
Old Flames (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC2 126-130

πŸ“œ Rules

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Misc, Official Errata
Beltstrike Errata MongTrav 1e Lawrence Whitaker SP68 59
Character Creation, Assignments
On Assignment MongTrav 1e Matthew Sprange TC3 7-8
Character Creation, Aliens, Humaniti, Misc
Darrian Characters1 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Pete Nash SP82 12-16
The Sword Worlders MongTrav 1e Golden Age Shannon Appelcline SP80 24-31
Character Creation, Careers
Berserker MongTrav 1e James Desborough SP76 54-56
Berserker (reprint) MongTrav 1e James Desborough TC1 127-129
TL7+ Conditioned Soldier MongTrav 1e James Desborough SP77 30-32
Conditioned Soldier (reprint) MongTrav 1e James Desborough TC1 130-132
The Sword Worlders [Confederation Patrol] MongTrav 1e Golden Age Shannon Appelcline SP80 24-31
Duellist MongTrav 1e James Desborough SP76 52-53
Duelist (reprint) MongTrav 1e James Desborough TC1 125-126
The Gangsta MongTrav 1e Alan Oliver SP78 40-45
The Gangsta (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alan Oliver TC1 141-146
TL6+ Information Warfare Specialist MongTrav 1e James Desborough SP77 34-35
Information Warfare Specialist MongTrav 1e James Desborough TC1 133-134
Gods of the Space Age [Miracle Engineer] MongTrav 1e Uri Kurlianchik SP78 20-25
Gods of the Space Age (reprint) MongTrav 1e Uri Kurlianchik TC1 135-140
The Xenologist MongTrav 1e Uri Kurlianchik SP79 10-17
Xenologist (reprint) MongTrav 1e Uri Kurlianchik TC2 170-176
Combat, Mass
Mass Battles MongTrav 1e Jacob DC Ross SP90 54-58
Mass Battles (reprint) MongTrav 1e Jacob DC Ross TC2 142-146
Combat, Melee
Martial Arts MongTrav 1e Jacob DC Ross TC3 3-5
Aslan Dynasties2 MongTrav 1e Golden Age Jacob DC Ross TC3 31-38
Psionic Healing MongTrav 1e Richard Hazlewood SP73 76-79
Psionic Healing (reprint) MongTrav 1e Richard Hazlewood TC1 117-121
Skills, Medic
Medic! Part 2: More Medical Matters MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP64 23-32
Medic! (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC1 61-73
Jury-Rigging: Stats, Skills & Task Chains MongTrav 1e Gareth Hanrahan SP62 36-39
Jury-Rigging (reprint) MongTrav 1e Gareth Hanrahan TC1 54-56
Balancing the Books MongTrav 1e Alex Greene SP90 40-45
Balancing the Books (reprint) MongTrav 1e Alex Greene TC2 133-139
  1. A preview drawn from ALIEN MODULE 3: DARRIANS (Mongoose, 2010).
  2. Expanding on the rules in SUPPLEMENT 12: DYNASTY (Mongoose, 2011).

⭐ Reviews: Misc

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Dragonfire Lasercrafts
The Type-S Scout Deck Plan Bryan Steele TC1 57-60

Appendix I: Other Traveller Settings

🌍 2300AD

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Adventures, Patrons, Geographic
17 Patrons for Joi MongTrav 1e 2300 Wesley Street TC3 53-61
Patrons on Beta Canum MongTrav 1e 2300 Wesley Street TC3 46-49

πŸ™οΈ Chthonian Stars

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Chupucabra MongTrav 1e Chthonian Stars SP87 40-43
Chthonian Stars MongTrav 1e Chthonian Stars SP81 48-51
Preview of the Planets MongTrav 1e Chthonian Stars Christopher Dorn, Robert Glass, Matthew Grau & Fraser McKey SP82 34-37
The UWC Wardens: A Preview MongTrav 1e Chthonian Stars Robert Glass & Matthew Grau SP84 56-57
The UWC Wardens: A Preview (reprint) MongTrav 1e Chthonian Stars Robert Glass & Matthew Grau SP85 22-24

