The Threshold Index

Version 1.0: Issues 1-33

by Shannon Appelcline

History: 2013-Present

Mystara ceased publication somewhere between 1993 and 1996, depending on whether you count: the end of its Basic D&D production, which concluded with AC1011: Poor Wizard's Almanac II & Book of Facts (1993); the end of its print production, which closed with Joshuan's Almanac & Book of Facts (1995); or the final books pushed out the door as slightly formatted RTFs, the last of which was Orc’s Head (1996). Within a year of that last release, TSR had closed its doors as well, and the setting of Mystara (originally known as "The Known World" or even "The Continental Map" or the "D&D Game World") came to an end as a commercially published setting, absent a few articles in Dragon.

Fortunately, fandom was already there on the nascent internet, talking about Mystara on the Mystara AOL boards or even on Leroy van Camp III's early Mystara Mailing List. The first few websites, also created in the early '90s, roughly collected some of the best material. But Shawn Stanley wanted something more, especially since he was outside of the United States and so didn't have access to AOL. He created his own Mystara Home Page on June 27, 1996. One of his first goals was to collect some of the material from the Mystara Mailing List. Over the years, Stanley's Mystara Home Page would continue to accumulate materials, creating a mighty hoard. This included not just discussions, but new Almanacs, Gazetteers, and much more.

The Mystara Home Page jumped from site to site in the late '90s and early '00s, as was common for sites at the time. Along the way, it passed two major milestones. On December 15, 1999, as part of their program of naming official websites for defunct settings, Wizards of the Coast recognized Stanley's website, which was by then known as "Mystara - The Dungeons & Dragons Homepage", as the internet home of Mystara. Then in September 2000, Shawn Stanley was having an email conversation with Travis Henry, who suggested that the website should have a name that was "more concise, catchy and with a Mystara-specific connotation". Henry suggested a number of prefixes and suffixes, of which Stanley particularly liked "Revelations of the Old Ones" and "Vaults of Pandius". He selected the latter, which soon became the site's official name.

Though D&D-focused fanzines are almost as old as the industry, setting-focused fanzines for D&D were a bit slower to appear. The first was probably Greyhawk's The Oerth Journal (1995-Present), a PDF-centric publication. The first Mystaran ezine appeared a few years later, however the Tome of Mystara (1999-2000), didn't mimic the layout of a print publication, but instead was published as web pages. It ran for six issues and today is available at the Vaults of Pandius.

On April 27, 2013, talk of a new Mystara fanzine erupted at the Vaults. It would eventually take on the name of Threshold Magazine, idea courtesy of master cartographer Thorfinn Tait. It had the following goals:

Threshold #1 (September 2013) was edited by Giampaolo Agosta, with layout by Allan Palmer. However, much like the Vaults itself, the magazine was a group endeavor and thus would see a panoply of editors (amidst an even larger editorial team), including Andrew Theisen, John Calvin, Francesco Defferrari, and Joseph Setorus. Eventually Defferrari and Calvin would settle in as regular editors from 2016-2018, before Defferrari became the magazine's ongoing editor, first alongside Agosta and later with Palmer. Threshold would similarly see a panpoly of ideas. As Defferrari would later write: "Threshold Magazine does not creates 'canon' material for Mystara, but present all the different ideas fans may have about the setting."

The original plan was for each issue to have its own theme, but the enthusiasm for producing content was so great, in large part due to Threshold's connection to the Vaults, that sometimes a theme continued across multiple issues, such as the Sea of Dread theme that was featured in Threshold #3 (March 2014) and #4 (June 2014) and the Norwold theme that ran from Threshold #6 (December 2014) through Threshold #8 (July 2015).

Originally published quarterly, Threshold dropped back to semiyearly publication in 2020 due to the editorial load being increasingly borne by two regular editors. Nonetheless, it continues to be one of the most extensive and dense publications in fandom. The shortest issue was 150 pages, the longest 294, and the average page count over the first 30 issues was 228.

Palmer became aware of the possibility of making the magazine available not just as a PDF, but also as a POD printable at Lulu, in 2021 and thus produced Threshold #28 (January 2022) in both print and POD editions. The move was well-received and the entire catalog of Threshold issues can now be printed and bound, to appear on shelves right next to the Mystaran books of old.

For more on the history of the Vaults of Pandius and Threshold magazine, see the interview with Shawn Stanley in Threshold #2 (January 2014), "A Brief History of the Vaults of Pandius Website" in Threshold #27 (July 2021), and "Ten Years of Threshold Magazine" in Threshold #31 (June 2023).

Threshold Issues

1. Karameikos (October 2013)
2. From the Vaults (January 2014)
3. The Sea of Dread (March 2014)
4. Return to Dread (June 2014)
5. Exploring Davania (October 2014)
6. The Northlands (December 2014)
7. Exploring Norwold (April 2015)
8. Warlords of Norwold (July 2015)
9. Hollow World (September 2015)
10. Elven Realms (January 2016)
11. Thyatis and Alphatia (April 2016)
12. Ages Past (July 2016)
13. A Crucible of Creatures (October 2016)
14. The Shadowdeep (January 2017)
15. Mystaraspace (April 2017)
16. Dwarves, Gnomes & Hin (July 2017)
17. Western Brun (October 2017)
18. Savage Coast (January 2018)
19. Planes & Immortals (May 2018)
20. Skothar (July 2018)
21. Specularum (October 2018)
22. Adventures & Campaigns (April 2019)
23. Adventures & Campaigns 2 (August 2019)
24. Adventures & Campaigns 3 (November 2019)
25. Strongholds (May 2020)
26. Heroes, Villains & Orgs (December 2020)
27. 25 Years of the Vaults (July 2021)
28. Trade Routes and Darokin (January 2022)
29. Vampires and the Undead (July 2022)
30. The Alphatian Sea (December 2022)
31. Undersea (June 2023)
32. Return to Undersea (September 2023)
33. Dungeons (December 2023)

About the Contents

This index is based on the POD editions of Threshold.

This index is © Copyright 2023-2024 by Shannon Appelcline. It is released under a cc-by-4.0 license, allowing reuse with attribution. Background image by Thorfinn Tait, based on the original from the D&D Expert Rules Set (1983), licensed under cc-by-nc-sa 4.0. Support Thorf's Patreon.

