"The Ballad of Viola"


Viola woke within these walls
Five weeks ago this day,
Her body wrapped in linen rags,
Her hair in disarray.

Her mind was clear of memories.
Her heart was filled with fear.
She knew not where she'd been before
Or why she now was here.

But what she could remember was
An evil done by men,
So she decided to ensure
It would not hap again.

Punzel with hairNo people were about that eve --
Few were yet then awake.
She crept down to the pantry,
And a knife there she did take.

She took it back up to her room.
For courage then she prayed.
She sat upon her bed and gazed
Upon the shiny blade.

Her hair spread 'round her linened form,
Long raven curls on white.
She gathered it into her hands
And braided it up tight.

Then took the blade into her hand --
The other held her hair --
Then 'cut' ... the braid was on the floor
And at it she did stare.

She walked quite slowly to the glass
And gazed without alarm
At her now close-cropped, boyish head --
No man would now her harm.

Punzel no hairShe found herself some baggy clothes
Which would her form disguise,
Ensuring she would seem a lad
To any stranger's eyes.

Her fearful lie did work so well
That no one did her know,
And as she walked about the halls,
Her confidence did grow.

As days went on, she met kind men
And women who were strong,
And she began to slowly think
Her waking choice was wrong.

But what to do about it now?
All did think her a boy.
And she did fear that speaking truth
Would friendships all destroy.

Then she did take into her hand
Another sort of blade,
And as she learned to use a sword
Her fears did start to fade.

She told some of her closest friends
About her fearful lie,
And also 'bout her memories,
And some of them did cry.

She saw they did not turn their backs,
But held her in their arms.
And they did swear to help her fight
Against life's fears and harms.

Then she did vow to tell the truth
And brave the public eye
So everyone would understand
Why Punzel was so shy.

For now that I have told this tale
I hope you all can see
That Viola did mean no harm,
And Viola is me.

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