πŸͺ–️ Hammer's Slammers

Title System Era Author # Pgs
A Game of Worlds, Part 1 MongTrav 1e Hammerverse Gareth Hanrahan SP75 34-38
In Potter's Field MongTrav 1e Hammerverse Gareth Hanrahan SP73 26-36
Hammer's Slammers MongTrav 1e Hammerverse SP67 42-44

πŸ¦…οΈ Judge Dredd

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Adventures, Misc
The Clock's Ticking MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Carl Walmsley SP89 24-27
Go Find the Lady MongTrav 1e Mega-City One John White SP92 32-46
Judicial Services MongTrav 1e Mega-City One John White SP93 30-34
Monkey Business MongTrav 1e John White Carl Walmsley SP91 34-37
A Perfect Woman MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Carl Walmsley SP77 44-56
Adventures, Seeds
Armed and Dangerous MongTrav 1e Mega-City One John White SP90 86-87
The Day of the Frog MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Nick Robinson SP75 72
Dim and Dimmer MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Nick Robinson SP75 73
Food for Thought MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Nick Robinson SP75 74-75
Gengis is Taken to the Cleaners MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Nick Robinson SP76 48
I Don't Want to Drown MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Nick Robinson SP76 49
My Name Is ... MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Nick Robinson SP76 50-51
Mean Streets of MC-1 MongTrav 1e Mega-City One August Hahn SP73 44-47
Red in Tooth and Claw MongTrav 1e Mega-City One John White SP88 66-69
Background, Organizations, Justice Department
Taking the Law to the Lawless MongTrav 1e Mega-City One John White SP87 56-64
Rules, Careers
Taking the Law to the Lawless [Specialist Judges] MongTrav 1e Mega-City One John White SP87 56-64
Judge Dredd MongTrav 1e Mega-City One Matthew Sprange SP71 20-21

πŸ—‘οΈοΈ Reign of Discordia

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Background, Geographic
Planet Choxlatl MongTrav 1e Discordia Harry C. Kruger III SP81 24-27

🐢️ Strontium Dog

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Adventures, Misc, Bounties
Review to a Kill MongTrav 1e Strontium Dog Lawrence Whitaker SP77 36-40
Adventures, Seeds, Bounties
Founding Your Mark ... MongTrav 1e Strontium Dog Bryan Steele SP73 18-24
Rules, Mutations
Mutie Mayhem MongTrav 1e Strontium Dog Colin Chapman SP75 46-47

πŸ›°οΈ Universe of Babylon 5

Title System Era Author # Pgs
Adventures, Misc, Campaigns, The Legacy of War
Episode 1: Genesis MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP63 10-18
Episode 2: Dark Places MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP64 10-21
Episode 3: The Legacy of War MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP65 12-22
Episode 4: Buried Dreams MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP66 15-25
Episode 5: Searching the Abyss (Part 1) MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP67 14-24
Episode 6: Searching the Abyss (Part 2) MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP68 14-23
Episode 7: Borrowed Time MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP69 14-23
Episode 8: Life in Shadow (Part 1) MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP70 9-16
Episode 9: Life in Shadow (Part 2) MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP71 76-84
Episode 10: Moments of Transitions MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP72 64-72
Episode 11: Great Minds MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP73 80-101
Episode 12: The Beginning of the End MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP74 76-84
Episode 13: The Lion's Den MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP75 82-89
Episode 14: Truth Attends to Itself MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Simon Beal SP76 58-63
Equipment, Starships, Military
Victory-Class Advanced Destroyer MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Bryan Steele & Stuart Machin SP71 54-74
White Star MongTrav 1e Bayblon 5 Bryan Steele & Stuart Machin SP69 67-72