Main Index

🗺️ Accessories

Title System Author # Pgs
Fiefdom Generator BD&D Fabrizio Nuzzaci 31 211-237

⛺ Adventures: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Adaptations
Adapting AD&D Modules to a Mystara Campaign1 AD&D 2e Demos Sachlas 22 92-105
Adapting the Night Below for Mystara2 AD&D 2e David Keyser 6 78-119
Adapting the Night Below for Mystara, Part 22 AD&D 2e David Keyser 8 186-192
Adapting the Savage Tide to Mystara3 D&D 3.5e C. Richard Davies & David Keyser 4 96-156
Adapting the Savage Tide to Mystara, Part 23 D&D 3.5e David Keyser 19 149-201
Death! Frost! Doom! Zombie Apocalypse in Mystara4 Not a Decepticon 29 69-77
The Elemental Evil in Mystara5 EPiK Team 11 34-53
The Grey Wanderer in Mystara6 D&D 5e Not a Decepticon 30 169-179
Savage Tide Adventure Path Characters for Mystara3 D&D 3.5e David Keyser 26 147-162
Rahasia: Adaptation of Module B7 for D&D 5e7 D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 148-170
The Stalkbrow Bad Magic Node8 DesertNomad 10 116-125
Tomb of Annihilation in Mystara9 D&D 5e Giampaolo Agosta 29 78-95
Misc, Adaptations, Computer Games
Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Part 1 BD&D Kyle Knight with Chris Seabrook & Giampaolo Agosta 23 9-41
Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Part 2 BD&D Kyle Knight with Chris Seabrook & Giampaolo Agosta 24 9-25
Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Part 3 BD&D Kyle Knight with Chris Seabrook & Giampaolo Agosta 25 109-128
Misc, Levels, BD&D
A Series of Unfortunate Events [1] BD&D Sean Robert Meaney 12 143-137
Find Bargle10 [1-2] BD&D Trevor Holman 8 193-204
Guild Wars [1-3] BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 1 168-174
The Khan and the Duchess [1-3] BD&D TheGlen 23 185-200
The Tomb of Thob Shanwood [1-3] BD&D Giampaaolo Agosta 16 206-218
Cry Wolf! [2-4] BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 27 49-69
St. Kruskiev's Gold [2-4] BD&D Gimpaolo Agosta with Chimpman 21 164-172
Remembrance Day [3] D&D 5e Andreas Michaelides 33 18-47
Shikugawa [3-5] BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 15 154-168
The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon [5-7] Giampaaolo Agosta 16 81-91
Escape from Hule, Part 1 [7-11]11 BD&D David Keyser 22 106-135
Escape from Hule, Part 2 [7-11]11 BD&D David Keyser 23 63-86
In the Name of the Dragon [9-12] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 7 187-207
The Islands of Death [Companion-level] BD&D King Everast 30 127-145
The Islands of Death 2 [Companion-level] BD&D King Everast 33 58-78
The Tigers of Kuraman [Companion-level] BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 20 160-169
Misc, Levels, D&D 5e
Moving Mountain Menagerie of Morkhulan Minister [11] D&D 5e Not a Decepticon 33 79-119
Against the Wizards [12] D&D 5e Not a Decepticon 31 95-138
Misc, Solo
BSolo: The Guildhouse BD&D Sean Robert Meaney 13 259-261
Classes, Pirates
The Tomb of Thob Shanwood BD&D Giampaaolo Agosta 16 206-218
Classes, Thieves
BSolo: The Guildhouse BD&D Sean Robert Meaney 13 259-261
Creatures, Type, Undead
Death! Frost! Doom! Zombie Apocalypse in Mystara Not a Decepticon 29 69-77
Megadungeons, Koskatep
Mirror of the Eternal Night: Secrets of Koskatep Francesco Defferrari 1 145-158
The Debris: Upper Ruins of Kotesh [L1] BD&D Francesco Defferrari & Giampaolo Agosta 2 100-126
City of the Ogre King, Part 1 [L2b] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 3 203-210
Ranesh, A City of Four People [L3] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 5 167-189
Karrast, Dwarven Gold [L4] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 6 129-154
Dark Secrets of Ieronyx [L5] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 7 217-233
Shadows of Kundrak [L6] BD&D Francesco Defferrari & Robert Nuttman 8 160-185
Signs of the Universe [L7] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 9 118-141
Mokrath, Serpent Eye [L8] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 10 183-201
Krystallac, Crystal Heart [L9] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 11 206-225
Intitepetel, Gem of the Sun [L10] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 12 231-247
Kalasah, the Black Hearth [L11] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 13 201-219
Koskatepetl [L12] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 14 165-188
Ixashira, the Dream of Fire [L13] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 15 250-270
Megadungeons, Koskatep, Designer's Notes
Ancient Dungeons Francesco Defferrari 33 49-57
Megadungeons, Loktal's Vault
The Disappearance of Jebediah Gallidox BD&D Andrea Ciceri 16 193-200
To the Mistmyr Falls BD&D Giampaolo Agosta & Andrea Ciceri 17 184-200
NPCs, Bargle
Find Bargle10 BD&D Trevor Holman 8 193-204
Infinite Regress D&D 5e John Atom 24 146-152
Races, Dwarves
The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon Giampaaolo Agosta 16 81-91
Races, Halflings
The Tomb of Thob Shanwood BD&D Giampaaolo Agosta 16 206-218
Races, Lovecraftian, Zhochal
Deep Cover BD&D Geoff Gander 22 155-176
Races, Rakasta
Shikugawa BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 15 154-168
  2. Adaptation notes for NIGHT BELOW (TSR, 1995).
  3. Adaptation notes for "The Savage Tide", which ran in DUNGEON #139-150 (Paizo, 2006-2007).
  4. Adaptation notes for DEATH FROST DOOM (Lamentations of the Flame Princess, 2009, 2014).
  5. Adaptation notes for PRINCES OF THE APOCALYPSE (Wizards of the Coast, 2015).
  6. Adaptation notes for "The Grey Wanderer" in JOURNEY TO RAGNAROK: ECHOES OF DOOM (Mana Project Studio, 2024).
  7. Adaptation notes for B7: RAHASIA (TSR, 1984).
  8. Adaptation notes for CM5: MYSTERY OF THE SNOW PEARLS (TSR, 1985).
  9. Adaptation notes for TOMB OF ANNHILATION (Wizards of the Coast, 2017).
  10. A sequel to the "Bargle" adventures in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS BASIC RULES (TSR, 1983).
  11. A sequel to X5: TEMPLE OF DEATH (TSR, 1983).

🏕️️ Adventures: Geographic, Brun, The Known World

Title System Author # Pgs
The Stalkbrow Bad Magic Node DesertNomad 10 116-125
Darokin, Towns, Corunglain
Deep Cover BD&D Geoff Gander 22 155-176
Five Shires
Five Shires, Highshire
The Disappearance of Jebediah Gallidox BD&D Andrea Ciceri 16 193-200
Five Shires, Seas
The Tomb of Thob Shanwood BD&D Giampaaolo Agosta 16 206-218
The Tomb of Thob Shanwood BD&D Giampaaolo Agosta 16 206-218
Find Bargle1 BD&D Trevor Holman 8 193-204
Infinite Regress D&D 5e John Atom 24 146-152
Karameikos, Misc, Campaigns
Campaigning in Karameikos Francesco Defferrari 22 24-77
Karameikos, Misc, Seeds
Adventure Hooks, Red Herrings & The Information Mesh Sean Meaney 14 137-145
Karameikos, Cruth Lowlands
The Dwarven Mine of Kurest Hurgon Giampaaolo Agosta 16 81-91
Karameikos, Cruth Lowlands, Koskatep
Mirror of the Eternal Night: Secrets of Koskatep Francesco Defferrari 1 145-158
The Debris: Upper Ruins of Kotesh [L1] BD&D Francesco Defferrari & Giampaolo Agosta 2 100-126
City of the Ogre King, Part 1 [L2b] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 3 203-210
City of the Ogre King, Part 2 [L2a] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 4 176-186
Ranesh, A City of Four People [L3] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 5 167-189
Karrast, Dwarven Gold [L4] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 6 129-154
Dark Secrets of Ieronyx [L5] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 7 217-233
Shadows of Kundrak [L6] BD&D Francesco Defferrari & Robert Nuttman 8 160-185
Signs of the Universe [L7] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 9 118-141
Mokrath, Serpent Eye [L8] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 10 183-201
Krystallac, Crystal Heart [L9] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 11 206-225
Intitepetel, Gem of the Sun [L10] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 12 231-247
Kalasah, the Black Hearth [L11] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 13 201-219
Koskatepetl [L12] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 14 165-188
Ixashira, the Dream of Fire [L13] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 15 250-270
Karameikos, Seas
Old Mariner's Bluff Senarch 32 74-78
Karameikos, Southwestern, Towns, Vandevicsny
Cry Wolf! BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 27 49-69
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum
Guild Wars BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 1 168-174
The Khan and the Duchess BD&D TheGlen 23 185-200
St. Kruskiev's Gold BD&D Gimpaolo Agosta with Chimpman 21 164-172
Karameikos, Towns, Threshold
A Series of Unfortunate Events BD&D Sean Robert Meaney 12 143-137
Karameikos, Wilds, Altan Tepes
Return to the Ice Wall BD&D Shawn Stanley 1 159-167
Karameikos, Wilds, Dymrak Forest
Encounters in the Dymrak Region Robin 25 57-101
A Goblin Kingdom: The Rise of Dhrom Dhum Francesco Defferrari 1 120-126
Northern Reaches
Northern Reaches, Misc, Culture
The Viking Mentality Niels Just Rasmussen 6 39-56
Northern Reaches, Soderfjord Jarldoms
Adapting the Night Below for Mystara AD&D 2e David Keyser 6 78-119
Thyatis, Vyalia
Rahasia: Adaptation of Module B7 for D&D 5e2 AD&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 148-170
  1. A sequel to the "Bargle" adventures in the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS BASIC RULES (TSR, 1983).
  2. Adaptation notes for B7: RAHASIA (TSR, 1984).

🏕️️ Adventures: Geographic, Brun, Norwold

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Campaigns, Great Land Rush
The Great Land Rush of Norwold1 BD&D Simone Neri 7 125-144
The Great Land Rush of Norwold - Part 21 BD&D Simone Neri 8 6-52
Rogues, Barons, and Pretenders1 BD&D Simone Neri 8 53-143
Norwold, Wilds, Skaufskogr
In the Name of the Dragon BD&D Francesco Defferrari 7 187-207
The Skars' Legacy AD&D 2e Giampaolo Agosta 10 167-182
  1. Supplemental material for use with CM1: TEST OF THE WARLORDS (TSR, 1984)

🏕️️ Adventures: Geographic, Brun, Western

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Organizations, Pirates
Savage Seas: Pirates, Corsairs & Buccaneers BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 10 141-152
Escape from Hule, Part 11 BD&D David Keyser 22 106-135
Escape from Hule, Part 21 BD&D David Keyser 23 63-86
Savage Coast
Fade to Red Part 1 D&D 5e Argentmantle 23 201-230
Fade to Red Part 2 D&D 5e Argentmantle 24 153-191
Savage Coast, Guadalante
Pursuit in the Carrascal BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 2 52-59
  1. A sequel to X5: TEMPLE OF DEATH (TSR, 1983).

