The Hall of Shame
Dishonorable Guests of Castle Marrach

Refusals to Accept Honorable Duels
The only type of combat allowed in Castle Marrach is dueling. Dueling is meant to be a formal affair requiring the approval of Her Majesty Queen Vivienne, the Royal Consort Lord Boreas, or Lord Chamberlain Launfal. Anyone in the castle may challenge anyone else to a duel, and the challenged party has three choices in response, the first two of which are equally honorable:
- Accept the challenge and agree to duel against the challenger. This is the choice for honorable folk who have some skill with a sword, or who for whatever reason wish to defend themselves directly.
- Accept the challenge and request a champion to duel in your name. This is the choice for honorable folk who have no skill with a sword, or who for whatever reason wish to name a champion.
- Refuse the duel. This is only a choice for those with no honor, and a dishonorable refusal of this sort has serious social repercussions. As a reflection of this, the names of all who dishonor themselves thus will be listed on this page, that all castle guests can know of these cowards' shame. If you do witness a dishonorable act of this sort, please do inform sera Punzel, and she will list the miscreant's name here, after verifying the accusation with witnesses (though those whose honor and loyalty to Her Majesty Queen Vivienne have been proven may be trusted on their word).
See ye here the names of those who have dishonorably refused a challenge of honor (beginning this 27th day of December), and the details of their shame. Know all ye who read this that these are men and women lacking honor. If they do redeem themselves, their names will be removed from this list, and they shall be welcomed in honorable society ... but until that time, they are worthy of no respect.
- Retribution - On December 30, a Saturday, ser Retribution declined a duel of honor to ser Zero in the refectory. Ser Retribution had repeatedly insulted the honor of both ser Zero and sera Charmiam, and questioned their virtue most dishonorably. Witnesses to the challenge include sera Charmiam, Armsman Philo, ser Cryon, and ser Kemuel. And any who know him know that ser Retribution has refused other challenges before this.
- Nefertum - Received this 27th day of December from the most honorable ser Martel. Ser Nefertum [previously called Heraldmage] refused ser Martel's challenge, after insulting Her Majesty Queen Vivienne (even describing Her Majesty as no higher than himself) and ser Martel. Ser Martel lists the following witnesses to the exchange: sera Kristine, ser Zurkiba, ser Alpha, and sera Hannah. (A witness has also come forward concerning some threats made toward Her Majesty, and ser Nefertum is now also being sought by the Winter Watch on charges of treason.)
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