🏝️️️Adventures: Geographic, The Seas

Title System Author # Pgs
Sea of Dread
Against the Wizards D&D 5e Not a Decepticon 31 95-138
Sea of Dread, Misc, Campaigns
The Empire of the Firelord BD&D Ville Lähde 3 92-111
Sea of Dread, Misc, Organizations, Pirates
Pirate Lords of the Sea of Dread BD&D Colin Wilson 3 185-192
Sea of Dread, Misc, Organizations, Slavers
The Three Starflowers BD&D Colin Wilson 4 68-95
Sea of Dread, Isle of Dread
Adapting the Savage Tide to Mystara D&D 3.5e C. Richard Davies & David Keyser 4 96-156
Adapting the Savage Tide to Mystara, Part 2 D&D 3.5e David Keyser 19 149-201
Topaxi Archipelago
The Islands of Death BD&D King Everast 30 127-145
The Islands of Death 2 BD&D King Everast 33 58-78

🏕️️ Adventures: Geographic, Skothar

Title System Author # Pgs
Duchy of the Peaks
Starport The Real Nowhere Man 20 109-130
The Elemental Evil in Mystara EPiK Team 11 34-53
Tangor, Gulf of Tangor
The Tigers of Kuraman BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 20 160-169

🏕️️ Adventures: Geographic, Beyond

Title System Author # Pgs
Hollow World
Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Part 1 BD&D Kyle Knight with Chris Seabrook & Giampaolo Agosta 23 9-41
Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Part 2 BD&D Kyle Knight with Chris Seabrook & Giampaolo Agosta 24 9-25
Warriors of the Eternal Sun, Part 3 BD&D Kyle Knight with Chris Seabrook & Giampaolo Agosta 25 109-128
Mystara [Earth]
Mystara, Moons, Patera (Myoshima)
Shikugawa BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 15 154-168

⌛️️️ Adventures: Historic

Title System Author # Pgs
Ages, Mystara 2300 BC1
Engdyr's Game John Calvin 16 118-137
Engdyr's Game Part I: Journey North BD&D John Calvin 17 154-183
Engdyr's Game Part II: Ruins of Layhash BD&D John Calvin 18 171-196
Remembrance Day D&D 5e Andreas Michaelides 33 18-47
Ages, Recent History (900 AC - 1000 AC)
A Series of Unfortunate Events [945 AC] BD&D Sean Robert Meaney 12 143-137
Ages, Wrath of the Immortals (1000 AC - 1010 AC)
In the Name of the Dragon [1010 AC] BD&D Francesco Defferrari 7 187-207
  1. For more on the Mystara 2300BC subsetting, see Appendix II.

🧙 Advice

Title System Author # Pgs
"So, You All Meet in a Tavern ..." Robert Nuttman 22 20-23

🌐 Background: Geographic, Mystara

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Maps
Mappers of Mystara: Adamantyr [Savage Coast] Thorfinn Tait 30 159-168
Mappers of Mystara: Eric Anondson [rearranged] Thorfinn Tait 33 183-191
Mappers of Mystara: Geoff Gander [Davania & other unmapped lands] Thorfinn Tait 27 30-48
Mappers of Mystara: Paul Holroyd [Alfheim, Darokin, Redstone] Thorfinn Tait 28 136-142
Mappers of Mystara: Ricardo Matheus [web map] Thorfinn Tait 32 95-102
Mappers of Mystara: James Mishler [Original Known World, etc] Thorfinn Tait 29 96-108
Misc, Random Tables
Mystara Story Generator, Part 3: Scenery Francesco Defferrari 28 143-175
Activities, Leisure
Mystara Story Generator, Part 4: Miscellanea or the PCs' Free Time Francesco Defferrari 30 206-217
The Defender and the Light Warriors of Mystara Adam Ferreira 2 90-99
Trade, Goods
The Amazing Travels of Goods and People, Part 1 Francesco Defferrari 28 30-72
The Amazing Travels of Goods and People, Part 2 Francesco Defferrari 29 134-219
Five Markets to Buy & Sell Undead Pol Ginés 29 61-68
Time Travel
Time Travelling in Mystara John Calvin 12 17-22

🌍️ Background: Geographic, Brun

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 1 Francesco Defferrari 23 42-62
Misc, Maps
The Great Map of Brun 17 8-16

🌍️ Background: Geographic, Brun, The Known World

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Wilds, The Unknown World Trail Map
Part I - The Southeast: Karamaeikos, Five Shires, Minrothad, Ierendi & Thyatis Francesco Defferrari 13 157-200
Part II - Broken Lands, Shadowlands and Shadowdeep Francesco Defferrari 14 8-36
Part III - The Central Lands: Darokin, Alfheim, Ethengar & Glantri Francesco Defferrari 15 222-249
Part IV - The East: Ylaruam, Rockhome and the Northern Reaches Francesco Defferrari 16 139-163
Part V - The West: Atruaghin Lands, Sind and Adri Varma Francesco Defferrari 18 133-154
Part VI - The North: Heldannic Territories, Denagoth and Wendar Francesco Defferrari 19 202-224
Alfheim, Misc, Historic
The Fall and Rise of the Canolbarth Robin 10 66-115
The Broken Lands
The Broken Lands - Detailed Robin 14 87-110
Dark Darokin Not a Decepticon 28 89-104
Darokin, Misc, Organizations
The Actor Troupes of Darokin Lost Woodrake 26 65-72
Darokin, Seas
A Travellers Guide to the Tortles Tears BD&D Luc Greenwood & Geoff Gander 28 73-88
Darokin, Wilds, Mountains
The Dwarves of Thunderdelve1 [Rumble Bell] Demos Sachlas 2 127-129
Five Shires
Five Shires, Seas
Harbourlee Rock BD&D Irving Galvez 23 181-184
Twin Soul Rocks BD&D Irving Galvez 16 201-205
Glantri, Principalities, Erewan
On the Lands of Erewan, Part 1 Hausman Santos & Leandro Abrahão 23 87-106
On the Lands of Erewan, Part 2 Hausman Santos & Leandro Abrahão 24 55-78
Glantri, Wilds, Great Crater
The Great Crater - Ac 1016 Sean Robert Meaney 16 219-223
Heldann, Misc, Equipment, Transport
Warbirds Add-Ons BD&D Hausman Santos 11 160-163
Ierendi, Misc, Demographic
The Demography of Ierendi and Minrothad Simone Neri 3 122-175
Ierendi, Misc, Historic
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part One Simone Neri 3 9-33
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Two Simone Neri 4 5-35
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Three Simone Neri 5 137-166
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Four Simone Neri 6 155-184
Ierendi, Misc, Organizations, Government
Ierendian Government and Aristocracy Giampaolo Agosta 3 38-60
Ierendi, Misc, Races
Undead of Elegy Island BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, John Calvin & Francesco Defferrari 13 93-123
Ierendi, Elegy Island
Undead of Elegy Island BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, John Calvin & Francesco Defferrari 13 93-123
Ierendi, Seas
An Aloysius Reef Gazetteer BD&D1 Elyah von Llaunas 31 139-161
Karameikos, Misc, Clans, Traladaran
Tales of the Torenescus Allan Palmer after Ville Lahde 21 128-133
Karameikos, Misc, Demographic
The Demography of Karameikos Simone Neri 1 7-37
Specularum Population Numbers Allan Palmer & Giampaolo Agosta 21 41-42
Karameikos, Misc, Historic
The History of Karameikos Simone Neri 1 38-70
A Karameikan Chronology Francesco Defferrari 21 199-246
Karameikos: The Hidden Years Demetrios J. Sahlas 1 71-74
Karameikos, Mist, Historic, Post-Almanac (1014 AC+)
Thoughts about Civil War [1020 AC] Hausman Santos with Giampaolo Agosta 22 78-85
Karameikos, Misc, Organizations
Organizations and Societies of Karameikos BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 26 10-26
Karameikos, Misc, Organizations, Criminal, Veiled Society
Unveiling the Radu Clan Andrew Theisen 1 88-92
Karameikos, Misc, Organizations, Nobles
Noble Houses of Karameikos: Strolojca & Draconius Giampaolo Agosta & Simone Neri 1 93-114
Karameikos, Black Eagle Barony
Fort Doom BD&D Niels Just Rasmussen 1 132-144+
Karameikos, Marilenev
Machetos & Marilenev: Heirs & Heiresses Allan Palmer 21 28-30
Mapping the Estate Allan Palmer after Sean Meaney & Francesco Defferrari 21 193-198
Rulers of Marilenev Allan Palmer 21 21-27
Karameikos, Rugalov Region
The Barrel BD&D Robin 23 107-180
Encounters in the Dymrak Region Robin 25 57-101
The Dymrak Forest Region Robin 24 79-145
Karameikos, Southwestern
A Guide to Vandevicsny and the Southern Radlebb Woods BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 27 62-69
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum
Specularum Miscellanea 21 173-182
Specularum Population Numbers Allan Palmer & Giampaolo Agosta 21 41-42
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum, Misc, Historic
A History of Specularum Giampaolo Agosta with Allan Palmer 21 8-20
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum, Misc, Organizations
The Adventurers & Explorers Club of Specularum Francesco Defferrari 21 122-127
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum, Misc, Organizations, Guilds
The Guilds of Specularum Giampaolo Agosta 21 31-40
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum, Misc, Organizations, Law
"To Protect and Serve" Allan Palmer 21 117-121
Karameikos, Towns, Specularum, Districts
The Stronghold District, Part 1 Allan Palmer with Giampaolo Agosta 25 44-51
The Stronghold District, Part 2 Allan Palmer with Giampaolo Agosta 26 175-188
Walking the Wards: The Neighborhoods of Specularum Giampaolo Agosta & Allan Palmer 21 43-116
Karameikos, Towns, Threshold
Threshold Black Market BD&D Irving Galvez 22 86-91
Karameikos, Towns, Verge
Adventure Hooks, Red Herrings & The Information Mesh Sean Meaney 14 137-145
Karameikos, Wilds, Altan Tepes
Return to the Ice Wall [Altan Tepes] BD&D Shawn Stanley 1 159-167
Karameikos, Wilds, Blight Swamp
Port Blight Irving Galvez 25 52-56
Karameikos, Wilds, Dymrak Forest
Encounters in the Dymrak Region Robin 25 57-101
Karameikos, Wilds, Dymrak Forest, Misc Introduction
The Dymrak Forest Region Robin 24 79-145
Karameikos, Wilds, Dymrak Forest, Misc, Organizations
The Dangers of Dymrak Wilds BD&D Håvard Blackmoor 1 127-131
Minrothad, Misc, Classes
Minrothad Merchant-Prince D&D 3.5e Troy Terrell 3 34-37
Minrothad, Misc, Demographic
The Demography of Ierendi and Minrothad Simone Neri 3 122-175
Minrothad, Misc, Historic
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part One Simone Neri 3 9-33
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Two Simone Neri 4 5-35
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Three Simone Neri 5 137-166
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Four Simone Neri 6 155-184
Northern Reaches
Northern Reaches, Misc, Magic
The Magic of Runes2 d20 Giuliano Michelon 6 56-72
Northern Reaches, Vestland
Economics in the Kingdom of Vestland Fabrizio Nuzzaci 28 118-135
Dwarven Families Expanded, Part 1 Hausman Santos & Leandro Abrahão 18 155-170
Dwarven Families Expanded, Part 2 Hausman Santos & Leandro Abrahão 19 225-255
Updates to Your Rockhome Campaign Hausman Santos & Otávio Gadelha 16 29-80
Rockhome, Darmouk
Darmouk BD&D Giapaolo Agosta & John Calvin 16 92-109
Rockhome, Highforge
The Kingdom of Highforge BD&D Francesco Defferrari 16 164-192
From Karameikos to the Hollow World Francesco Defferrari 14 63-86
Shadowdeep, Darmouk
Darmouk BD&D Giapaolo Agosta & John Calvin 16 92-109
Shadowdeep, Deep Hollow
Deep Hollow BD&D Giapaolo Agosta & John Calvin 14 37-62
Sind, Misc, Races
The Bhut of Sind BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 13 81-92
Imperial Palaces and Castles of Thyatis and Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 25 9-25
Thyatis, Misc, Historic
Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun [GMs] Giulio Caroletti 13 220-250
Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun [Players] Giulio Caroletti with Francesco Defferrari 12 175-230
Imperial Explorers! Francesco Defferrari 11 107-112
Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 11 113-136
Thyatis, Misc, Language
The Thyatian Language Giulio Caroletti 11 54-63
Thyatis, Misc, Maps
Atlas of Mystara: Thyatis Thorfinn Tait 11 18-22
Thyatis, Misc, Organizations, Government
Patres et Conscript Giulio Caroletti & Giampaolo Agosta 2 149-165
Thyatian Senators BD&D Giulio Caroletti 3 211-235
Thyatian Senators, Part 2 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 4 187-208
Thyatian Senators, Part 3 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 5 190-207
Thyatian Senators, Part 4 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 6 185-204
Thyatis, Misc, Organizations, Guilds
The Foresters ot Thyatis BD&D Korro Zal 11 87-106
Thyatis, Carytion
The Judicates of Carytion Giulio Caroletti 11 64-81
Thyatis, Towns, Thyatis City
The Imperial Palaces of Thyatis Francesco Defferrari 25 9-17
The Talking Whisper Lost Wooddrake 27 132-134
Ylaruam, Misc, Economics
Economics of the Emirates of Ylaruam, AC 1000 Fabrizio Nuzzaci 29 109-128
Ylaruam, Misc, Historic
Ra-Hotep the Accursed BD&D Demos Sachlas 26 73-76
  1. Commentary on XS2: THUNDERDELVE MOUNTAIN (1985) and GAZ8: THE FIVE SHIRES (1988).
  2. Updates the magic system from GAZ7: THE NORTHERN REACHES (TSR, 1988).

🌍️ Background: Geographic, Brun, Norwold

Title System Author # Pgs
Norwold, Misc, Introduction
Adventuring in the Northlands Giampaolo Agosta 6 7-21
A Traveller's Guide to Norwold Simone Neri 7 6-124
Norwold, Misc, Historic
The Great Land Rush of Norwold BD&D Simone Neri 7 125-144
A Short History of Norwold Simone Neri 7 14-47
Norwold, Misc, Maps
Composite Map of Norwold Robin Dykema 6 22-23
Map of Norwold 7 71
Regions of Norwold 7 72
Surrounding Lands 7 116
Norwold, Leeha, Misc
Lands and Races of Leeha JTR 7 173-186
Norwold, Leeha, Historic
The History of Leeha JTR 6 24-38
Norwold, Leeha, Maps
Leehashire and the Western Bay Area JTR 6 31
Leehashire and the Western Bay Area JTR 7 174
Norwold, Saffir
The City-State of Saffir Giampaolo Agosta 25 26-43
Norwold, Wilds, Great Olde Woode
The Mound of the Sleeping Stones LoZompatore 19 115-118
Norwold, Wilds, Skaufskogr
The Skaufskogr and Beyond BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 7 145-172
Norwold, Wilds, Skaufskogr, Maps
Skaufskogr and the Ransarn-Vinisk Valley 7 161
Skaufskogr and the Ransarn-Vinisk Valley: Draconic Omens of Coming 7 171
Norwold, Wilds, Wyrmsteeth Mountains
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 1 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 8 144-159
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 2 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 9 92-117
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 3 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 10 153-166
Norwold, Wilds, Wyrmsteeth Mountains, Maps
Wyrmsteeth Kingdom Map 8 147
Skaufskogr and the Ransarn-Vinisk Valley: Draconic Omens of Coming 7 171
Norzee Islands
Adventures in the Frozen North BD&D Mathew Fleet 2 130-148

🌍️ Background: Geographic, Brun, Western

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Historic
The Great Timeline of Western Brun Francesco Defferrari 17 22-61
Misc, Maps
Western Brun in 8 Miles per Hex Ignacio Ramos 17 17-21
Arm of the Immortals
The Southwestern Arm of the Immortals Atila Pires dos Santos 17 144-153
The Great Northway Lands
The Great Northway Lands BD&D Matthew Fleet 18 68-107
Hule, Misc, Historic
Of Masters an Deceptions: Behind the Hulean Wars, Part 1 LoZompatore 27 135-171
Savage Coast
La Baronía de Torreón Gimpaolo Agosta 18 47-67
Trident Bay
Kingdom of Oshkamab Irving Galvez 18 108-132

🌍️ Background: Geographic, Davania

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
Images of Davania Geoff Gander 5 7-10
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 2 Francesco Defferrari 24 26-54
Misc, Historic
A Recent History of Davania 5 32-53
Misc, Maps
A Map of Davania Francesco Defferrari 5 15-19
Misc, Rumors
Secrets of Davania Francesco Defferrari 5 25-31
Izondian Region
Izondian Region, Izondian Deep
The Izondian Deep Francesco Defferrari 5 98-136
Izondian Region, Izondian Strait
Y'Hog Geoff Gander 5 54-64
Vulcanian Peninsula
Erkalion: The Dusk of an Empire Geoff Gander 12 94-104

🌏️ Background: Geographic, The Seas

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
Kingdoms & Empires of the Oceans, Part 1 Francesco Defferrari 31 20-37
Kingdoms & Empires of the Oceans, Part 2 Francesco Defferrari 32 12-42
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 1 Francesco Defferrari 23 42-62
Alphatian Empire
Imperial Palaces and Castles of Thyatis and Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 25 9-25
Alphatian Empire, Misc, Historic
Imperial Explorers! Francesco Defferrari 11 107-112
Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 11 113-136
Alphatian Empire, Misc, Language
Alphatian Alphabet Jacques Riesling 11 137-141
Alphatian Empire, Bellissaria
Bellissaria the Unknown BD&D Francesco Defferrari with Ignacio Ramos 30 37-94
Alphatian Empire, Frisland
On the Fey of Frisland and the Eye of Huldra Marco Dalmonte with Giampaolo Agosta 6 125-128
Alphatian Empire, Limn
A Gazetteer of Limn BD&D Hausman Santos & Alexandre de Luna 11 142-159
A Gazetteer of Limn, Part 2 BD&D Hausman Santos & Alexandre de Luna 12 248-278
A Gazetteer of Limn, Part 3 (South Region) BD&D Hausman Santos & Geoff Gander 14 146-164
Alphatian Empire, Limn, Maps
Map: Limn Hausman Santos & Alexandre de Luna 12 250
Alphatian Empire, Seas
Alphatian Undersea Expanded Hausman Santos 32 43-55
Alphatian Empire, Towns, Sundsvall
The Imperial Palace of Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 25 18-25
Sea of Dawn
Misc, Historic
20 Years of History in the Sea of Dawn Francesco Defferrari 11 164-174
Sea of Dawn, Isle of Dawn
An Atlas of the Isle of Dawn Francesco Defferrari 11 175-205
The Isle of Dawn and the Isle of Night Giampaolo Agosta 27 70-90
Sea of Dawn, Metinsula
Metinsula, Isle of the Metamorphs BD&D Cab Davidson 30 95-126
Sea of Dread
Misc, Introduction
Advice for Traders in the Sea of Dread Michele C. 4 37-57
Sea of Dread, Misc, Historic
Timeline of the Sea of Dread Andrew Theisen 3 193-202
Sea of Dread, Misc, Minor Islands
The Minor Islands of the Sea of Dread Simone Neri 3 61-77
Sunken Taymora Senarch 31 39-52
Sea of Dread, Kron
Kron - The Raft City Jesper Andersen 4 58-67
Sea of Dread, Sunlit Sea
On the Surface of the Sunlit Sea Senarch 32 72-73
Sunken Taymora Senarch 31 39-52
Sea of Dread, Thanegioth Archipelago
Bararna Island BD&D Geoff Gander 3 82-91
Sea of Dread, Thanegioth Archipelago, Maps
Map: Bararna Island Andrew Theisen 4 36
Map: Elven Isle John Calvin after Ville Lähde 3 105
Map: Isle of the Firelord John Calvin after Ville Lähde 3 109
Map: Pirate's Rock 4 82
Map: Thanegioth Archipelago John Calvin after Ville Lähde 3 105
Topaxi Archipelago
The Islands of Death 2 BD&D King Everast 33 58-78

🌍️ Background: Geographic, Skothar

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 2 Francesco Defferrari 24 26-54
Misc, Historic
A Great History of Skothar Francesco Defferrari 20 11-48
Misc, Maps
Atlas of Mystara: Skothar - 72 miles per Hex Thorfinn Tait 20 8-10
The Political Maps of Skothar Francesco Defferrari 20 49-74
Misc, Races, Rakasta
Notes on Skotharian Rakasta BD&D Arnden Quartzspar 20 84-94
Jen (Land of) Arnden Quartzspar 20 75-77
Lhasa (Land of) Arnden Quartzspar 20 77-78
Sian (Land of) (Land of a Thousand Pagodas) Arnden Quartzspar 20 79-83

🪩 Background: Geographic, Beyond, Hollow World

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
From Karameikos to the Hollow World Francesco Defferrari 14 63-86
The Lighthouse's Guide to Unknown Cultures Francesco Defferrari 9 35-51+
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 3 Francesco Defferrari 25 129-140
Misc, Maps
The Floating Continents of the Hollow World Franceeesco Defferrari 9 45
Map of Central Hollow World Franceeesco Defferrari 9 39
Map of Eastern Hollow World Franceeesco Defferrari 9 38
Map of Western Hollow World Franceeesco Defferrari 9 40
Iciria, Azcan Empire
Children of Azca John Calvin 9 52-62
Iciria, Icevale
Icevale Elves argentmantle 9 12-28
Suridal, Selhomarr
Illaria's Folly Geoff Gander 9 29-34
Suridal, Selhomarr, Maps
Province of Annurios, 1000 AC Thorfinn Tait after Geoff Gander 9 32

🪩️ Background: Geographic, Beyond, Mystaraspace

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
The Exiles Campaign Setting John Calvin 15 190-221
A Guide to Mystaraspace Francesco Defferrari 15 11-37
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 3 Francesco Defferrari 25 129-140
Misc, Anomolies
The Gray Pyramid Luca Pezzullo 15 84-87
The Obsidian Observatory Luca Pezzullo 15 80-83
Misc, Megaliths
Ecology of the Megaliths and the Norns Cycle LoZompatore 9 63-87
Ishtar [Venus]
The World of Ishtar Part I: Geography Stefano Leonardi 15 95-109
Mystara [Earth]
Mystara, Moons, Matera, Hollow Moon, Misc, Introduction
Hollow Moon: A Quick Reference Guide 15 129-132
Mystara, Moons, Matera, Hollow Moon
Once in a Blue Moon: Nations of the Duskward Rim John Calvin 13 139-156
Once in a Blue Moon: Nations of the Midlands John Calvin 15 133-152
Once in a Blue Moon: Nations of the Spindrift Sea John Calvin 4 157-175
Once in a Blue Moon: Return to the Hollow Moon John Calvin 2 12-28
Once in a Blue Moon: Seshay-Selene, Patroness of the Hollow Moon John Calvin 9 88-91
Once in a Blue Moon: Vesperlands Atlas John Calvin 10 126-140
Mystara, Moons, Matera, Vaults of Pandius
The Vaults of Pandius Shawn Stanley 2 33-36
Damocles [Asteroid Belt]
Damocles AD&D 2e Giampaolo Agosta 15 110-128

🪩️ Background: Geographic, Beyond, The Planes

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Pocket Dimensions
The Vaults of Pandius Shawn Stanley 2 33-36
Dimensions, Nightmare Dimension
Dark Glantri Revisited Andrew Theisen 2 37-44
Elemental Planes
Atlas of the Elemental Planes Håvard & John Calvin 19 9-34+
Outer Planes
Reidyll: Rafiel's Home Plane John Calvin 19 35-50
Primes, Calidar
From Alphatia to Calidar Francesco Defferrari 11 12-17

⌛ Background: Historic

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Introduction
Past Ages of the Known World Francesco Defferrari 12 23-54
Sub-settings of Mystara Part 3 Francesco Defferrari 25 129-140
Ages, The First Civilizations (5000 BC - 4000 BC)
Hail Thonia! JTR 12 55-66
Ages, The Blackmoor Era (4000 BC - 3000 BC)
New Blackmoor, 3050 BC Francesco Defferrari 2 166-176
The Return of the Egg Giuliano Michelon 12 67-74
Using Blackmoor In Your Mystara Campaign Håvard 13 251-258
Ages, Catastrophe & Recovery (3000 BC - 2000 BC)
Sunken Taymora Senarch 31 39-52
Taymora: Land of the Dead Giampaolo Agosta with Giulio Caroletti 12 75-93
Vampire Queens of Taymora John Calvin 12 148-174
Ages, Mystara 2300 BC1
Vampire Queens of Taymora John Calvin 12 148-174
Ages, The Age of Rebuilding (1000 BC - 1 BC)
Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun [GMs] Giulio Caroletti 13 220-250
Hesperia, Land of the Setting Sun [Players] Giulio Caroletti with Francesco Defferrari 12 175-230
Ages, Wrath of the Immortals (1000 AC - 1010 AC)
The Great Crater - Ac 1016 [1006 AC] Sean Robert Meaney 16 219-223
Of Masters an Deceptions: Behind the Hulean Wars, Part 1 LoZompatore 27 135-171
Ages, Post-Almanac (1014 AC+)
Thoughts about Civil War [1020 AC] Hausman Santos with Giampaolo Agosta 22 78-85
Creatures, Beholders
Beholders of Mystara Robin 20 95-108
Creatures, Lycanthropes
A Treatise on the History of Lycanthropy in the Known World John Calvin 13 124-138
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Misc, Sunken Lands
Taymora: Land of the Dead Giampaolo Agosta with Giulio Caroletti 12 75-93
Vampire Queens of Taymora John Calvin 12 148-174
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Alfheim
The Fall and Rise of the Canolbarth Robin 10 66-115
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Ierendi
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part One Simone Neri 3 9-33
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Two Simone Neri 4 5-35
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Three Simone Neri 5 137-166
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Four Simone Neri 6 155-184
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Karameikos
The History of Karameikos Simone Neri 1 38-70
A History of Specularum Giampaolo Agosta with Allan Palmer 21 8-20
A Karameikan Chronology Francesco Defferrari 21 199-246
Karameikos: The Hidden Years Demetrios J. Sahlas 1 71-74
Machetos & Marilenev: Heirs & Heiresses Allan Palmer 21 28-30
Rulers of Marilenev Allan Palmer 21 21-27
Tales of the Torenescus Allan Palmer after Ville Lahde 21 128-133
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Minrothad
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part One Simone Neri 3 9-33
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Two Simone Neri 4 5-35
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Three Simone Neri 5 137-166
The History of Ierendi and Minrothad, Part Four Simone Neri 6 155-184
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Thyatis
The Foresters ot Thyatis BD&D Korro Zal 11 87-106
Imperial Explorers! Francesco Defferrari 11 107-112
Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 11 113-136
Geographic, Brun, Norwold
The Great Land Rush of Norwold BD&D Simone Neri 7 125-144
A Short History of Norwold Simone Neri 7 14-47
Geographic, Brun, Western, Hule
Of Masters an Deceptions: Behind the Hulean Wars, Part 12 LoZompatore 27 135-171
Geographic, Davania
A Recent History of Davania 5 32-53
Geographic, Seas, Alphatian Empire
Alphatian Alphabet Jacques Riesling 11 137-141
Imperial Explorers! Francesco Defferrari 11 107-112
Lost Civilizations of Thyatis and Alphatia Francesco Defferrari 11 113-136
Geographic, Seas, Sea of Dawn
20 Years of History in the Sea of Dawn Francesco Defferrari 11 164-174
Timeline of the Sea of Dread Andrew Theisen 3 193-202
Geographic, Seas, Sea of Dread, Thanegioth Archipelago
The Empire of the Firelord BD&D Ville Lähde 3 96-102
Geographic, Skothar
A Great History of Skothar Francesco Defferrari 20 11-48
Hail Thonia! JTR 12 55-66
The Political Maps of Skothar Francesco Defferrari 20 49-74
Geographic, Skothar, Blackmoor
New Blackmoor, 3050 BC Francesco Defferrari 2 166-176
The Return of the Egg Giuliano Michelon 12 67-74
Using Blackmoor In Your Mystara Campaign Håvard 13 251-258
Races, Dwarves
The (Not So) Young Races Giulio Caroletti 14 111-136
The (Not So) Young Races Part 2 Giulio Caroletti 16 9-28
Races, Elves
The Elven Clans and their Migrations Francesco Defferrari 10 11-39
The Lost Origins of the Elves LoZompatore 12 105-142
Races, Lupin
History of the Lupins Átila Pires dos Santos 2 60-89
Races, Rakasta
History and Origins of the Rakasta Giampaolo Agosta 5 65-73+
  1. For more on the Mystara 2300BC subsetting, see Appendix II.
  2. An attempt to rationalize X4: MASTER OF THE DESERT NOMADS (TSR, 1983), X5: TEMPLE OF DEATH (TSR, 1983), and X10: RED ARROW, BLACK SHIELD (TSR, 1985). To date, no second part has been published.

🖊️ Campaign Design

Title System Author # Pgs
Ancient Dungeons Francesco Defferrari 33 49-57
Encounter Tables
Encounters in the Dymrak Region Robin 25 57-101
On the Surface of the Sunlit Sea Senarch 32 72-73
Random Tables
Mystara Story Generator, Part 1: Creating a Character & Story Francesco Defferrari 26 27-64
Mystara Story Generator, Part 2: Monsters and Creatures Francesco Defferrari 27 91-131
Mystara Story Generator, Part 3: Scenery Francesco Defferrari 28 143-175
Mystara Story Generator, Part 4: Miscellanea or the PCs' Free Time Francesco Defferrari 30 206-217
Adventure Hooks, Red Herrings & The Information Mesh Sean Meaney 14 137-145
Settings, Blackmoor
Using Blackmoor In Your Mystara Campaign Håvard 13 251-258
Wilderness, Seas
To Build an Undersea Hex Senarch 32 57-71

🐾 Creatures

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Creatures of Western Brun BD&D Robin 17 62-143
Legends of the Known World, Part 1 Irving Galvez 32 134-139
Legends of the Known World, Part 2 Irving Galvez 33 192-197
Monsters of the Alphatian Sea BD&D Cab Davidson 30 10-36
People of the Savage Coast BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 8-43
People of the Sea BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 35-43
Terrors of the Sea of Dread BD&D Cab Davidson 31 53-88
Misc, Random Tables
Mystara Story Generator, Part 2: Monsters and Creatures Francesco Defferrari 27 91-131
Environment, Amphibious
Bullywug BD&D Demos Sachlas 22 101
Water Salamander BD&D Luc Greenwood & Geoff Gander 28 87
Environment, Aquatic
Giant Sea Turtle BD&D Luc Greenwood & Geoff Gander 28 87-88
Monsters of the Alphatian Sea BD&D Cab Davidson 30 10-36
People of the Sea BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 35-43
Siren BD&D Simone Neri 3 173
Terrors of the Sea of Dread BD&D Cab Davidson 31 53-88
Underwater Dangers: Sharks & Crustaceans BD&D Eliyah von Llaunas 32 79-94
Environment, Planar
Aragresh (Glorious Warrior) BD&D Geoff Gander 3 90-91
Environment, Subterranean
Drider BD&D Robin 2 102-103
Geographic, Brun, Western
Creatures of Western Brun BD&D Robin 17 62-143
People of the Savage Coast BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 8-43
Geographic, Brun, The Known World, Darokin
La Tarantola BD&D Irving Galvez 32 136-137
Geographic, Brun, The Known World, Five Shires
The Black Shuck (Spectral Hound) BD&D Irving Galvez 32 138-139
The Trow BD&D Irving Galvez 33 196-197
Geographic, Brun, The Known World, Karameikos
The Chort BD&D Irving Galvez 32 134-135
Geographic, Brun, The Known World, Ylaruam
The Nasnas BD&D Irving Galvez 33 192-194
Geographic, Seas, Alphatian Empire
Monsters of the Alphatian Sea BD&D Cab Davidson 30 10-36
Geographic, Seas, Sea of Dread
Terrors of the Sea of Dread BD&D Cab Davidson 31 53-88
Type, Aberrations
Beholders of Mystara Robin 20 95-108
Type, Canines
Shadow Wolves BD&D Robin 10 114-115
Type, Constructs
Golem, Bone D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 162
Type, Demihumans
Siswa Acolyte (High Elf) D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 161
Siswa Guard (High Elf) D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 161
Type, Demons
The Chort BD&D Irving Galvez 32 134-135
Type, Elemental, Earth
Rock Races (or Silicium Based Life-Forms BD&D Robin 17 104-125
Type, Giants
The Giant Races of Western Brun BD&D Robin 17 85-103
Type, Fey
The Trow BD&D Irving Galvez 33 196-197
Type, Humanoids
Bullywug BD&D Demos Sachlas 22 101
The Humanoid Races of Western Brun BD&D Robin 17 125-133
The Nasnas BD&D Irving Galvez 33 192-194
Tasloi BD&D Demos Sachlas 22 100-101
Mongrelmen BD&D Demos Sachlas 22 102
Yuan-Ti BD&D Demos Sachlas 22 101-102
Type, Lyncanthropes, Misc, History
A Treatise on the History of Lycanthropy in the Known World John Calvin 13 124-138
Type, Myconids
Myconids of Mystara BD&D Cab Davidson 28 176-196
Type, Reptiles
Giant Sea Turtle BD&D Luc Greenwood & Geoff Gander 28 87-88
Ular-Taman D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 163
Type, Spiders
Drider BD&D Robin 2 102-103
La Tarantola BD&D Irving Galvez 32 136-137
Type, Undead
Barrow Wight BD&D Matthew Fleet 2 142-144
The Black Shuck (Spectral Hound) BD&D Irving Galvez 32 138-139
Dream Vampire (Traumpyr) BD&D Andrew Theisen 2 44
Strange Vampires of Mystara BD&D Cab Davidson 29 10-26
Undead of Elegy Island BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, John Calvin & Francesco Defferrari 13 93-123
Type, Undead, Misc, Trade
Five Markets to Buy & Sell Undead Pol Ginés 29 61-68
Type, Undead, Misc, Weapons
Blessed Salt, Holy Water BD&D Glenn Tanner 29 27-30

🙏 Cults & Myths: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Myths
Stories of Mortals and Immortals Francesco Defferrari 19 126-148
Misc, Pantheons
History of the Neathar Pantheon Giampaolo Agosta 19 119-125
Alphaks: Gallery of Villains Hausman Santos 19 51-73
Glissh, Lord of Fire, Ice & Earth, the Many-Faced One BD&D Matthew Tullius 31 171
Kahrysshalis, Lord of Martial Combat, Mistress of Order BD&D Matthew Tullius 31 173
Piteesth, Lord of Forbidden Knowledge & Secrets, Immortal of Magitech BD&D Matthew Tullius 31 172
Ra-Hotep the Accursed BD&D Demos Sachlas 26 73-76
Once in a Blue Moon: Seshay-Selene, Patroness of the Hollow Moon John Calvin 9 88-91
Races, Kopru
Hidden Empires of the Kopru, Part One: A Tour of the Temples BD&D Matthew Tullius 31 162-173

🛠️ Equipment: Misc

Title System Author # Pgs
Mystaranomicon Jesper Andersen 2 7-11
Mystaranomicon Jesper Andersen 3 78-81
Mystaranomicon Jesper Andersen 5 92-97
Mystaranomicon Jesper Andersen 7 73-77
Food & Drink
Lupin Magical Substances BD&D Átila Pires dos Santos 2 84-85
Trade, Cargoes
The Amazing Travels of Goods and People, Part 1 Francesco Defferrari 28 30-72
The Amazing Travels of Goods and People, Part 2 Francesco Defferrari 29 134-219

🪄️ Equipment: Magic

Title System Author # Pgs
Artifacts & Relics, Lycanthropy
The Blood Stone John Calvin 13 136-137
The Chalice of the Moon John Calvin 13 137-138
Makalbu's Maw John Calvin 13 138+
Magic Bubbles of Undersea BD&D Wing of Coot 31 89-94
Holy Items
Blessed Salt, Holy Water BD&D Glenn Tanner 29 27-30

🛶️ Equipment: Transport

Title System Author # Pgs
Ship Statistics LoZompatore 15 75-78
Water Vehicles
Gnomish Submarine D&D 5e Karl David Brown 31 174-182
Water Vehicles, Ships
Warbirds Add-Ons BD&D Hausman Santos 11 160-163

🧶️ Fiction & Multimedia

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Art
Isle of Dread Cover Retrospective Meandrathel 12 8-10+
Misc, Comic Strips, Time's Travels: Mystara 2300BC1
Escape from Mogreth: Part One John Calvin 1 175-176
Escape from Mogreth: Part Two John Calvin 2 177-178
Escape from Mogreth: Part Three John Calvin 3 236-237
Escape from Mogreth: Part Four John Calvin 4 209-210
Escape from Mogreth: Part Five John Calvin 7 234-235
Escape from Mogreth: Part Six John Calvin 11 226-227
Escape from Mogreth: Part Seven John Calvin 12 279-280
Escape from Mogreth: Part Seven John Calvin 13 262-263
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Glantri, Glantri City
Accounts of an Apprentice Episode 1: Pawn's Gambit Joseph Setorius 9 171-190
Cults & Myths
Omen of the Old Ones LoZompatore 19 74-118
Geographic, Brun, Midlands, Grouzhina
The Grouzhina Flood Robin D 7 208-216
Geographic, Seas, Alphatian Empire
Once Upon a Time in Ar, Part Six2 Bruce Heard 11 8-11
Geographic, Seas, Sea of Dread
The Darkness Beneath Francesco Defferrari 3 176-184
Geographic, Beyond, Mystaraspace
A Training Day for the Thyphatia's First Wing LoZompatore 15 38-79
Historic, Ages, Wrath of the Immortals (1000 AC - 1010 AC)
The Grouzhina Flood [1004 AC] Robin D 7 208-216
Races, Kopru
Hidden Empires of the Kopru, Part One: A Tour of the Temples BD&D Matthew Tullius 31 162-173
  1. For more on the Mystara 2300BC subsetting, see Appendix II.
  2. Previous parts of this story were available at

📣 Interviews, Memoirs & Notes

Title System Author # Pgs
Design Notes, Davania
It Started with a Single Hex-Map ... Geoff Gander 5 11-14
Interviews, Cartographers
Adamantyr Thorfinn Tait 30 159-168
Anondson, Eric Thorfinn Tait 33 183-191
Holroyd, Paul Thorfinn Tait 28 136-142
Matheus, Ricardo Thorfinn Tait 32 95-102
Mishler, James Thorfinn Tait 29 96-108
Tait, Thorfinn 11 23-33
Interviews, Community
Dalomante, Marco 6 120-124
Dorhnhoff, Sharon 15 8-10
Mishler, James 12 11-16
Stanley, Shawn 2 29-32
Tait, Thorfinn 11 23-33
Interviews, Designers
Heard, Bruce 1 83-87

🪄 Magic

Title System Author # Pgs
The Magic of Runes1 d20 Giuliano Michelon 6 56-72
  1. Updates the magic system from GAZ7: THE NORTHERN REACHES (TSR, 1988).

⬆️ Meta

Title System Author # Pgs
Welcome to Threshold: The Mystara Magazine Giampaolo Agosta 1 2
From the Vaults Andrew Theisen 2 2
Of Pirates, Merchant-Princes and Sea Monsters John Calvin 3 2
I Must Go Down to the Sea Again ... John Calvin 4 2
Into the Depths of Davania Francesco Defferrari 5 2
Undiscovered Countries Giampaolo Agosta 6 3
Midway through the North Francesco Defferrari 7 3
Warlords of Norwold Giampaolo Agosta 8 3
Beneath the Surface John Calvin 9 3
Under the Emerald Canopy ... Joseph Setorius 10 3
Dawn over Mystara Francesco Defferrari 11 3
Gaze into the Past Francesco Defferrari 12 3
A Crucible of Creatures Giampaolo Agosta 13 3
Down to the Shadowdeep Francesco Defferrari 14 3
Open Hailing Frequencies ... John Calvin 15 3
Dwarves, Gnomes & Hin Giampaolo Agosta 16 3
"Go West, Young Man!" Francesco Defferrari 17 3
To the Savage West! Francesco Defferrari 18 3
Wrath of the Editorials John Calvin 19 3
Skothar the Unknown John Calvin 20 3
"Why Don't We Write a Mystara City Book?" Giampaolo Agosta 21 3
Onward to Adventure Francesco Defferrari 22 3
Onward to Adventure, Again!! Francesco Defferrari 23 3
Onward to Adventure, for a Third Time!!! Francesco Defferrari 24 3
Strongholds of Mystara Francesco Defferrari 25 3
The Good, the Bad and the Organised Francesco Defferrari 26 3
Vaults of Pandius - 25th Anniversary! Francesco Defferrari 27 3-4
Trade Routes and Darokin Francesco Defferrari 28 3-4
Vampires and the Undead Francesco Defferrari 29 3-4
Tales from the Alphatian Sea Francesco Defferrari 30 3-4
Under the Waves Francesco Defferrari 31 3
Back Under the Waves Francesco Defferrari 32 3
The Dungeon Francesco Defferrari 33 3-4
History, Game, D&D
30 Years Anniversary of Red Box D&D Francesco Defferrari 5 20-24
30 Years of BECMI Allan J Palmer 33 12-17
History, Game, D&D, Mystara
40 Years of Mystara Maps Thorfinn Tait 27 26-29
From Alphatia to Calidar Francesco Defferrari 11 12-17
History of Davania in Mystara Products Håvard Blackmoor 1 5-6
History, Game, D&D, Mystara, Hollow World
Before the Hollow World Håvard Blackmoor 9 8-11
History, Magazine, Threshold
Ten Years of Threshold Allan Palmer 31 12-19
History, Web Site, Vaults of Pandius
A Brief History of the Vaults of Pandius Website Shawn Stanley 27 10-16
Index, Fan Publications
Fan Productions Overview Håvard Blackmoor 27 17-25
Remembering Aaron Allston Allen Varney 3 7-8
Mystara in the News 2 6

🗣️ NPCs

Title System Author # Pgs
Misc, Collections
Citizens of Specularum BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 21 134-163
The Dangers of Dymrak Wilds BD&D Håvard Blackmoor 1 127-131
Deadly Deceivers BD&D Michael Sutherland 26 163-174
Imperial Explorers! Francesco Defferrari 11 107-112
Personalities of Selenica BD&D Korro Zal 28 105-117
Pirate Lords of the Sea of Dread BD&D Colin Wilson 3 185-192
Thyatian Senators BD&D Giulio Caroletti 3 211-235
Thyatian Senators, Part 2 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 4 187-208
Thyatian Senators, Part 3 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 5 190-207
Thyatian Senators, Part 4 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 6 185-204
Wanted: Adventurers BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, Francesco Defferrari & Simone Neri 21 183-192
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 1 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 8 144-159
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 2 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 9 92-117
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 3 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 10 153-166
Misc, Icons
Icons for Mystara 13th Age Giampaolo Agosta 22 9-19
Misc, Villains of Mystara
Zetacaalpa, Seer of Ages John Calvin 9 142-147
Wanted: Adventurers BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, Francesco Defferrari & Simone Neri 21 183-192
Careers, Assassins
The Knife (aka Vauslis) BD&D Michael Sutherland 26 171-174
Careers, Explorers
Imperial Explorers! Francesco Defferrari 11 107-112
Careers, Magic-User
Anavra the Light of Shining Hill BD&D Michael Sutherland 26 163-167
Careers, Pirates
Pirate Lords of the Sea of Dread BD&D Colin Wilson 3 185-192
Careers, Seers
Zetacaalpa, Seer of Ages John Calvin 9 142-147
Creatures, Dragons
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 1 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 8 144-159
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 2 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 9 92-117
Creatures, Minotaurs
Aelius the Minotaur BD&D Irving Galvez 33 194-195
Creatures, Snakes, Giant
Zetacaalpa, Seer of Ages John Calvin 9 142-147
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Darokin
Zetacaalpa, Seer of Ages John Calvin 9 142-147
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Darokin, Towns, Selenica
Personalities of Selenica BD&D Korro Zal 28 105-117
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Heldannic Knights
Flight of the Nachtklaue BD&D John Calvin 15 169-189
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Karameikos, Rugalov Region
The Tale of the Dark Knight BD&D Robin 25 102-108
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Karameikos, Towns, Specularum
Citizens of Specularum BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 21 134-163
Wanted: Adventurers BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, Francesco Defferrari & Simone Neri 21 183-192
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Karameikos, Towns, Threshold
Salvius, the Rat of Threshold BD&D Michael Sutherland 26 167-171
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Karameikos, Wilds, Dymrak Forest
The Dangers of Dymrak Wilds BD&D Håvard Blackmoor 1 127-131
Encounters in the Dymrak Region Robin 25 57-101
Yuri Molotov — Death Knight BD&D John Calvin 1 115-119
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Thyatis
Aelius the Minotaur BD&D Irving Galvez 33 194-195
Thyatian Senators BD&D Giulio Caroletti 3 211-235
Thyatian Senators, Part 2 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 4 187-208
Thyatian Senators, Part 3 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 5 190-207
Thyatian Senators, Part 4 BD&D Giulio Caroletti 6 185-204
Geographic, Brun, Known World, Ylaruam
Ra-Hotep the Accursed BD&D Demos Sachlas 26 73-76
Geographic, Brun, Norwold
The Great Land Rush of Norwold - Part 21 BD&D Simone Neri 8 6-52
Rogues, Barons, and Pretenders1 BD&D Simone Neri 8 53-143
Geographic, Brun, Norwold, Wilds, Wyrmsteeth Mountains
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 1 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 8 144-159
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 2 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 9 92-117
Who's Who in the Wyrmsteeth Part 3 BD&D Francesco Defferrari 10 153-166
Geographic, The Seas, Sea of Dread
Pirate Lords of the Sea of Dread BD&D Colin Wilson 3 185-192
Geographic, Beyond, Mystaraspace
Flight of the Nachtklaue BD&D John Calvin 15 169-189
Historic, Ages, Mystara 2300BC2
Jyrdri Kerghid, the Mad Mistress BD&D John Calvin 16 110-117
Organizations, the Iron Ring
The Knife (aka Vauslis) BD&D Michael Sutherland 26 171-174
  1. Supplemental material for use with CM1: TEST OF THE WARLORDS (TSR, 1984) .
  2. For more on the Mystara 2300BC subsetting, see Appendix II.

🧌 Races

an an
Title System Author # Pgs
Sentient Races of Mystara Giampaolo Agosta after Matthew Levy 13 7-80
Aquatic, Omm-wa
Omm-wa BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 37-40
Aquatic, Sea Hermits
Sea Hermit BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 35-37
Aquatic, Snappers
Snappers BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 41-43+
The Bhut of Sind BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 13 81-92
Dwarves, Misc, Historic
The (Not So) Young Races Giulio Caroletti14 111-136
The (Not So) Young Races Part 2 Giulio Caroletti16 9-28
Dwarves, Thunderdelve
The Dwarves of Thunderdelve1 Demos Sachlas 2 127-129
Elves of Mystara BD&D Craig Antoun 10 40-65
Elves, Misc, Culture
Elven Calendar and Holidays Francesco Defferrari 10 8-10
Elves, Misc, Historic
The Elven Clans and their Migrations Francesco Defferrari 10 11-39
The Lost Origins of the Elves LoZompatore 12 105-142
Elves, High
Siswa Acolyte (High Elf) D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 161
Siswa Guard (High Elf) D&D 5e Giuliano Michelon 9 161
Elves, Icevale
Icevale Elves argentmantle 9 12-28
Faeries, Mythu'nn
Mythu'nn Folk BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 22-24
Giants, Fachan
Fachan BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 9-12
Gnomes, Misc, Organizations
The Supreme Symposium of Gnomish Syndicates Demos Sachlas 2 127-129
The Human Races of Western Brun BD&D Robin 17 66-84
Jorri BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 12-16
Magumba Mud-Dwellers (Kasturi) BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 18-22
The Lexin BD&D Joseph Setorius 5 74-91
Playing Zhochal in Mystara BD&D Geoff Gander 20 170-187
Lupin Breeds BD&D Átila Pires dos Santos 2 73-83
Lupins, Misc, Historic
History of the Lupins Átila Pires dos Santos 2 60-89
The Pachydermions AD&D 2e / BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 15 88-94
Primate Races of Mystara BD&D Cab Davidson 32 103-122
Primates, Neshezu
Neshezu BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 25-28
Rakasta, Misc, Historic
History and Origins of the Rakasta Giampaolo Agosta 5 65-73+
Rakasta, Skotharian
Notes on Skotharian Rakasta BD&D Arnden Quartzspar 20 84-94
In Cold Blood: Reptilian Races of Mystara BD&D Cab Davidson 33 139-160
Reptilian, Lizardmen, Krolli
Krolli BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 16-18
Reptilian, Tortles, Snappers
Snappers BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 41-43+
Wurmlings BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 28-31
  1. Commentary on XS2: THUNDERDELVE MOUNTAIN (1985) and GAZ8: THE FIVE SHIRES (1988).

📜 Rules

Title System Author # Pgs
Character Creation
Mystara Story Generator, Part 1: Creating a Character & Story Francesco Defferrari 26 27-64
Classes, BD&D
The Forester BD&D Craig Antoun 11 82-86
Medicine Man BD&D Cab Davidson 32 123-133
Merchant Character Class BD&D Cab Davidson 28 10-29
Mystics & Acrobats of Mystara BD&D Cab Davidson 33 161-181
Classes, BD&D, Racial
The Bhut of Sind BD&D Giampaolo Agosta 13 81-92
Colddrake & Shadowdrake BD&D Giampaolo Agosta & John Calvin 14 38
Elves of Mystara BD&D Craig Antoun 10 40-65
Fachan BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 9-12
Glaurant BD&D Giampaolo Agosta & John Calvin 14 40-42
Hresha-rhak BD&D Giampaolo Agosta & John Calvin 14 43
Jorri BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 12-16
Krolli BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 16-18
Magumba Mud-Dwellers (Kasturi) BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 18-22
Metamorphs BD&D Cab Davidson 30 123-126
Mythu'nn Folk BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 22-24
Neshezu BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 25-28
Omm-wa BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 37-40
Rock Man BD&D Giampaolo Agosta & John Calvin 14 43-44
Sea Hermit BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 35-37
Snappers BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 41-43+
Troglodyte BD&D Giampaolo Agosta & John Calvin 14 44, 46
Undead of Elegy Island BD&D Giampaolo Agosta, John Calvin & Francesco Defferrari 13 93-123
Wurmlings BD&D Francesco Defferrari 18 28-31
Zhocal BD&D Geoff Gander 20 185-187
Classes, D&D, Prestige
Minrothad Merchant-Prince D&D 3.5e Troy Terrell 3 34-37
Fiefdom Generator BD&D Fabrizio Nuzzaci 31 211-237
Lupin Diseases BD&D Átila Pires dos Santos 2 83-84
Sea Gnomes D&D 5e Karl David Brown 31 182
Icons for Mystara 13th Age Giampaolo Agosta 22 9-19
Updated Dominion and Trade Rules Fabrizio Nuzzaci 29 129-133
Travel, Void
Travelling in the Void LoZompatore 15 71-74

Appendix I: Alternate Mystaras

🐲 Known World of Dracopolis

Title System Author # Pgs
Background, Geographic, Seas, Alphatian Empire
Alphatia in Dracopolis Lance Duncan 30 146-158

🌐 My Mystara

Title System Author # Pgs
Background, Misc, Introduction
For Guild and Country! Maxime Beaulieu 3 112-121
Hope in the Midst of Cosmic Darkness Geoff Gander 2 45-51
Thorn's Mystara Robert Nuttman 1 75-82

🏰 Mystara 10301

Title System Author # Pgs
Moving Mountain Menagerie of Morkhulan Minister D&D 5e Not a Decepticon 33 79-119
Against the Wizards D&D 5e Not a Decepticon 31 95-138
  1. An alternate timeline that changes the events of WRATH OF THE IMMORTALS (TSR, 1992) and what comes after, described in Mr. Welch's YouTube channel.

🏰 Returned Blackmoor

Title System Author # Pgs
The Egg Be Damned Brian Rubinfeld 22 136-154
Background, Misc, Introduction
Returned Blackmoor Brian Rubinfeld 20 131-159
Background, Misc, Organizations
The Factions & Foes of Returned Blackmoor Brian Rubinfeld 26 77-146
Threats and Terrors of Returned Blackmoor BD&D Brian Rubinfeld 27 172-197

Appendix II: Historic Subsettings

🛖 Mystara 2300BC

Title System Author # Pgs
Adventures, Geographic, Brun, Known World, Shimmering Lands
Engdyr's Game John Calvin 16 118-137
Engdyr's Game Part I: Journey North BD&D John Calvin 17 154-183
Engdyr's Game Part II: Ruins of Layhash BD&D John Calvin 18 171-196
Adventures, Geographic, Brun, Known World, Underfolk Enclave
Remembrance Day D&D 5e Andreas Michaelides 33 18-47
Background, Geographic, Brun, Known World, Taymora
Vampire Queens of Taymora John Calvin 12 148-174
Fiction, Misc, Comic Strips, Time's Travels: Mystara 2300BC
Escape from Mogreth: Part One John Calvin 1 175-176
Escape from Mogreth: Part Two John Calvin 2 177-178
Escape from Mogreth: Part Three John Calvin 3 236-237
Escape from Mogreth: Part Four John Calvin 4 209-210
Escape from Mogreth: Part Five John Calvin 7 234-235
Escape from Mogreth: Part Six John Calvin 11 226-227
Escape from Mogreth: Part Seven John Calvin 12 279-280
Escape from Mogreth: Part Seven John Calvin 13 262-263
Jyrdri Kerghid, the Mad Mistress BD&D John Calvin 16 110-117

Appendix III: Other Settings

🌫️ Ravenloft

Title System Author # Pgs
Background, Geographic, Domains
Beyond Nebligtode: Mystara in the Mists Brian Rubinfeld 29 31-60
Lost Jaibul and Other Dark Secrets Brian Rubinfeld 30 180-205
A Mystaran Survey of the Mists Brian Rubinfeld 31 183-210
Terrors in the Mists: Monsters of Mystaran Ravenloft Brian Rubinfeld 33 120-137
